Mitchell Pearce Aus Day Scandal

His father Junior made a promise to his mother never to touch alcohol. Why? Because alcohol ruined the life of his father and then killed him. So Junior stayed dry all his life. It may not be easy, but it is possible to not f*** up. For some it seems to be a genetic addiction, and the only cure is abstinence.
Glad you posted this Rex (actually glad you've posted so much on this thread - to me your arguments are spot on). I was trying to figure with someone the other day how such a clean skin like Junior could have a son behave such in a manner. Then I recalled children of alcoholics I've known who never touched a drop because they've lived all the horrors of their parent's behaviour. Those people always have a genuine fear that they might be the same.
And so often the next generation doesn't heed the warning, and lo and behold it IS genetic, and they have the same problem with alcohol their grandparent did.

@Pablo I think your definition of an alcoholic may be a little narrow. In the strict sense of the word (ie someone who can't go a day without it) I'm sure it applies. But a binge drinker who cannot control themselves once they begin, who craves another and another and another, who transgresses all sorts of boundaries when they drink is someone who most certainly has a problem with alcohol which does need treatment if he's serious about living a decent life regardless of football.

Sadly much of Australian society champions the heavy drinker and the guy who'll 'give it a go' (as in stick his tongue down a woman's throat in order to gauge her level of interest) above all else. It's time for this to stop and for us to grow up as a society and respect ourselves and each other. Largely we are well on the way to doing that.

I think Pearce's behaviour was appalling but in the light of Rex's info about the grandfather, I hope he really is getting genuine help for what is clearly a real problem for that family.
I cant believe that this thread with this half wit has even passed our rumours and confirmed signings thread in responses . Push it up manly..
  • Haha
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I think there is probably 3 sides here ,-
Poor little Mitch ,
Crucify the Bastard ,
Or the ,"Mitch is a Dick" ,but this extremely politically correct society is becoming disturbingly over sensitive" side.
Priests molesting kids?
Bashing the misses?
Right to bear arms?

Only the content changes. The argument is always the same - anyone challenging the comfort of the status quo is nanny state, PC, oversensitive, etc.

Attacking the person rather than the argument is effectively an admission you've run out of ideas.
Glad you posted this Rex (actually glad you've posted so much on this thread - to me your arguments are spot on). I was trying to figure with someone the other day how such a clean skin like Junior could have a son behave such in a manner. Then I recalled children of alcoholics I've known who never touched a drop because they've lived all the horrors of their parent's behaviour. Those people always have a genuine fear that they might be the same.
And so often the next generation doesn't heed the warning, and lo and behold it IS genetic, and they have the same problem with alcohol their grandparent did.

@Pablo I think your definition of an alcoholic may be a little narrow. In the strict sense of the word (ie someone who can't go a day without it) I'm sure it applies. But a binge drinker who cannot control themselves once they begin, who craves another and another and another, who transgresses all sorts of boundaries when they drink is someone who most certainly has a problem with alcohol which does need treatment if he's serious about living a decent life regardless of football.

Sadly much of Australian society champions the heavy drinker and the guy who'll 'give it a go' (as in stick his tongue down a woman's throat in order to gauge her level of interest) above all else. It's time for this to stop and for us to grow up as a society and respect ourselves and each other. Largely we are well on the way to doing that.

I think Pearce's behaviour was appalling but in the light of Rex's info about the grandfather, I hope he really is getting genuine help for what is clearly a real problem for that family.
That binge drinker is me which is why I don't drink anymore. Realise you are problem - make a change.
You all know on here that I love my red wine, and am partial to a few coldies as well, I enjoy the social aspect of a few beers with my new caravan mates ( you get them nearly every day), and nothing's better than wetting a line on the riverbank, sitting in the camp chair with a coldie in the stubby holder.

It's been a very long time since I've been " over the top " but well remember my youth when we'd imbibe a few too many.

But I can never remember ( this is 40 years ago) as say a 20 year old the level of violence , abuse, disgusting actions that exists today and I wonder if it's not in fact drugs rather than alcohol ( probably a mixture of both ) that's causing these social issues, in those day you had an issue you sorted it out, out the back, one on one.

I heard on ABC radio the other morning that Australia has the highest use of recreational drugs , per capita, world wide......yes the most per head anywhere!!

I don't know what a " liney liney" is but assume it's a line of Cocaine , and I read on this thread that it's the drug of choice for footballers as its gone from your system within 24 hours.

And no doubting with the $$$$ these guys are on they can certainly afford plenty of this.

The NRL obviously has a huge issue with this, sadly, and probably because Uncle Nick will step in, I'd expect Mitchy boy to be sent overseas ( probably lounging in Phuket as we speak) to hide, with no social media allowed.

He's already said I'm sorry and had a little cry ( all part of the grand plan) , and he'll have a Rorters minder to ensure he plays the game exactly as required.

He'll be fined maybe $50k ( and Uncle Nick will deliver the brown paper bags to compensate for that) and in about April he will be quietly ushered back in with the hope that his reemergence will only cause a small blip on the radar.

Just imagine if you will had he been a Sea Eagle, if he was he'd already be nailed to the cross.
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The Pearce story is about some obnoxious drunken behaviour by a high-profile male (and if that wasn't the main issue, then none of the side-issues would have been raised!) but a lot of posters have made interesting comments in this thread about other related/spin-off issues. Here's just a few …

Shouldn't have videoed it/shared the video?
For me the elephant in the room (not captured on camera) is our fundamental right to privacy
Right? What right? You and I might want privacy and value privacy or even need it, but rights - that is a different beast altogether!

Shouldn't sell videos to the media!
I don't have a problem with this Jack guy videoing the incident, it's what he did with that video afterwards that was wrong. If he was so concerned about what had happened, he should have contacted the police, not the media.
This is a popular view but not realistic. If everyone had equal means (and therefore no need for a windfall cash bonus) and no-one was famous (therefore media wouldn't pay for embarrassing videos) then this wouldn't happen. But it does happen, basically because some people are rich and famous…

It was just a low-life money-making scam!
The text messages which have surfaced since, clearly indicate he was recording it to make a quick buck and to ruin Pearce's career in the process..
Well the one I saw was "thinking about selling it", which suggests only later did he get that idea.

…The same text messages also stated Pearce and co were very drunk at the hotel where they all met. Why then, would complete strangers let him come home with them? That's just inviting trouble if you ask me…
Again, the text I saw said : "they were with us at the oak and they were pretty normal - giving out liney lineys and then they jumped a cab with me back to hers and went f---ing ape ****!"

Might not even be a genuine text of course, but it provides a plausible answer to your question that has nothing to do with setting up a sting.

The punishment is over the top
But for him to be punished more severely than what wife beaters or drink drivers are is ridiculous.
Fair comment but we don't know what his punishment is yet, plus, I don't know which wife beaters or drink drivers you speak of. Everyone doesn't get the same punishment, if you think they should that is a whole other issue in itself...!
  • Winner
Reactions: Rex
You all know on here that I love my red wine, and am partial to a few coldies as well, I enjoy the social aspect of a few beers with my new caravan mates ( you get them nearly every day), and nothing's better than wetting a line on the riverbank, sitting in the camp chair with a coldie in the stubby holder.

It's been a very long time since I've been " over the top " but well remember my youth when we'd imbibe a few too many.

But I can never remember ( this is 40 years ago) as say a 20 year old the level of violence , abuse, disgusting actions that exists today and I wonder if it's not in fact drugs rather than alcohol ( probably a mixture of both ) that's causing these social issues, in those day you had an issue you sorted it out, out the back, one on one.

I heard on ABC radio the other morning that Australia has the highest use of recreational drugs , per capita, world wide......yes the most per head anywhere!!

I don't know what a " liney liney" is but assume it's a line of Cocaine , and I read on this thread that it's the drug of choice for footballers as its gone from your system within 24 hours.

And no doubting with the $$$$ these guys are on they can certainly afford plenty of this.

The NRL obviously has a huge issue with this, sadly, and probably because Uncle Nick will step in, I'd expect Mitchy boy to be sent overseas ( probably lounging in Phuket as we speak) to hide, with no social media allowed.

He's already said I'm sorry and had a little cry ( all part of the brand plan) , and he'll have a Rorters minder to ensure he plays the game exactly as required.

He'll be fined maybe $50k ( and Uncle Nick will deliver the brown paper bags to compensate for that) and in about April he will be quietly ushered back in with the hope that his reemergence will only cause a small blip on the radar.

Just imagine if you will had he been a Sea Eagle, if he was he'd already be nailed to the cross.
Not sure if it's worse than before. Society and what's acceptable has changed so much that it's hard to tell.

BUT - definitely reckon things like roids + booze + drugs is a factor. Not sure if it leads to MORE bad behaviour but it leads to generally WORSE behaviour because of the amped up aggression.
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The Pearce story is about some obnoxious drunken behaviour by a high-profile male (and if that wasn't the main issue, then none of the side-issues would have been raised!) but a lot of posters have made interesting comments in this thread about other related/spin-off issues. Here's just a few …

Shouldn't have videoed it/shared the video?
Right? What right? You and I might want privacy and value privacy or even need it, but rights - that is a different beast altogether!

Shouldn't sell videos to the media!
This is a popular view but not realistic. If everyone had equal means (and therefore no need for a windfall cash bonus) and no-one was famous (therefore media wouldn't pay for embarrassing videos) then this wouldn't happen. But it does happen, basically because some people are rich and famous…

It was just a low-life money-making scam!
Well the one I saw was "thinking about selling it", which suggests only later did he get that idea.

Again, the text I saw said : "they were with us at the oak and they were pretty normal - giving out liney lineys and then they jumped a cab with me back to hers and went f---ing ape ****!"

Might not even be a genuine text of course, but it provides
The Pearce story is about some obnoxious drunken behaviour by a high-profile male (and if that wasn't the main issue, then none of the side-issues would have been raised!) but a lot of posters have made interesting comments in this thread about other related/spin-off issues. Here's just a few …

Shouldn't have videoed it/shared the video?
Right? What right? You and I might want privacy and value privacy or even need it, but rights - that is a different beast altogether!

Shouldn't sell videos to the media!
This is a popular view but not realistic. If everyone had equal means (and therefore no need for a windfall cash bonus) and no-one was famous (therefore media wouldn't pay for embarrassing videos) then this wouldn't happen. But it does happen, basically because some people are rich and famous…

It was just a low-life money-making scam!
Well the one I saw was "thinking about selling it", which suggests only later did he get that idea.

Again, the text I saw said : "they were with us at the oak and they were pretty normal - giving out liney lineys and then they jumped a cab with me back to hers and went f---ing ape ****!"

Might not even be a genuine text of course, but it provides a plausible answer to your question that has nothing to do with setting up a sting.

The punishment is over the top
Fair comment but we don't know what his punishment is yet, plus, I don't know which wife beaters or drink drivers you speak of. Everyone doesn't get the same punishment, if you think they should that is a whole other issue in itself...!

Went back and checked and yes it does say they were 'normal' at the pub. I'm blaming my eyesight because until I just re-checked I would have sworn that it said they were 'mortal' (drunk). I've retracted that part of my comment. But I still believe that if they were just videoing it because they were worried things were getting out of hand then once Pearce had left and nothing illegal occurred that should have been the end of it. Pearce was stupid, rude, obnoxious and showed no respect to the woman or her home. While all of these are low acts, none are illegal.
In any case it's just my opinion. Doesn't make it right. And it doesn't make it wrong. There is no right or wrong opinion. Everyone will have their own view.
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20 pages on a young guy being a drunk d*ckhead.. It would be interesting to see the average age of Silvertails' posters: I reckon we would average out in the mid 30's, and my point is that I would bet that at some point in time, 99% of us have been that drunk and that stupid.

Me?? Dear god am I glad that there were no camera phones around when I was Mitch's age. The still photos and Polaroids from those days are bad enough, even if they captured some great memories!!

Unfortunately Mitch has a public profile and as captain of a high profile sports team he also has quite the responsibility to his club, the code and the fans. This incident (which in my opinion is, on it's own, pretty much a nothing thing) has reflected pretty badly on him and the NRL but in all honesty has been blown MASSIVELY out of proportion by a news "media" which would rather focus on anything negative which can be hammered in the news cycle than anything positive which simply doesn't carry as much "newsworthiness"..

Perhaps he does have a real problem with alcoholism: perhaps it's just a bit of spin from the Roosters: he looked shattered at the small press statement he made but was that guilt at getting caught or had he just realized how bad this looked and how badly he screwed up given his responsibilities??

I dunno.... I could probably write an essay on this, but the salient points would be that I don't think that it's anywhere as bad as the newshounds have made it out to be, tempered by the fact that Mitch *should* bloody well know better and know that as the Rooster's captain he will be judged more harshly than most..

The most amusing thing has been Slothfield and Bournon Bec having shots at him: pot, meet kettle you hypocritical a**holes...

Anyhow that's my thoughts for the moment..
Priests molesting kids?
Bashing the misses?
Right to bear arms?

Only the content changes. The argument is always the same - anyone challenging the comfort of the status quo is nanny state, PC, oversensitive, etc.

Attacking the person rather than the argument is effectively an admission you've run out of ideas.
Please tell me you are not comparing the drunken antics of an immature young fool to slavery ,apartheid ,wife bashing & Paedophilia ??
my point is that I would bet that at some point in time, 99% of us have been that drunk and that stupid
That's a convincing argument in favour of us having a good long talk about this Mitchell Pearce thing. You're starting to make the media sound helpful.

Dear god am I glad that there were no camera phones around when I was Mitch's age.
The appeal of not being accountable - to be free of consequences - it's like wanting to never grow up.

This incident (which in my opinion is, on it's own, pretty much a nothing thing) has reflected pretty badly on him and the NRL
Which is it? A nothing thing or something which on its own has reflected pretty badly on him and the NRL?
Can't be both.

Unfortunately Mitch has a public profile and as captain of a high profile sports team he also has quite the responsibility to his club, the code and the fans...
news "media" would] rather focus on anything negative which can be hammered in the news cycle than anything positive which simply doesn't carry as much "newsworthiness
That's a good summary. His role is to be responsible. The media's role is to blow up any stories people find interesting.
He fails his role, the media does their's. That's how it works.

in all honesty has been blown MASSIVELY out of proportion
If too massive then maybe hit the (inner) ignore button? Then it's no longer a part of your world.
Please tell me you are not comparing the drunken antics of an immature young fool to slavery ,apartheid ,wife bashing & Paedophilia ??

Back in the day slavery was a total non-issue to those in power. They would have scoffed at you for suggesting there was any problem at all. The Bible even openly endorses it. You might look back now at slavery and say they were unintelligent savages back then. But put you back into those times with your current thoughts, and the scoffing you are now doing would have been directed squarely at you. Same with wife bashing, apartheid, etc, etc.

You are just a current day savage when you can't look take a helicopter view and look beyond the current day status quo.

We look back now at how women were not even allowed the vote in the early 20th century and consider those attitudes backward. And it is likely that in 100 years people will look back at our current standards for treating women and widely agree about how backward and misogynist we were in the early 21st century. Pearce's revealed attitudes under alcohol were of course misogynist.

You can be a savage or a progressive. Up to you.
But I still believe that if they were just videoing it because they were worried things were getting out of hand then once Pearce had left and nothing illegal occurred that should have been the end of it. Pearce was stupid, rude, obnoxious and showed no respect to the woman or her home.

While all of these are low acts, none are illegal.
A confusion of very, very two different processes for mine.

The law is an ass. Even the legal fraternity recognise that. First and foremost, the law protects the rich and powerful. Because the golden rule is that he who has the gold makes the rules.

The media, on the other hand, is about capturing people's interest. Succeed in capturing people's attention and you can make money. Of course the Murdochs of this world can use and abuse the power they get from success in media to distort all kinds of systems (including the law) for their profit. On the other hand, the media can help expose, correct or be an antidote to deficiencies in the law.

Whether or not an act is illegal has only limited relevance to whether it is of interest.
Back in the day slavery was a total non-issue to those in power. They would have scoffed at you for suggesting there was any problem at all. The Bible even openly endorses it. You might look back now at slavery and say they were unintelligent savages back then. But put you back into those times with your current thoughts, and the scoffing you are now doing would have been directed squarely at you. Same with wife bashing, apartheid, etc, etc.

You are just a current day savage when you can't look take a helicopter view and look beyond the current day status quo.

We look back now at how women were not even allowed the vote in the early 20th century and consider those attitudes backward. And it is likely that in 100 years people will look back at our current standards for treating women and widely agree about how backward and misogynist we were in the early 21st century. Pearce's revealed attitudes under alcohol were of course misogynist.

You can be a savage or a progressive. Up to you.
We are living in the now ,not the future.
We are living in the now ,not the future.
And how we live now impacts our future.

Thinking, speaking and acting like a cave man today will make us a cave man tomorrow.

Fear change and stay stuck. Embrace it, adapt to it, and you naturally grow and progress.
OK, 20 page fascinating thread ... Let's keep it going

Confession time!

What's the worst thing you have done when mortal, now or when you were young.

I don't remember pissing my pants.
I don't remember humping an animal
I don't remember sticking my tongue down a females throat to test if they were interested

I do remember vomiting after binge drinking, with the usual hangover regrets the next morning
I do remember a rather stylish pole dance, fully dressed of course, at a no standing sign
I do remember plonking my head on a dinner table and falling fast asleep
We see he was in the wrong ,99% do anyway.
I just dont think the crime deserves such a lynch mob.
Todays media & society are so quick to judge & sentence.
Because he is a celebrity sportsperson ,Modern media over
sensationalize it for all the wrong reasons.

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