by Nick Tedeschi on August 18, 2014
Ballboy-Gate: Only in Rugby League. Only in our great game could we put in place a rule that swings on what a 12-year-old boy does. Only in Rugby League could a grown man who works as an official for the code blame the kid for the defeat.
The 40/20 as it currently stands is utterly ridiculous. Worse, the NRL has not clear-cut rule in place in how to deal with it. Once again the NRL has put a rule in without considering how it could be used and abused.
I understand where the NRL is coming from. They have an obsession with speed. They want to make the game faster. They think that will make the game better. But once again the NRL has missed the mark.
For starters, this is just the latest example of the NRL tangling itself up in misplaced logic, basing this rule change on the game getting slower because the NRL can’t and won’t stop wrestling. The NRL always get itself into these kind of messes with reactionary rule changes and rule interpretations.
It is also another example of the NRL’s lack of consistency. Ballboys throw the ball to players all the time. Nothing happens. It is like the quick tap. There was a big song and dance at the beginning of the year about bringing it back. It lasted a week and now refs almost never allow it.
Most pointedly though, it is this silly premise that quicker is better. It isn’t. It is a false premise. Quick taps should be part of the game but not after a 40/20.
The Eels can maybe feel a little bit hard done by on Friday night but the reality is the rule shouldn’t be there, the ballboy interpretation was correct (if dumb!) and Sandow didn’t even tap the ball. It would be nice if the NRL actually took this opportunity to be, for once, not reactionary and to actually examine how they want the game to look and be played and start putting in place a long-term plan to see this happen.