It would only be slanderous if it wasn't true.
Lol. OK so in your world it is a "fact" that I am stupid . Love it.
And so it follows that your need to obsessively chase those you think are stupid, to argue (lol) with them, makes you even more ... ?
I love that I'd never, ever need to insult your intelligence Woodsie. You're doing a very fine job of rating your intelligence all by yourself.
And was your way of winning the debate to call all who opposed you sh1t scared rednecks?
I'd say well spotted, even though I made no attempt at all to hide it. It has become sport here for the same posters to attack people habitually on the basis of leaning to the left of political centre. So I conducted a simple experiment to see how much of a glass jaw these posters have when the same tactics are applied to them. And guess what? There was an immediate and extreme emotional reaction whinging about an equivalent attack on right wingers. Funny that. Glass jaws abound.
I don't actually believe in any way that being right wing, or conservative, makes anyone a redneck, or even afraid. What I have seen though is that human beings become more conservative, and critical of others, when afraid.
Being conservative at any time doesn't make us more afraid, but being afraid at any time does make us more conservative. Margaret Thatcher started the inane Falklands war to take full advantage of this pattern embedded in human beings. And John Howard's government with the lie of children being thrown overboard. Put simply, fear wins elections.
Look closely at those you consider rednecks, and you'll see they are dominated by fear.
Socrates would be proud of you.
Study logic and there are clear and agreed fallacies of argument. At the very top, the greatest fallacy, is a principle called Ad Hominem. This is when an author attacks his opponent instead of his opponent’s argument.
You appear to be unable to see that this is your prime, some say only, means of debate. Your biggest habit. One possibility is that it is a blind spot. With blind spots, we see the behaviour in others before we can see it in ourselves. Maybe seeing it in others is the opportunity to start seeing it in yourself? Maybe you already see it and are very happy to not use logic?
Or, the rational way to interpet it is, obviously no one agreed with Mundine other than you.
If you stop emotionally reacting, and use your rational mind to coolly observe, you'll see I neither agreed nor disagreed with Mundine. I have no need for people to stand up, or not stand up, when the national anthem is played. I am amused though by other people's (like your) moralistic need to insist on others doing the same as them.
My prime focus in this thread is on studying the emotive intolerance towards others holding a different opinion.