Firstly let me say that i personally dont want or think that this will/could happen. However after the sacking of a legend as coach, the releasing of numerous players whilst still under contract, and then the buying of a not proven coach and the buying of second rate players. The persons running the club appear to be hell bent on driving members away from the club. The only reason that i can see that the owners of the club have been made an offer to that will be benifical to them, and that with numbers of members reducing they will be able to move the team to an area that the NRL wants to develop. Personally i hope this will not happen ..however The Northern Eagles is still fresh in the mind. The area could well be in the west ....Perth..This would assist the NRL to develop a hold in the west and not have to increase the number of NRL teams.
Again i wish to state this is a very far fetched theory.
Again i wish to state this is a very far fetched theory.