Captain Moondog
Absolute Superstar
I might come back as a dancing wizard
Quite a reasonable statement. Doesn't say though that there isn't some ultimate design. One of the strangest elements of the Universe is the existence of life. Its the most paradoxical thing that something can, out of inanimate matter, form something that eventually becomes self aware and observe existence. Not saying it proves intent, but its a damn spooky thing when you step outside of yourself and think of it logically and impartially. The Universe despite being an ordered chaos, does show increasing complexity leading to life. Almost like it was meant to happen that way.
I might come back as a dancing wizard
And yet here it is!If you understand that then you will realise just how unlikely the Universe as it is occurred.
Your conclusion is false! Surely it is perfectly logical to proceed on the basis of overwhelming probability, despite absence of proof. At the most basic level consider the idealist conundrum of Descartes, who stated we cannot be sure of anything other than our own consciousness. We, and the entire world and universe, may be nothing more than a thought in a test tube. Do you say because this cannot be proved or disproved that it is illogical to dismiss the possibility the real world doesn’t exist? I suggest the opposite!there is absolutely no proof that an intelligent entity doesn't exist. But then, there is absolutely not proof that it does. To dismiss either is illogical.
Yeah nah ... it's like saying that there is a plan for the creatures living in the tidal zones ... no plan .. if we didn't have a moon and the tides didn't exist the conversation wouldn't exist .. different life forms would simply have evolved .. and we would then be saying there must have been a plan for them .. if our atmosphere and gravity was different, different life would have evolved and we would be saying there must have been a plan for them ..
The complexity of life is no mystery to people who understand big numbers ... when you consider that only a small % of difference in DNA can give you a chimp and a human ..
Woodsie, I suspect you accept that things are as they are because you live in it and you BELIEVE, it is as it should be. Belief is not proof.
I argue with others in another site for example, who are atheists and others who are theists. Both come from the point of view of belief. Neither can prove their position. It is merely a state of perspective.
I start from a position of a question. I try as best I can not to allow preconceived ideas, biases to interfere with what I research (impossible really but to a degree its achievable). It relies on being prepared to admit that what you accept may be and often is incorrect.
Allow the evidence to lead you even if its counter intuitive or against everything you have previously accepted. I come to accept five elements that affect how I think, which I've already mentioned. Those factors affect how I interpret information. Doesn't make it right, just right for me at this particular time.
I don't have the answers but I'm not going to allow myself to believe I do. Humans have done that since the birth of Homo sapiens. I can only know of the information I receive, but I also know that is just how I see it, and the information is always limited. Others will see it differently and none of us are truly right.
My previous jobs required careful research and dispassionate assessments. I tried as best to live up to that standard, but in the end I am bounded by what has made me who I am. So I try to accept the words of Dr Suzuki, that is to question everything, and that includes questioning myself and what I accept continuously. We have no ultimate truths, only perspectives and its a continuous search examining options.
Woodsie its very fortunate that you don't know what I extrapolate from the information I have gained over the years. No question you would be seriously disturbed by it. I suspect we think very differently but then vive la difference.What you say is 100% correct when discussing matters non physical .. but hold no place when discussing whether the apple dropped will hit the ground .. we live in a world that has absolute truths and physical limitations ..
I'll run around Brookie naked if Weekes plays 1st grade next year 🙂
I might come back as a dancing wizard
There is nothing more comforting than a beautiful woman in a mans arms feathered friendYeh good start. But what about my damn back. Wasn't really designed for upright walking. Designed for survival not comfort I'm afraid.
2 Peter 2:1-3I remember when I came out to Australia. The old man was in jail in England and Mum wanted to leave Ireland before he got out. We went to Australia house in Dublin and we got the ten pound deal. We weren't rolling in money but the local clergyman, a bloke called Kerry Waterstone said he'd sell our stuff and send us the money. He did ok out of it apparently. He went to America I heard. His youngest son was my best friend.
I've got nothing against omnipotent beings but I can't stand some of the blood suckers that feed off them.
As Paul wrote the Thessalonians informing them of the falling away to come, he details the coming apostasy in other passages. 1 Timothy 4:1-2, “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;” 2 Timothy 4:3-4, “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.”No wonder people are turning away from christianity.
Hard to differentiate I suppose. I've always believed everybody has an inherent sense of right and wrong. You can blame your teachers but in the end it comes down to you........I've learnt to forgive as I've aged.2 Peter 2:1-3
English Standard Version
False Prophets and Teachers
2 But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. 2 And many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed. 3 And in their greed they will exploit you with false words. Their condemnation from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep.
@Kevinward777 Surely the church and faith are mutually exclusive , Peter 2:1-3. I'm not trying to be smart, just interested in your interpretation.That they will increase to such high proportions where most will hate the church. People will continue to leave the faith in droves.
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