Latest Dogs bad news story

DSM5 said:
Ryan, actually I did drink to excess at times, and probably still do, but I can honestly say I've never threatened a woman with violence, or asked anyone to put their heads in my pants, nor frocked up. You miss the point of this whole unsavory chapter. Namely these idiots brought the game down after years of attempts to attract women to league. Women don't seem to like this sort of crap. And if they had of abused one another in your bedroom, then who would mind? I'd say no-one. But it was daylight, some cock opened the window to yell the stuff, at the press, and then hasn't the balls to 'man up'. It's just a bad culture out that way. Or so it seems.

But how has it really hurt anyone? Come on. You and I have just been taking the piss out of each other in jest, we read it, laugh it off, and move is hurt or insulted.

I understand the part of threatening violence & things, but really, I'm sure it wasn't directed at anyone, it was more a comment for these dudes (remember, they ARE footy players, not rocket scientists) to laugh at and with one and other when ****-faced.

Expectations are far too high here. If it were said to my wife / daughter, I'd hope they'd be above it, and just brush it off. Giving it attention, gives it life, and in a round about way, endorses & advertises the action & reaction.

No chance this is news worthy. If the person involved totally ignored it, and didn't react, the bloke who said it, and those around him would just think him a complete goose (which I hope they did anyway).

People place Rugby League players on pedestals. According to the media, they are our "heroes". Not me. They are footy players willing to rent themselves out to the highest bidders. The "heroes" like Beaver, Lockyer and Hindmarsh are sadly, a dying breed.
Ryan has never accepted De$ departure nor warmed to Toovs (has some secret personal issue with Toovey)?? His comments could reflect this mere fact?

What allegedly happened and was said (if correct) was unacceptable behaviour, which should be dealt with accordingly - and that goes for any profession. Once again the Dogs bring the game into disrepute !!!
Hamster Huey said:
Ryan said:
DSM5 said:
I'm sure my daughters wouldn't be offended by being called 'good sorts'. They are. However I think they may well be offended if they were physically threatened or being yelled at to stick their heads down some boofheads pants. Get real Ryan. This is the world we live in. Offensive language is just that, offensive. Your bedroom door analogy doesn't work when offensive comments are yelled through opened windows at people. They were yelled at press persons, ergo, the idiots knew they were press. SeaEagleRocks8 is right. The NRL are attempting to attract women through the door, and these boofs put that strategy back twenty years. Ryan, guys dressing up as girls/superheros is either an infantile display, or just plain old homo-eroticism and should be left in the bedroom, possibly in your house, with the door ajar..

That might be the case, because unlike you, I'm still relatively young, and don't have one foot in the coffin already, so dress-ups do still occur at my house. My missus and I are free spirits in that way, and don't have the old and delapitated shackles that may burden your sex life.

Heck, you suggest it happens at my house, with the door ajar? Send one, or both of your daughters around if they are good sorts. I'll make them feel more than welcome (18+ please).

You dish it, you gotta expect it.

Like I say, people need to mix some cement in their drinks, because people need to toughen up. And seriously, you are one of the worst examples of a person who doesn't offend ! LoL dude. Some of your comments about players, fans, management and fellow posters have been deplorable over time.

I'm just SURE you've never had a few beers when young (all those years ago), and said things you have regretted. I bet you did, and I bet you were over it 2 seconds later !!

Get real yourself. Soft. Everyone's soft.

Ryan, how you choose to conduct yourself in your own home is your own business.

How a bunch of blokes behave under the employ of their club and on club property, isn't so dismissive.

You, and most of us here, are the face of nothing. The people present at the piss-up are always going to be associated with their club. It's a 24/7 label unfortunately.

If they needed the release, why not take them out to Crushers place and let them loose in the wilds for a couple of days.

Like our season launch debacle, somebody made the mistake of thinking that a group of footballers having a session in a relatively public area was fine and no adult attention was required.

There was no excuse for Chocs behaviour during our launch, just as there is no place for 'heroes' hiding in a room and casting childish slurs to impress one another, especially when they occur in club sanctioned get togethers.

As you say at the start HH, CLUB property. Locked away in a room behind locked gates, not our mixing with the public
I think the real lesson here is don't piss the media off. The Dogs shut down their post GF access and brushed all requests for interviews. The media have now taught the Dogs a very valuable lesson in the power of their industry, they can make or break your public perception. They can quite easily shape the popular opinion on how issues like this "should" be thought of, seems it is already happening in ths thread.

Think about how much they liked sinking the slipper into Manly over the last few years , hopefully Des's antagonism towards the media will rain down some more hatred on Belmore for seasons to come and give us a break.
Chip and Chase said:
Think about how much they liked sinking the slipper into Manly over the last few years , hopefully Des's antagonism towards the media will rain down some more hatred on Belmore for seasons to come and give us a break.

That would be a blessing in disguise!!
Chip and Chase said:
I think the real lesson here is don't piss the media off. The Dogs shut down their post GF access and brushed all requests for interviews. The media have now taught the Dogs a very valuable lesson in the power of their industry, they can make or break your public perception. They can quite easily shape the popular opinion on how issues like this "should" be thought of, seems it is already happening in ths thread.

Think about how much they liked sinking the slipper into Manly over the last few years , hopefully Des's antagonism towards the media will rain down some more hatred on Belmore for seasons to come and give us a break.
I dont think we can blame the media for their unacceptable and disgraceful way in which they degraded a lady .
Kiwi Eagle said:
As you say at the start HH, CLUB property. Locked away in a room behind locked gates, not our mixing with the public

Except that these blokes chose to open the window (facing onto public property) apparently so that they could have a smoke and in the process they yelled the comments out. The private property aspect is not really relevant. What they said is relevant and given the context they knew damn well who they were directing it at.
The media can be blamed for being in a place they weren't invited to be around though. There is an old saying about not putting yourself into certain situations as well ...

The whole thing is a mountain out of a molehill, is ridiculous

If anyone wants to see a true bad news story head up to the top of the forum and the latest topics there
simon64 said:
And we have a "Women in League" round to show how much we appreciate the role of women ? Give me a break. And whether it's the Bulldogs or any other club, an individual has a responsibility for the way they conduct themselves. THAT is what makes you a man.

weren't the dogs the only team that didn't go pink or do something as the home team for that round? haha
Ryan, it's hurt the friggin game. don't you get it? And Kiwi, saying crap like that, even on club property, doesn't make it OK. And I think C &C has got something. I'm glad that Des and his mates have moved on. I never liked that 'under the radar' stuff. After a while, I think the siege mentality does more harm than good.
Ryan said:
But how has it really hurt anyone?

As Todd Greenberg recently stated, perception is everything.

It was a dumb act at the wrong place at the wrong time to the wrong people.

If the players haven't worked out that the League media love controversy, especially when there is little on the field to fill the columns, they won't hesitate to jump on any indiscretion.

In the end there isn't likely to be any one person 'hurt' by the comments; instead it is the code dented as the behaviour of one clubs players (in this case) is used as a reflection on the entire sport.
DSM5 said:
Ryan, it's hurt the friggin game. don't you get it? And Kiwi, saying crap like that, even on club property, doesn't make it OK. And I think C &C has got something. I'm glad that Des and his mates have moved on. I never liked that 'under the radar' stuff. After a while, I think the siege mentality does more harm than good.

I just don't think it is a big deal and crime of the century as some would like to have you believe. The majority of those up in arms about it on here would have an entirely different opinion on it if it was us and not the Dogs no doubt
Kiwi Eagle said:
Hamster Huey said:
Ryan said:
DSM5 said:
I'm sure my daughters wouldn't be offended by being called 'good sorts'. They are. However I think they may well be offended if they were physically threatened or being yelled at to stick their heads down some boofheads pants. Get real Ryan. This is the world we live in. Offensive language is just that, offensive. Your bedroom door analogy doesn't work when offensive comments are yelled through opened windows at people. They were yelled at press persons, ergo, the idiots knew they were press. SeaEagleRocks8 is right. The NRL are attempting to attract women through the door, and these boofs put that strategy back twenty years. Ryan, guys dressing up as girls/superheros is either an infantile display, or just plain old homo-eroticism and should be left in the bedroom, possibly in your house, with the door ajar..

That might be the case, because unlike you, I'm still relatively young, and don't have one foot in the coffin already, so dress-ups do still occur at my house. My missus and I are free spirits in that way, and don't have the old and delapitated shackles that may burden your sex life.

Heck, you suggest it happens at my house, with the door ajar? Send one, or both of your daughters around if they are good sorts. I'll make them feel more than welcome (18+ please).

You dish it, you gotta expect it.

Like I say, people need to mix some cement in their drinks, because people need to toughen up. And seriously, you are one of the worst examples of a person who doesn't offend ! LoL dude. Some of your comments about players, fans, management and fellow posters have been deplorable over time.

I'm just SURE you've never had a few beers when young (all those years ago), and said things you have regretted. I bet you did, and I bet you were over it 2 seconds later !!

Get real yourself. Soft. Everyone's soft.

Ryan, how you choose to conduct yourself in your own home is your own business.

How a bunch of blokes behave under the employ of their club and on club property, isn't so dismissive.

You, and most of us here, are the face of nothing. The people present at the piss-up are always going to be associated with their club. It's a 24/7 label unfortunately.

If they needed the release, why not take them out to Crushers place and let them loose in the wilds for a couple of days.

Like our season launch debacle, somebody made the mistake of thinking that a group of footballers having a session in a relatively public area was fine and no adult attention was required.

There was no excuse for Chocs behaviour during our launch, just as there is no place for 'heroes' hiding in a room and casting childish slurs to impress one another, especially when they occur in club sanctioned get togethers.

As you say at the start HH, CLUB property. Locked away in a room behind locked gates, not our mixing with the public

Do you believe Belmore, in the heart of Sydney and easy reach of anybody looking for them, was the best place to conduct a Mad Monday?

It may be a club part of Belmore, but the complex is still a community asset and utilised by other entities.

Clearly it wasn't hard to take some very clear image of players mucking about on the sporting field and taking a leak outdoors.

The episode with the remarks is about why somebody would make them loud enough for others on the street to hear clearly? Surely that is just asking for trouble.

Kiwi Eagle said:
The media can be blamed for being in a place they weren't invited to be around though. There is an old saying about not putting yourself into certain situations as well ...

The whole thing is a mountain out of a molehill, is ridiculous

If anyone wants to see a true bad news story head up to the top of the forum and the latest topics there

Of course the latest news is more tragic.

But what will Joe Public hear from the media in future when a footballer plays up? 'Bulldogs Mad Monday, Manly Pre-Season Function, etc, etc.'

The media is always after a witchhunt to sell space; just look at the legs in the Alan Jones story for over a week.

Three other clubs enjoyed a Mad Monday without turning it in negative story on the back of an easily avoidable incident.
There are a lot of assumptions being made here about the comments made on their Mad Monday. Firstly, let me make it clear that the comments were deplorable and if said to my wife or daughter I would have gone off my rocker. But you cannot in any way suggest that it demonstrates anything, let alone Misogyny. If hurling abuse automatically means hatred of women, then they must also hate men too, because I'm sure at some stage they will have yelled abuse at a male in their lives.

All it demonstrates is a complete and utter lack of class.

"Misogyny is the hatred or dislike of women or girls"
Although your definition of misogyny is correct Ralphie, it's demonstrated, amongst other things, by the denigration of women and/or the sexual objectification of women. There are degrees of hatred, as there are degrees of contempt. And I'm sure not many of the 'lads' would have asked another male to put his head in their pants and/or suck them off. Those comments were made because there was a female reporter present. It wouldn't surprise me if the one who made the comments was a well known sledger who would, one imagines, be embarrassed when confronted by his wife. That's purely speculation on my part.
And I'm sure not many of the 'lads' would have asked another male to put his head in their pants and/or suck them off.

I don't know, this is the Bulldogs we are talking about (not that there is anything wrong with that by the way)
Ok, so now, according to that 'jaycar' Johnston guy, Ch 9 owes them (bulldogs) an apology.

You see, there's no evidence that the words were recorded...but umm if they were, then they were directed to someone inside the building - yes, that's it's not our fault at all.

This guy is entering Alan Jones' level of conspiracy, delusion, and victim complex.

The actual sad thing is, for bulldog fans and the nrl as a whole, is that they all know who said it, but over at belmore sports ground, cowardice and not manning up must be a way of life.

Talk is cheap and their actions are maxing out their credit cards.
globaleagle said:
Ok, so now, according to that 'jaycar' Johnston guy, Ch 9 owes them (bulldogs) an apology.

You see, there's no evidence that the words were recorded...but umm if they were, then they were directed to someone inside the building - yes, that's it's not our fault at all.

This guy is entering Alan Jones' level of conspiracy, delusion, and victim complex.

The actual sad thing is, for bulldog fans and the nrl as a whole, is that they all know who said it, but over at belmore sports ground, cowardice and not manning up must be a way of life.

Talk is cheap and their actions are maxing out their credit cards.

I can't believe that this idiot is a CEO of a national company, everytime he opens his mouth he puts his foot in it.
Two years ago he made the rugby league headlines when he said that the Storm should not be stripped of their competition points as the players didn't know that they rorted the cap,just like now that the Bulldogs don't know who said the offensive words, LIKE HELLO GARY!
The explanation that the comments were not directed at the reporters is plausible. Probably not true but who knows.

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