No one really Knows the real reason why they leftI know.
However in Hasler’s case he was forced into a position by the Board, apparently with the Penn forces to the fore. He felt he had no choice but to leave.
It was a major downer after winning a GF. In order of magnitude, perhaps a little higher than our greatest ever player’s decision to leave straight after a GF victory in 1976.
With Foran, I put a lot of that down to relative emotional immaturity, hand in hand with a tumultuous personal life at the time.
All we should know is not to judge others harshly just like we do not want to be judged harshly by others
There is kindness in Compassion ,nobility in Empathy and Grace in Forgiveness .......
and this feathered friends is how we all move on and make a difference to this bitter life
Let us all not be bitter
Let us all rise above Bitterness like Great Eagles and be better