Also shows how little depth, and how corroded our roster is gains versus losses.
If you save the depth/hack signings versus losses like Isaac John, Blake Leary, Josh Starling, Luke Burgess, versus Shaun Lane, Frank Winterstein, Mathew Wright is removed, the actual first grade mix is a real concern.
In: Blake Green, Akuila Uate
Out: Jamie Buhrer, Steve Matai, Tom Symonds, Feleti Mateo, Jamie Lyon, Siosaia Vave
And for me, that looks like a abject failure by Penn, Fulton & Barrett. Especially when Fulton is going around bleating about how happy everyone will be. Pull your head in Bozo - you ****ed the NSW side for a decade, now you've rooted The Sea Eagles.
Off season 2/10. After 2 horrible seasons, that is not good enough. I also blame poor decisions like Myles & DCE's stupid contracts.