Ryan link said:
Vidmar - if Jethro's suggestion does in fact come to light, remember - you, as a board member embraced the strategy by supporting it 1st and foremost - hence post above.
You used to have a balanced approach dude - now you are well and truly leading the conga line.
Your board better make sure Lowe has a lot to bring to the table.
You suggest that your comfortable that these concerns would be voiced at board lvl, and the hands would stay down at vote time. You look at the past 18 months, with the slander, poor decision making, in fighting with the CEO / Board / Owners etc etc...player managers inability to talk contracts with us, Heath Le'Strange saying he wants to be in a more balanced environment - it goes on. Inability to hire a new CEO for 8 months or something.
The board haven't exactly been pro-active, concise, quick thinking and innovative now, have they?
And you talk about your confidence in them. LoL
As I posted, I don’t know the guy or to be honest that much about him but what I do know is that the sub committee who were involved in the initial pre-selection are all smart people and committed to the club.
I referenced a conspiracy theory and some (what I thought were valid) points as to why I didn’t think this may be the case?
Whatever people think of me I’d like to at least be thought of as a person who cares about the club and someone who supports it passionately
You talk of balance …Correct - I’m comparing the hysteria of the “nay†sayers who haven’t been involved in determining the role, the credentials needed or reviewing the candidates who applied (or even who has been given the job at the moment) with the facts as I know them from above.
What you or I think the club needs may not be what the board thinks (knows) the club needs and as it is their club then it is their call – you are within your rights to not agree and it’s clear you don’t so only time will tell.
If it comes to prove that the board were wrong or had ulterior motives then I will be amongst the first to condemn them for it - but at the moment I have to make a valued judgment and there are people involved in the process that I know and trust to make a decision in the best interest of the club as things stand currently.
Yes there have been issues at board level and thanks for reminding us of that – does that mean there have been no changes (or will ever likely be?), Are there no efforts to improve? Have we not seen any positives as a result of the events of the last 12 months?
If not, we may as well close the joint down now and thank you for saving us a heap of time and a bag of money in tickets, travel and merchandise?
Give things a chance rather than letting constant pessimism cloud your judgment.
Throw away remarks referencing a conversation with Heath and apparent issues with player managers seem churlish the day after we signed Robbo and Wolfman
I may be seen as leading a conga line and if that’s the case so be it…but hopefully that line is heading in a positive direction rather than a trend I’m picking where everyone and everything concerned with the club, its admin people and players are useless, sloppy, lazy rubbish….
Not sure if you are a Football Club member now or not but if so call Bob Reilly and tell him your serious concerns or call Scott Penn or Max Delmege as a Sea Eagles member or even Arko and discuss with them to get their input rather than keep banging on about it on here and MWSE where (without wishing to be respectful) it has little or no impact on the end result.
All it does do is feed News limited headlines “Manly Divided (Again)!†to lazy journos who prowl these sites