Did everybody miss where I corrected what I meant and said:
"Mid contract UP. He still has 1 and 3/4 of his current contract to see out. He is pulling out half way through." I did not mean he was leaving for another club mid season although thats how it sounded.
Also, fluffy, I don't really have an agenda. I am just telling it as I see it. Last time the whole contract saga happened we lost 13 straight (there abouts). It is in direct correlation to what is happening now, HOWEVER, it is not what this post is about.
Mind you I didn't mention anything along the lines of why he's leaving ect until baited into a different topic by yourself and other posters. If you want to keep it to a single topic and stop using that as ammo, stop trying to taint topics you don't agree with by sticking your head in and putting forward nothing more than 'agenda' crap. Because its quite obvious you are starting to get your own little agenda with Mata. Perhaps take it up in PM or something.