Obviously it depends on the judge and if the defendant fights the claim.
We have one out on a guy who didnt dispute so that was easy and then my wife wanted to take one out on his missus who repeatedly would turn up to her work and want to fight. During court we were about the 20th group to come up and you could tell the judge was getting a bit peeved.
Although , it does make for good veiwing. You wouldnt believe the amount of mother and daughters taking them out on each other.
We were asked to provide a **** load of documents and evidence which we had but decided against it as it really gets you know where and just inflames the situation. Although , if you were beaten up and repeatedy threatened then you need to proceed with the claim.
The guy we have the AVO on is still allowed over the road at his mates house. Once he new that , he was there every night , so in hindsight we would have been better off letting it go.
Ahhh , hindsight is a wonderful thing.