Solid no from me.
There are a lot of issues to address. The shortlist for me being:
1. Very little detail from the government. We don't even know what we are really voting for. My concern is that if we change a small but crucial part of legislation, especially at the constitutional level, then there is a flow on effect of unintended constitutional arguments over law in the high court. What is the government, who is trying to sell this, really afraid of telling us?
2. I have a firm belief that every individual should have equal rights. If a person from one ethnicity or another has more access to influencing law making than another person, then this flies against the idea of democracy. One person = one vote.
3. The idea that any legislation is based on race is appalling, and regardless of it's best intentions is inherently racist.
4. With regard to point 3, indigenous communities want to advise the government on creating law for their people. So is it the case that any changes could lead to one law for some, and a different law for others?
5. How do we prove a person's heritage? The bar according to the Mabo decision is pretty low. I'm not really fussed about who would be a representative, but it would matter which constituents whom any laws and motions would affect.
6. How will this voice to parliament actually address the problems which really affect indigenous people? Such as homelessness & poverty? Will the voice magically effect the levels of violence, rape, and child abuse committed on indigenous persons, which are predominantly committed by other indigenous persons? Deaths in custody anyone? They aren't being killed by police or corrections. They are committing suicide. So what do we do? Do we say gaol for some and good behavior bonds for others dependent upon their cultural backgrounds? After all, if we don't imprison them then they can't kill themselves. Is this problem solved?
A voice to parliament will be a great PR exercise, and all of the inner city late drinking people who are about 1/20th of indigenous heritage will feel good. But in reality not one child will be spared being raped, and not one person will be spared domestic violence which runs rampant in our communities.
I just feel that we need to get in and help the problem properly and cut out the PC garbage. The statistics are there to be seen. My view is the quickest most efficient way to help the problem is through getting these people out of poverty. They need jobs and purpose. But we've missed the opportunity with the current generation. We really need to get the kids into school and educated. Set up the next generation for success.