Bob, it's reasonably interesting reading, and it's in Fairfax not News ltd.. I met the woman, sister of the 'Nero' guy's partner, during the case and she told me of the weirdness of this guy. How she's written a book detailing his sordid life and the manipulation of those around him (probably the basis of this article). I watched him during the court case screaming out accusations of harassment of those in court. Total basket case. I have to agree with Slide, he should be investigated for what he's alleged to be doing with those kids, although Slide, the case should never had proceeded past the committal hearing. Brett must have spent half a million defending this crap, with no recompense. I'm sure he would have liked the case dismissed earlier. As I noted at the time, the case seemed so flimsy, the DPP and cops must have had another agenda.