News: Lowe to land CEO job

MB: The $37,000 was "owed" by the Sea Eagles to the Football Club and an agreement made to “translate” that to shares?

When Grant Mayer decided to launch the Screaming Eagles and make the Football Club membership a separate entity numbers in the FC dropped significantly and I know of many that were not aware for whatever reason they were no longer FC members.

Hence the low financial figures so the importance of focusing on its growth.

Matabele, take stock mate? Thanks SER8 – well put.

Jatz, thanks for getting back mate – obviously I’m not privy to what caused you to not re-new membership but I do know there have been all manner of spits and spats over the years around membership managers, club officials and even “supporter” groups.

My posts do go on a bit sometimes but over the years I have spoken to so many who have not been aware of the back office set up of our club and had no idea of how the parties interact.

For example I know of people that had Leagues Club memberships for many years and thought that this was Football Club membership

The more rank and file supporters understand these aspects and the importance and value of the memberships the more people can make an informed decision – If they choose not to get membership then so be it but if they don’t get a membership through ignorance or misunderstanding then I think that is sad.

If we are to point to our owners to stop feuding for the betterment of the club then we also need to show a willingness to unite and collectively do what we can to support both team AND the club.

I have no problem with people debating club issues but I do when they defend their position or make their points with un-truths, media beat ups or by pushing personal agendas against people associated with the club

The Football Club voting exclusion period was, as rightly written above, put in place to avoid the possibility of someone or a rival group “buying” the decision making ability ie someone could have purchased a few thousand memberships for “mates” and then influencing the vote for their own personal agenda.

As a FC member I voted for it and there were some very real reasons to have it in place at the time.

That said, if this aspect of the membership is now precluding people from joining then I would be happy to raise this at a board meeting and discuss it with the other directors?

Vid  - I firmly believe if the Football Club membership was combined with the Screaming Eagles (1 sole membership category) then the voting restriction could be removed.  It is lot harder to stack a 'club' that has 6000 members (2009 figures).

Having said that I beleive if someone pays full memberhsip fee then they should be entitled to have full rights inc. voting.

Maybe they should be restricting timings around certain motions (eg 12 months notice to vote on name/colours/location) rather than voting rights.

Just a thought
Those are very good suggestions Wheel.

And thanks Vid in replying. I picked up the debt from MWSE Ltd in the accounts and it has been increasing over the years. I guess I am just surprised that under the equity method of accounting that the entire FC holdings in MWSE Ltd is valued at zero.
G'day Wheel,
I agree with MB that the points made are very valid.

The "Screaming Eagles" are no more (ticketed membership is now "Sea Eagles" membership) and I would dearly love that and the Football Club membership to be combined and I know that Bob Reilly is working with the owners to make that happen (won't be 2010 from what I can see unfortunately).

As mentioned, I'm happy to raise it at a board meeting and will let you know (assuming there is not a massive "against" showing when my name is called out for the re-election of the board at the AGM on the 17th December?)

MB: the specifics of how and why the matter has been reported that would be a question for Philip Dean and I'msure he would be happy to explain that for you at the AGM if you are able to attend?

When Grant Mayer decided to launch the Screaming Eagles and make the Football Club membership a separate entity numbers in the FC dropped significantly and I know of many that were not aware for whatever reason they were no longer FC members.
so vid but you are mis imformed there matie
Screaming eagles was launched prior to Grant Mayer coming to manly.
I also believe that the membership was split from screaming eagles by order of both equitiy owners as a reaction to a smear campaign of letters sent by 2 football club board members when both Max and Scott nominated for the football club board. It had nothing to do with the previous CEO.

Its a furphy that continues to be put out there.
Hi Cambo,

Grant was offered the CEO role in June 2006 and started in around August of that year

The Screaming Eagles membership was announced in 2007 (for the 2008 season) but would have been designed and planned well in advance of the usual release which is around the end of the season (so 2008 season was promoted in around September/October 2007).

See here (page 3)

Membership of the Football Club was opt in with a tick box on the Screaming Eagles application form and payment of an additional $25

From the link above you will see that this impacted by effectively halving the football club membership (give or take a few percent?) in the 2008 season.

(Interestingly, the players who automatically had the FC membership fees deducted from their wages to renew their membership didn’t for the 2008 & 2009 season – this has now been rectified)

The “smear’ campaign you make mention of was a letter from FC board member (at the time) Warren Kennaugh advising the Football Club members that the private owners intended to stand for the Football Club board (I didn’t agree with the wording of the letter but agreed that it was not a wise move to have the private owners on the Football Club board to retain an independent members only entity and to protect the preference vote)

The letter was sent around a month before the 2007 FC AGM which was in December

When the owners ultimately decided not to stand for the board at the 2007 AGM the Sea Eagles (Grant Mayer) advised the Football Club that his membership team would not administer FC memberships.

The only mention of Football Club membership for 2009 (released in 2008) by the Sea Eagles in the member brochure was mention that it could be purchased from the Leagues Club (in the FAQ’s section on page 2 of the membership brochure)

Now why Grant decided to separate the memberships is another discussion but of course all in the past?

Rest assured, The Football Club is committed to working with the Sea Eagles to allow for a joint membership to make it easier for supporters, strengthen relationships and grow the member numbers of BOTH entities.

Is it the case that an investment that runs at a loss can be used to offset tax obligations in respect of other more profitable enterprises?
Ok away from the politics a sec & back to Lowe.Without being disrespectful hasn't he had health issues in the past,& how will he be able to cope as a ceo this job requires a lot of running around will he be up to it.
Ok away from the politics a sec & back to Lowe.Without being disrespectful hasn't he had health issues in the past,& how will he be able to cope as a ceo this job requires a lot of running around will he be up to it.

See - answers most of your questions. I doubt the board would have hired him unless he could have put forward a strong case to say he is ok.
SeaEagleRock8 link said:
Is it the case that an investment that runs at a loss can be used to offset tax obligations in respect of other more profitable enterprises?
As far as I know, because we are dealing with company structures, this could only happen if they are inter-related enterprises and there all sorts of rules restricting transfer of losses relating to those. If you are asking, and I just use this purely as an example and for no other reason, that an owner could offset their losses in MW Sea Eagles against profits in say Penn Health or Delmege Property, then the answer is no they can't. They could only offset a realised loss against gains from another at a personal level through current CGT laws but it would require the sale of personally held shares in both enterprises.
SeaEagleRock8 link said:
[quote author=Matabele link=topic=182071.msg246529#msg246529 date=1259317328]
[quote author=vidmar link=topic=182071.msg246504#msg246504 date=1259292668]

Does he suggest that the Football Club step down from the board?
  From where I'm sitting, yes.
No way. I advocate for the opposite, ie the FC staunchly defends its right to 2 places on the Sea Eagles board, that is the basis on which the private 'salvation' took place. Moreover, to generate more involvement from more fans, we should scrap the 2 year (or whatever period it is) qualification on voting rights in ther FC. This was only recently introduced.

The FC is the only entity that offers fans the ability to have any say in the club. That oportunity to vote should be what the FC is using to rally membership. By restricting the right to vote, and saying only after being a member for x number of years do you you have a right to vote, the FC is restricitng its only legitimate argument for membership.

The club -private owners included - need fans to take more responsibilty, so why restrict their involvement in this way? The right to have a vote in (2/7ths of) the Sea Eagles is what should be used to atttract membership.

By the way the FC owns over 16% of Sea Eagles. Which is definitely not insignificant. [I can't check the exact percentage at present as I currently cannot access the MWSE site, which possibly is coincidental?]
[/quote]  And if I were bankrolling something by potentially millions a year I'd have real issues with 2/7 of a vote on the entity future coming from people who can't and won't contribute a red cent.
“Vidmar: Does he suggest that the Football Club step down from the board?

Matabele: From where I'm sitting, yes.

Matabele: And if I were bankrolling something by potentially millions a year I'd have real issues with 2/7 of a vote on the entity future coming from people who can't and won't contribute a red cent”

To the best of my knowledge you are not bank rolling the club, you are a fan?
As the Football Club is a member organisation the “people’ you refer to are the supporters – the likes of you and me and many many others.

You are a Football Club member so are you saying you don’t want input?

Did you miss my point above that the Football Club has just purchased 100,000 shares (ie HAVE contributed more than a red cent)

Are you missing the point that we are looking to grow the membership so that the Football Club (ie the supporters) CAN contribute more and have closer links with the private ownership?

Wakey wakey mate?

Constant snipes trying to undermine growth and build financial strength but then being critical that there are not millions in the coffers to contribute is very strange…What is your real agenda?
Vidmar, everyone knows the FC is not shouldering it's share of financial losses and has no realistic prospect of doing so. 
Matabele link said:
Vidmar, everyone knows the FC is not shouldering it's share of financial losses and has no realistic prospect of doing so. 

Another example of a side step to a perfectly legitimate question - the financial aspect currenlty is not in doubt but read my previous email and please answer the questions I pose as I'm keen to get your input?
There is nothing to answer.  Football is a business and the current situation endangers the club's long term future.  That's not a conspiracy theory as you seem to be suggesting.  It's plain, commercial reality. 

As Wheel has suggested, the current scenario just causes confusion amongst fans and only idealists would suggest the FC is going to get enough membership to legitimately pay its way.

Here's a question.  Assume a hypothetical (but quite likely situation) where the clubs fortunes dip next season on field, coinciding with a run of wet games at Brookvale (and lets not forget the massive question marks as to the pedigree of the bloke this thread is about).  Let's say the club that has lost money with fair winds blowing these past few years takes a loss of $2m.  Can you possibly suggest the FC is going to come up with $570,000 in 10 months time to justify its interest?

From where I'm sitting the best situation is for one of the owners to buy out the other and for the club to take on an ownership system similar to that seen in EPL, NFL etc.  We all know it's not going to happen, so let's all cry into our beers in 10 years time when Manly and Brookvale have been loved to death.
Sorry to say this Guys but I told you so. As I said several weeks ago on this site, Lowe had the backing of a prominant media personality and was always going to get the job.
vidmar link said:
[quote author=Matabele link=topic=182071.msg246474#msg246474 date=1259277703]
I wonder if vidmar could tell us in 50 words or less whether the Football Club contributes financially to the club losses on a basis commensurate to its representation on the Sea Eagles LTD Board?

Matabele would recall that the Football Club are the "traditional" owners of the club
They receive no payment from the franchise
The FC has just purchased an additional 100,000 shares in the Sea Eagles
Does he suggest that the Football Club step down from the board (45)

Simple question Matabele...

Do you agree that the supporters should have representation on the Sea Eagles board - Yes or No?

If yes - then under the current set up the Football Club needs to retain 2 seats

If no - Then why not?
Matabele link said:
. . . the current situation endangers the club's long term future. . .


I must be missing_something? I accept the future is up in the air but how is that due to the presence or actions of the Football Club?

Matabele link said:
. . . the current scenario just causes confusion amongst fans . . .

true but will disenfranchising fans lift our confusion?

Matabele link said:
. . .  and only idealists would suggest the FC is going to get enough membership to legitimately pay its way.

You may be right there, while ever the FC remains in direct competition with Sea Eagles for funding. By the way does anyone know the historical or legal basis of the separation of football clubs from their leagues clubs?

Matabele link said:
From where I'm sitting the best situation is for one of the owners to buy out the other and for the club to take on an ownership system similar to that seen in EPL, NFL etc. 

You may be right about that as well but don't those owners sometimes relocate the teams to different areas? If the owner is not restricted by a preference share then there might be a lot of current Manly fans crying in their beer anyway.
Vidmar, in answer, I'm not alone here in suggesting that the FC does not necessarily represent the broad church of Manly fan.  So it's questionable whether the rank and file have genuine representation on the Board even now, and a glib "get involved" is not a panacea given the large and varied fan base the club has.

So given my (and others) suggestion the FC don't really represent the overall supporter base then no, I don't think they should have 2 seats when that means it just enhances an already toxic situation.

I'm also not one of those that sees doom and gloom in relocation.  I understand those that would never support Manly away from Brookvale, but the club has a large supporter base of people that can't get to a home ground and who would rather see it exist in some form better than a merged entity with Bears losers.  Yes NFL clubs relocate and they survive and so do their fans.

Perhaps I'm being too doom and gloom, but I can't see Brookvale getting funds to be properly upgraded and I can't see a long term future for the club at the current incarnation.  You can say that I'm not a true supporter, and perhaps you're right.  Thankfully it seems all the owners and the FC wish to see Brookvale upgraded and are far more optimistic than I am.  I just hope that they put aside the other differences and get on with it.

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