Was just googling articles on match fixing trying to catch up on the news with regards to the manly issue, when i came across the following:
MEDIA WATCH: The NRL is probing sensational claims from a former Kangaroos prop that one coach scored six-figure paydays by fixing games and betting against his own team.
Tunks told Rugby League Week that a coach fixed matches in the 1980s and 1990s by betting against his own team.
Tunks, who played for South Sydney, Canterbury and Penrith across a 14-year career, believes the coach won six-figure sums on two occasions.
“This guy was a bad punter and in my opinion decided to manipulate matches in order to recoup some of his losses,” Tunks told the magazine.
Being a young-in 😉 only born in 84 I did a quick search and found to my surprise there is only one Kangaroos coach that was involved with the team over both the 80s and 90s.
I wont name names but im sure most of you will know exactly who that is.
That being accused, the said coach only lost 6 of 39 games.