News: Sins of the Father

Like reading what it is doing to people on LU, was just having a browse through that

On a side note, I am not sure a single moment this season will be topped for me this season, than watching Brett score his 2nd for NSW last week

To see him in the clear, and see 80,000 people cheering him home and then see his reaction after he scored it, after what he has been through, it was just a great moment to watch for me
Wendy Harmer just tweeted me back with this link

Truth and vindication
Wendy Harmer The Sunday Telegraph October 03, 2010 12:00AM

THIS is a cautionary tale. The story of how, if you extend a hand of support to someone who's in the middle of a media feeding frenzy, you might just get your arm ripped off.

Eighteen months ago, on a Sunday afternoon, I was driving home from Sydney airport and heard on my car radio that Brett Stewart had been arrested on suspicion of sexual assault. It was a shock.

Brett Stewart? It didn't seem possible. He'd been chosen to be the "face of League" not only for his on-field brilliance, but also for his exemplary behaviour off-field.

I'd met him a number of times at Manly Sea Eagles club functions. He was unfailingly polite, always rose from his chair to offer a greeting.

Still, as we all know, alcohol can change a person's character and the rumour was the alleged incident took place after a function. Who knows what evil lurks in the heart of men (or women)? All that.

When I walked in my door, the phone was ringing. It was a Sydney Morning Herald journalist wanting to know if I might have a comment in my role as one of the Warringah Mall Eagles Angels, the female supporter group of the Manly club.

Had Stewart been charged with anything? No. Did we know the exact nature of the allegations? No.

Perhaps I should have said "no comment" and hung up. But as we also know, "no comment" is, these days, tantamount to a condemnation. It's cowardly. I'm no coward.

And, after all, the Eagles Angels were founded in 2002 by myself and Sarah Murdoch, in part to raise the profile of females in the game and, hopefully, change the culture which has, admittedly, a very poor track record in its dealings with women. There had been a lot of changes to be proud of at Manly.

I told the journo I'd call her back and after some consultation with the Angels manager, Mary Finkelsen, and as many of the Angels we could find at 7pm on a Sunday, agreed to make a statement - not, I emphasised to the journalist, about the case at hand; after all, at this stage Stewart hadn't been charged with anything, even if the nature of the allegations was extremely serious.

It appeared in the Herald the next day, March 9, like this:

"Spokeswoman Wendy Harmer said many of the Angels would be very pleased to provide a reference for Stewart from their past dealings that he is a fine person who does extraordinary things.

"'He is involved with diabetic organisations and mentors young kids, and he gets around to schools and works with youth and he gives very freely of his time,' Harmer said.

"'On a personal basis, we have found him very respectful, well-mannered and a humble person'."

We weren't asked, nor were we able to offer anything, about his alleged victim.

She was unknown to us. What had happened was unclear.

Stewart was charged two days later with sexually assaulting a 17-year-old girl. Then the roof fell in.

The Eagles Angels and I have since been described as suffering from "battered wives syndrome", as "gaggling geese" and much worse.

We have even been branded as "useful idiots" - the term first coined in the 1950s for Western apologists of the Stalinist regime.

We have been slagged off a thousand times.

As the mother of a girl aged nine, I was furious, but the matter was before the courts. I had to bite my tongue.

I was upset to have put the Angels in this position. It was clear that the character reference offered in good faith was now being retro-fitted into the raging debate on the case.

There was hardly a columnist or commentator in the nation who didn't line up to opine that violence against women should not be condoned on feral blog sites, in statements from the Premier of NSW and federal politicians, on television by esteemed journalists from the ABC.

Except, that is, for the Warringah Mall Eagles Angels, who, by daring to offer a character reference for Brett Stewart, apparently did condone it.

I had emphasised to the Herald journo that I hadn't been able to speak to all 15 Angels. But we all copped a hiding.

Some were disappointed that I hadn't gone to greater lengths to clear the statement with them, but I recall one saying: "Wendy, you'll never see 'no comment' written after my name. I've never said that in my life and I never will."

Which brings me to the point I'd like to make.

I want to thank "Crosscoder" who made this comment on The Roar site: "Criticising the Eagles Angels for offering to give references to Brett Stewart is laughable. Any upstanding citizen can and does offer verbal or written references to people at the centre of allegations."

In his column in the Herald, Peter Fitzsimons was one who questioned the wisdom of the character reference for Stewart.

I had occasion to meet up with Fitzy at a charity do some months later and put the argument to him.

"Peter, if you were being held on suspicion of murder and I was called for a comment, I'd say that, in all my dealings with you I had found you to be a fine person," I said. "Now that, you must agree, in no way condones murder. Nor does it lessen my sympathy for your alleged victim."

He may have nodded in agreement, but he's too tall for me to be sure.

None of us should ever be cowed, too frightened, to offer a character reference for someone we know. If we take away this plank of decent, civilised society we'll be the poorer for it.

When we offer such recommendations, there's always the possibility the person will be found to be guilty of the crime he or she is accused of. Should that stop us from speaking our personal truth? No.

I take my cue from the interview with Brett Stewart which is still posted on the Australian Diabetes Council website.

For the families and friends of people with diabetes, he has this advice: "Just give them personal space when they want a bit of space, and caring when they want caring."

On that Sunday night, the overwhelming instinct was that Stewart, a person I knew, needed someone to care, no matter what he might be eventually charged with.

As for the young woman at the heart of this sorry saga, if she were a friend of mine, I would have stepped up for her, too. Now, according to the 12 jurors in the case, my faith in her would have been dashed.

Would that stop me from caring? Never. When you see "no comment" after my name, come over and bring a shovel, because I'll be dead.

*Wendy Harmer is a broadcaster, an author and a mother
Why is this maggot afforded the luxury of having his identity protected? His face, his name and his trail of destruction should be front page news and he should be hunted down and harassed by the media everywhere he goes.

This is a perfect example of just how bad our so called 'journalists' are in this country today. It didn't take much investigating to discover most of the truth in the Brett Stewart case early on but this was clearly beyond the combined capabilities of these hacks. Instead, they bet the house on the wrong horse and ended up having their complete and utter incompetence exposed for the world to see by a two-bit conman.

What is truly laughable about this situation is that they let this simpleton get away with it. The likes of Rebecca Wilson were made to look like complete fools for over two years by this guy and when the truth finally became public knowledge she and her colleagues just walked away. And they wonder why nobody buys their Daily Rags any more. Kerry Packer would be turning in his grave. Its not the first time journalists have made a big mistake and certainly won't be near the last, but at least in years gone by they would have saved face for themselves and for Brett by delivering a large scale campaign of media retribution.

I bet that after Rebecca Wilson reads "Sins of the Father" she will be left wondering how dumb the girlfriend of this 'Nero' character must be to keep believing this losers blatantly obvious lies.

Exactly, Rebecca. Exactly.
RE: Sins of the Father

DSM5 said:
Bob, it's reasonably interesting reading, and it's in Fairfax not News ltd.. I met the woman, sister of the 'Nero' guy's partner, during the case and she told me of the weirdness of this guy. How she's written a book detailing his sordid life and the manipulation of those around him (probably the basis of this article). I watched him during the court case screaming out accusations of harassment of those in court. Total basket case. I have to agree with Slide, he should be investigated for what he's alleged to be doing with those kids, although Slide, the case should never had proceeded past the committal hearing. Brett must have spent half a million defending this crap, with no recompense. I'm sure he would have liked the case dismissed earlier. As I noted at the time, the case seemed so flimsy, the DPP and cops must have had another agenda.

Hi DSM5,

You are 110% correct. My wife, "Lisa" was the sister of "Nero's" partner and despite writing extensively about the case, was unable to take it any further due to the legal complexities surrounding the protection of the accusers. To any doubters of Brett's innocence, there can be no more damning evidence that Mary's own sister was prepared to support Brett rather than her own sister. To Lisa's credit, she could not sit by and let Brett suffer the indignation of the slurs made against him and contacted the respected journalist, Mark Whittaker. To quote the rugby league cliche, Lisa passed Mark the ball and he ran with it, sidestepped a few issues and scored the winning try. Credit should also be given to Lisa for the lead up work and making the break. Lisa is to Mark as Cliffy is to Beaver. Take nothing away from Mark, he covered many miles and thoroughly researched the facts to produce his "Sins of the Father". Mark's reputation as an honest and hard working journalist is beyond reproach. This is what gives this article the credibility that so many others lack.
Lisa is sadly still lamenting the separation from her only sister and like "Nero's" daughter, is waiting for the day that "he either goes to jail or someone puts a bullet through his head". Maybe then Mary will be released from the psychopathic control this mongrel has over her.
RE: Sins of the Father

DSM5 said:
Bob, it's reasonably interesting reading, and it's in Fairfax not News ltd.. I met the woman, sister of the 'Nero' guy's partner, during the case and she told me of the weirdness of this guy. How she's written a book detailing his sordid life and the manipulation of those around him (probably the basis of this article). I watched him during the court case screaming out accusations of harassment of those in court. Total basket case. I have to agree with Slide, he should be investigated for what he's alleged to be doing with those kids, although Slide, the case should never had proceeded past the committal hearing. Brett must have spent half a million defending this crap, with no recompense. I'm sure he would have liked the case dismissed earlier. As I noted at the time, the case seemed so flimsy, the DPP and cops must have had another agenda.

whats that book called ?
RE: Sins of the Father

Berkeley_Eagle said:
whats that book called ?

BE, it says in the article "Lisa has finished writing her book but doesn't want to publish it while her sister is still in the con man's grip. She'd like a happy ending."
RE: Sins of the Father

ManlyBacker said:
Berkeley_Eagle said:
whats that book called ?

BE, it says in the article "Lisa has finished writing her book but doesn't want to publish it while her sister is still in the con man's grip. She'd like a happy ending."

I missed that
Goes to re-read
RE: Sins of the Father

ManlyBacker said:
Berkeley_Eagle said:
whats that book called ?

BE, it says in the article "Lisa has finished writing her book but doesn't want to publish it while her sister is still in the con man's grip. She'd like a happy ending."

Wouldn't we all!

If only there were more Lisa's in this world willing to stick up for what is right.

I and my wife too feel for mary and the kids as most on here do as well.
RE: Sins of the Father

Gary FRNSW said:
My wife, "Lisa" was the sister of "Nero's" partner and despite writing extensively about the case, was unable to take it any further due to the legal complexities surrounding the protection of the accusers. To any doubters of Brett's innocence, there can be no more damning evidence that Mary's own sister was prepared to support Brett rather than her own sister. To Lisa's credit, she could not sit by and let Brett suffer the indignation of the slurs made against him and contacted the respected journalist, Mark Whittaker. To quote the rugby league cliche, Lisa passed Mark the ball and he ran with it, sidestepped a few issues and scored the winning try. Credit should also be given to Lisa for the lead up work and making the break. Lisa is to Mark as Cliffy is to Beaver. Take nothing away from Mark, he covered many miles and thoroughly researched the facts to produce his "Sins of the Father". Mark's reputation as an honest and hard working journalist is beyond reproach. This is what gives this article the credibility that so many others lack.
Lisa is sadly still lamenting the separation from her only sister and like "Nero's" daughter, is waiting for the day that "he either goes to jail or someone puts a bullet through his head". Maybe then Mary will be released from the psychopathic control this mongrel has over her.****justGotreal.gif
Gary FRNSW said:
DSM5 said:
Bob, it's reasonably interesting reading, and it's in Fairfax not News ltd.. I met the woman, sister of the 'Nero' guy's partner, during the case and she told me of the weirdness of this guy. How she's written a book detailing his sordid life and the manipulation of those around him (probably the basis of this article). I watched him during the court case screaming out accusations of harassment of those in court. Total basket case. I have to agree with Slide, he should be investigated for what he's alleged to be doing with those kids, although Slide, the case should never had proceeded past the committal hearing. Brett must have spent half a million defending this crap, with no recompense. I'm sure he would have liked the case dismissed earlier. As I noted at the time, the case seemed so flimsy, the DPP and cops must have had another agenda.

Hi DSM5,

You are 110% correct. My wife, "Lisa" was the sister of "Nero's" partner and despite writing extensively about the case, was unable to take it any further due to the legal complexities surrounding the protection of the accusers. To any doubters of Brett's innocence, there can be no more damning evidence that Mary's own sister was prepared to support Brett rather than her own sister. To Lisa's credit, she could not sit by and let Brett suffer the indignation of the slurs made against him and contacted the respected journalist, Mark Whittaker. To quote the rugby league cliche, Lisa passed Mark the ball and he ran with it, sidestepped a few issues and scored the winning try. Credit should also be given to Lisa for the lead up work and making the break. Lisa is to Mark as Cliffy is to Beaver. Take nothing away from Mark, he covered many miles and thoroughly researched the facts to produce his "Sins of the Father". Mark's reputation as an honest and hard working journalist is beyond reproach. This is what gives this article the credibility that so many others lack.
Lisa is sadly still lamenting the separation from her only sister and like "Nero's" daughter, is waiting for the day that "he either goes to jail or someone puts a bullet through his head". Maybe then Mary will be released from the psychopathic control this mongrel has over her.

Gary thank you so much for coming in and clarifying/adding this additional information.
I trust you are also a Manly supporter, which just makes you even more of a champ 🙂
Daniel said:
Gary FRNSW said:
DSM5 said:
Bob, it's reasonably interesting reading, and it's in Fairfax not News ltd.. I met the woman, sister of the 'Nero' guy's partner, during the case and she told me of the weirdness of this guy. How she's written a book detailing his sordid life and the manipulation of those around him (probably the basis of this article). I watched him during the court case screaming out accusations of harassment of those in court. Total basket case. I have to agree with Slide, he should be investigated for what he's alleged to be doing with those kids, although Slide, the case should never had proceeded past the committal hearing. Brett must have spent half a million defending this crap, with no recompense. I'm sure he would have liked the case dismissed earlier. As I noted at the time, the case seemed so flimsy, the DPP and cops must have had another agenda.

Hi DSM5,

You are 110% correct. My wife, "Lisa" was the sister of "Nero's" partner and despite writing extensively about the case, was unable to take it any further due to the legal complexities surrounding the protection of the accusers. To any doubters of Brett's innocence, there can be no more damning evidence that Mary's own sister was prepared to support Brett rather than her own sister. To Lisa's credit, she could not sit by and let Brett suffer the indignation of the slurs made against him and contacted the respected journalist, Mark Whittaker. To quote the rugby league cliche, Lisa passed Mark the ball and he ran with it, sidestepped a few issues and scored the winning try. Credit should also be given to Lisa for the lead up work and making the break. Lisa is to Mark as Cliffy is to Beaver. Take nothing away from Mark, he covered many miles and thoroughly researched the facts to produce his "Sins of the Father". Mark's reputation as an honest and hard working journalist is beyond reproach. This is what gives this article the credibility that so many others lack.
Lisa is sadly still lamenting the separation from her only sister and like "Nero's" daughter, is waiting for the day that "he either goes to jail or someone puts a bullet through his head". Maybe then Mary will be released from the psychopathic control this mongrel has over her.

Gary thank you so much for coming in and clarifying/adding this additional information.
I trust you are also a Manly supporter, which just makes you even more of a champ 🙂

Sorry all, born and bred a Bulldog, but converted to the Eagles when I met Lisa. You will be pleased to know that some of her happiest memories as a kid was sliding down the hill at Brookie on sheets of cardboard during half time at the games. That and teasing the incinerator man (Paul Vautin) at primary school.
Keep up the good fight!
Gary FRNSW said:
Daniel said:
Gary FRNSW said:
DSM5 said:
Bob, it's reasonably interesting reading, and it's in Fairfax not News ltd.. I met the woman, sister of the 'Nero' guy's partner, during the case and she told me of the weirdness of this guy. How she's written a book detailing his sordid life and the manipulation of those around him (probably the basis of this article). I watched him during the court case screaming out accusations of harassment of those in court. Total basket case. I have to agree with Slide, he should be investigated for what he's alleged to be doing with those kids, although Slide, the case should never had proceeded past the committal hearing. Brett must have spent half a million defending this crap, with no recompense. I'm sure he would have liked the case dismissed earlier. As I noted at the time, the case seemed so flimsy, the DPP and cops must have had another agenda.

Hi DSM5,

You are 110% correct. My wife, "Lisa" was the sister of "Nero's" partner and despite writing extensively about the case, was unable to take it any further due to the legal complexities surrounding the protection of the accusers. To any doubters of Brett's innocence, there can be no more damning evidence that Mary's own sister was prepared to support Brett rather than her own sister. To Lisa's credit, she could not sit by and let Brett suffer the indignation of the slurs made against him and contacted the respected journalist, Mark Whittaker. To quote the rugby league cliche, Lisa passed Mark the ball and he ran with it, sidestepped a few issues and scored the winning try. Credit should also be given to Lisa for the lead up work and making the break. Lisa is to Mark as Cliffy is to Beaver. Take nothing away from Mark, he covered many miles and thoroughly researched the facts to produce his "Sins of the Father". Mark's reputation as an honest and hard working journalist is beyond reproach. This is what gives this article the credibility that so many others lack.
Lisa is sadly still lamenting the separation from her only sister and like "Nero's" daughter, is waiting for the day that "he either goes to jail or someone puts a bullet through his head". Maybe then Mary will be released from the psychopathic control this mongrel has over her.

Gary thank you so much for coming in and clarifying/adding this additional information.
I trust you are also a Manly supporter, which just makes you even more of a champ 🙂

Sorry all, born and bred a Bulldog, but converted to the Eagles when I met Lisa. You will be pleased to know that some of her happiest memories as a kid was sliding down the hill at Brookie on sheets of cardboard during half time at the games. That and teasing the incinerator man (Paul Vautin) at primary school.
Keep up the good fight!

Ahhh a fond memory that so many of us share individually

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