Hi all,
You may have noticed some changes I have made with advertising and placement.
I am trying to increase revenue ont eh site to see if I can break even rather than just pouring cash into the site.
Essentially i want to identify whether you click on adverts on this site or not. Also whether you notice where they are and why or why not you do or dont click on them.
Please help me improve this so we have some more money to put towards advertising and making the site better for you.
So let me know, vote in the poll and leave a post!
You may have noticed some changes I have made with advertising and placement.
I am trying to increase revenue ont eh site to see if I can break even rather than just pouring cash into the site.
Essentially i want to identify whether you click on adverts on this site or not. Also whether you notice where they are and why or why not you do or dont click on them.
Please help me improve this so we have some more money to put towards advertising and making the site better for you.
So let me know, vote in the poll and leave a post!