Lottoland.....Pointsbet front and centre......
It's not woke or lefty-justice-warrior to want the footy to be about the footy.
These gambling outlets literally cannibalise the sport's supporters after throwing relative pennies into the sponsorship collection-plate - ROI is off the charts. Some of them can even afford Shaq to peddle their goods! Yikes!
As of October 2022, Shaquille O'Neal now has an estimated net worth of $400 million, according to “Celebrity Net Worth.” His investments reportedly bring him in an additional $60 million per year.
You think Shaq is doing all that coz of his 'love of betting?' The profts are off-tap if they have that big unit peddling their wares - Shaq's legacy is sealed, he doesn't need the money...unless it's insane coin (or he just has a thing for 'our Paige')..
And yes, this might not affect you, it might be water off your feathery sea-eagle back. And if it is, then I congratulate you.
But having witnessed 1st-hand the destruction of this addiction (and a penultimate, irreversible outcome) - and sincerely not to gaslight anyone - these betting/gambling industries meticuolously research the most insidious ways to hook the vulnerable with their marketing, and they execute with precision. Whilst their chummy, bogan adds may seem innane, they are meticulously crafted to normalise sports-betting as 'typical Aussie Punter' behaviour. With a spokesman like Joel (Coke) Caine as a credible NRL insider, it adds to the idea of betting being ingrained in the DNA of the NRL. Maybe it is... Regardless I don't want our Eagles used as a prop in a nasty and vindictive industry that literally eats it's young.
Nothing wrong with having a modest bet on a game, but for those whom it IS a problem, it is presenting them with a choice: Watch the game you love infested with a disease you can't control, or turn it off permenantly to quell urges.
Gambling addicts make amazing fans too, and I applaud any effort and exorcise the gambling demons from an enjoyable spectator experience. Pepsi was not ideal (and the Brett Stewart/Coke sponsorship is about the best post of the week
🙂 @Spartan Eagle )
I would admire our club for backing themselves to win sponsorship on their performance and brand - the Melbourne game is a great start.