Just wondering if this thread could be moved from the Rugby League Forum into the General Discussion Forum? Perhaps the Rugby League Forum should remain purely focussed on Rugby League discussion? Just a thought.🧐🤔😎
Following the health advice and getting the jab doesn't mean within that same group there is no conflict in relation to this topic.Is there conflict? I would suggest that the far far majority of people have no conflict and are following the health advice.
If anything the freedom of choice is over represented in the media (and definitely on social media)
All individuals in my book should have freedom to choose, my gripe is that Govt in this instance shouldn't have any influence or power to force people by various means to stick something into their own body, in the same way Govt doesn't dictate my daily food and drink consumption(other than maybe through a sugar tax in the future)That is only part of the point, not the whole point. From when the first vaccines were developed the message has been the same - no-one is safe until we are all safe. The vaccines must be available to the whole world's population.
Until that happens the virus has more opportunity to spread and mutate. Which obviously is continuing to occur.
For those who don't want to be part of the global effort to beat the virus, that's fine by me, but they can't expect to be able to carry on with all their stupid illusory 'freedoms' while continuing to put others at risk.
How about this question TC - should employers not have 'freedom' to choose who to employ? Or who to allow to fly on their plane, or sit in their stuffy cinema?
Here's an imperfect analogy for you. Suppose someone refuses to wash, and stinks! Is it unfair to fire them or bar their attendance?
No idea what you are on about in this reply, looks like you had a little too much to drink.(the reply is all over the place and hard to follow)OK OK I did say it was an imperfect analogy!
How about this angle? Why are those (such as @Technical Coach) who worry about 'freedom' not worried about the 'freedom' or rights of the 'usual' unemployed?
"Hey I'm not one of that riff-raff 10-20% of the workforce who have to remain unemployed at any given time in order for our economic system to function! I'm supposed to be one of the privileged who have a secure job! Don't lump me in with that useless lot, the worthless refuse of society! Waaa! unfair discrimination!"
If the demands for fair treatment of workers facing difficulty due to the pandemic were linked with demands for the right to work for everyone - real jobs at award wages not work-for-the-dole BS - i'd probably be down there joining the protest!
That is a misleading comment, there are perfectly healthy people "not dying of something else" who pass away from Covid, the research at the moment(not conclusive yet) is leaning to genetic factors in some individuals.Covid is a real disease that does, occasionally, kill someone who wasn't already dying of something else
Seems like a reasonable idea to me. At this stage the dominant themes in the thread (as nonsensical as many of them appear to be) are far removed from that original intended purpose.Or perhaps this thread could be used for its originally intended purpose? To discuss season 2022 and how covid will affect it?
Profits are unparalleled if you take into consideration that $0 went into development (this was all funded by governments / tax payers) and $0 into advertising. The 3-4 main companies have a monopoly on world market. This is unheard of. Normally with any drug millions and years go into research and development and even then there is no guarantee the product will hit the shelves depending on safety/efficacy from trials. We are in the hands of the 'science' of big pharma. No independant studies on safety or efficacy is being carried out by our government/ body. And our government has also indemnified Pfizer, Moderna and Astra of any liability for potential harm. So those that do legitimitaly get injuries from vaccines have no recourse. The green light run is on for big pharma for the forceable future.In 2021 Pfizer - by their own estimate - made 36 billion dollars from the sale of Covid vaccine which was about 75% of the total company profit from all production in 2020. Their share price increased from a high of $37.58 on 28 December 2020 to $59.38 on 27 December this year. Unsurprisingly it was Pfizer who advised the US government that the best defences against Omacron was another shot of their vaccine.
I can't be bothered to look up the data on Moderna and Astrazeneca but I strongly suspect the story would be the same. Why else would Pfizer and Moderna be spending a fortune on lawyers and court cases trying to get an exclusive patent for the vaccine technology (of which the government funded the development)
Covid is a real disease that does, occasionally, kill someone who wasn't already dying of something else but that's not why it stays in the news. It stays in the news because there is an obscene amount of public money to be had. It also makes a very effective smoke screen for a government determined to scuttle action on climate change, destroy any independent oversight of government ministers, and sign us up as an arm of the American military.
I've buried two associates in the past 12 months (don't fuss I've just reached that stage in life) but neither of them were national tragedies because neither tested positive for Covid.
I'd like to make a deal with SE8 and the other people living in terror of Covid. Please explain to me what "life" is. Not the "moves", "consumes", "reproduces" malarkey but what life actually is, and what a "human" actually is. If you can convince me that these things are significant and must be protected at all cost I'll join you hiding under the bed.
As is my habit I'll throw in some random numbers at this point. In the time that 5 million people died with Covid around the world 18 million people STARVED TO DEATH around the world. One little baby dies of starvation every 10 seconds. Chances are it expires in the arms of its weeping mother. In the time that 5 million people died with Covid 14 million people dies just from air pollution. These things, of course, aren't tragedies because they don't present a threat to you and your loved ones.
If any politician would commit to spending $100 billion on funding our hospitals and saving the lives of children in the 3rd world - rather than on buying new subs for the Americans, destroying the environment, and stationing more foreign troops and missiles on Australian soil - I'd vote for the bustard.
I personally am fine if people choose to be unvaxed,I however would hope that if any who do and then fall sick show the courage of their convictions and stay home and ride it out without burdening the healthcare system(essentially you made your bed,now lie in it,if you live then so be it,if you die then so be it)All individuals in my book should have freedom to choose, my gripe is that Govt in this instance shouldn't have any influence or power to force people by various means to stick something into their own body, in the same way Govt doesn't dictate my daily food and drink consumption(other than maybe through a sugar tax in the future)
No idea why you are bringing personal freedoms from another angle to the discussion when it falls right in line with my belief system.
The people who are vaccinated shouldn't really be even bothered by the unvaccinated, is that not one of the reasons to be vaccinated in the first place.
The choice is simple "improve your protection levels or not" that is it, no influence from Govt is necessary, no mandate is required, no mandate for compulsory use of QR codes either.
"You wont beat the virus" with the effectiveness of current vaccines on the market that is for sure like we don't ever beat the Flu.(or maybe you will argue that not enough people get the Flu vaccine to beat it right)
The issue is not about the pros and cons of vaccination, the issue is the over reach of Govt in the personal freedoms of individuals.
The more we give up individual freedoms the more chance of creating a dictator like leadership in the future----learn from the past not repeat it.
Also natural immunity from my limited knowledge also tries to stop the virus in the airways before it can proceed further, vaccines don't.
The risk is we could all be prolonging the opportunity for the virus to mutate by vaccination due to less effective immunity over natural immunity and our bodies not responding to vaccines from over-use, but yes these are not facts yet but well educated people in this field have their worries.
Rushed decision making is creating kneejerk reactions, we need a little push back from conservative thought processes to get things in balance, i'm not against vaccination as i am vaccinated but totally against the way it has progressed so far.
It's q bit more than a couple of extreme cases. Let's turn to an independent source. The Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance published estimates that the median salary of CEOs of large US companies increased - in real terms - by over 500% between 1990 and 2020. There were some pretty big tech developments in that time that accounted for some of the growth but remember we're talking median salary not average salary. 50% of CEO positions increased by more than 500% adjusted for inflation. In the same period the GDP (adjusted for inflation) increased by around 8% while the average wage (in real terms) stayed about the same.
Greed drives growth in corporate salaries not productivity or social values.
No they’ll go cap in hand , in the foetal position , screaming for their mummies too!!I personally am fine if people choose to be unvaxed,I however would hope that if any who do and then fall sick show the courage of their convictions and stay home and ride it out without burdening the healthcare system(essentially you made your bed,now lie in it,if you live then so be it,if you die then so be it)
Unfortunately that is not the case.......
That’s the world we live in , even in places such as Russia & China where communism thrives.Some astronomical sums of money are being made.
The choice is simple "improve your protection levels or not" that is it, no influence from Govt is necessary, no mandate is required, no mandate for compulsory use of QR codes either.
Really? Sorry about that.No idea what you are on about in this reply, looks like you had a little too much to drink.(the reply is all over the place and hard to follow)
i started this thread for thoughts on the 22 season and how it will be affected. Being based in London we are further down the road in relation to infection rates and sporting comps being affected at this very moment.
I admit I've been sucked down the rabbit hole on the discussion as well so from now on its all info directly related to facts and effects on our great game.
Interesting indeed, but I'm not entirely sure what point you and Cioran are getting at here.Covid vaccine profits mint 9 new pharma billionaires
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