Nice Good Will Sermon feathered friend @RyanGood on him for opening up about MH. Only through communication, validation, reassurance and support can people fight through what is a very difficult time in history to deal with things.
Being in the football arena, and a celebrity perrsay, he'd probably have a rheem of people lining up to help him. The difficulty (like Matt Lodge really) would be ascertaining who the real support is versus those just wanting to hop on the gravy train.
The funny thing about life, is you can never tell what people are truly going through and struggling with. Even those on social media that portray absolute happiness and balance as a persona.
For that reason, as I'm getting older, I keep that in mind, even when I'm meeting someone for the very first time. Everyone deserves to be treated properly, regardless of who they are and what they may say at times.
Now Let us see for how long all of us posters can remain civil on this forum
Good luck every one 🙂
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