We wanted a table but alan Webster was on leave last week so we couldnt arrange it.
We need to do it at the next home game and here is the best way to do it, going from what i observed on Sunday
1 - Put a table inside the two front gates with petitions on it and some signage
2 - More people and man power
3 - More pads
4 - Pass the petition around at the club after the game
5 - Get people signing the petition on the way out.
Basically as it neared 1:40 people started telling us they would sign it on the way out. As 1 person was signing 10 would walk past there wasnt much you could do about that, and that was the reason we need the table.
So basically we need more volunteers. I wont be at the next home game but we need as many people as possible, more petitions, and tables. Also people willing to stay sober through the game and collect signatures of the people leaving the ground and the people at the club
So put your hands up people