Once upon a time, slavery was legal and cavemen were cannibals, but I like to think we've come a long way since then...
Not really Leonard, it's just hidden behind capitalism and a tiered nation state system designed to incite covetous desires.
I think if you look at the way the stadium for the previous soccer world cup was built you might change your mind. Or even here in Australia how our south east Asian workforce are used in the 'massage' profession, not to mention the cleaning and hospitality bed turning industry.
Also I think you'll find it was mostly Neanderthals preying on (modern) humans, but I get your point, just not as eloquently made as your usual missives.
Infact I'd take my chances in a seventies or eighties pub fight over the modern version where once a man was down it was done, rather than the UFC inspired equivalent today.
Having personally seen two deaths whilst working inflicted by animals with no ethical code, in the hospitality sector, I'd say things in this sphere have been deteriorating morally.
Which is probably why I'm so incensed that someone on this group typed and confirmed that they respected the 35 year old Tate wannabe for not laying the boot into a downed opponent, thinking that would 'farm some clout' on this site.
Nothing against you, love the input thus far and the moniker, just hate seeing this place become a rabbid mob.
Kent was stupid, petty and wrong, and embarrassingly handled for someone who claims to be a knowledgeable pugilist.
But imagine confronting in person the **** he has on this site (by moral grandstanders who were ultimately proven wrong, insulent, petty and vindictive - and effectively social justice virtue signallers) in real life.
Hypocrisy thy name is fragile egos and herd mentality.
I empathise with the bloke. He didn't have the endorsement or collective good will, or should I put it - he plays for my team so he must be a good bloke - defences players going through the same thing have. Nor did he have the physical stature, consistent proximity of teammates in most usual social situations like this, or the support of security ordered by venue managers so enamored with the celebrity cache of an NRL posse in their premises, that yobbos on the street reconsidered publicly challenging non on field offenders. Are you going to go up to AFB on the street?(who plead guilty to his offences).
Nah probs just save it for the keyboard.
This place used to be better, but I guess so did all of social media.
Most of his detractors on here are likely Ray Hadley listeners who revel in authoritarian grandstanding but turn to water when something they have a barely tenuous association with, in a football team, or the players therein, are criticized.
Keep up the good work
This place, and society need more like you and fewer perfect hyenas.