Krillich wants back in

HappilyManly said:
One Rule they must enforce is that No Leagues Club/Football Club person can be on both boards.
Its a clear conflict of interest and stifles robust decision making😎

Each Corporation has a Representative or two on the Manly Sea Eagles Franchise Board anyway, so they can get their agendas aired there.

I am still at a loss as to why Manly needs to maintain a bankrupt Leagues Club,as ours contributes a big fat zero to the Football Operations and is not a mecca for the Locals at all:huh:

The 600k rent that they pay could be greatly reduced if the Harbord Diggers became a Leagues Club sub-branch.

Apart from the 10 Home Games, and really only the ones that Manly win, the crowds are not beating down the door :-/
Even the many beers bought on those few occasions, would barely cover the $60k in rent let alone the Staff costs for the night.

The trouble with selling more beers is well trouble. Say a beer is $5 and profit after rent tax wages insurance AC maintenance and all over is $1 you can sell $1000 beers for $1000 profit. Put an event on and sell 5000 beers profit is $5000 but you need extra security at $35 an hour X 6 hours X 6 guards =$1300 plus more staff to serve the beers =$1000 plus less Pokie revenue because Aunty Mavis doesn't like raucous crowds and then someone slips on a spilt beer and claims damages and the 4000 beers you just served to 800 revellers was for no profit.
So in real terms home games wouldn't help the Leauges club much at all except in turnover and paying a few extra wages.
Ramrod said:
Manly maintaining a Leagues club is history and tradition.
It's been around since 1956.
Fans identify with it.
It's the spiritual home of the club.
It's even in the club's victory song.
That's why we are what we are.
Without our identity, we are not much.

The issue is, it's not run as well as Dee Why RSL.
Perhaps, with better management and restructuring with the help of another successful club like Dee Why RSL, perhaps Manly Leagues can be back up to where it used to be.

The Leagues club has to stay for the fans sake, but will need an injection of funds, life and better ideas.

The Club is a registered entity, my point was that the physical building has been sold off and leased back at unsustainable cost.
Thus it will never financially support the Football arm like Canterbury etc do in our lifetime.

Look at the Annual Reports and you will understand that the Leagues Club operates at an increasing loss. Any injected funds would go towards clearing the 3 million debt plus the continued annual losses, so not a good Business Plan

As it is physically in the wrong location (apart from the 10 home games) for locals, and its footprint is about 30% since upstairs has become a gym etc, it can not be resurrected. Management changes could not help it.

DY RSL is a competitor and is a very successfull outfit since they added internal floor space. Manly sold theirs off :huh:

The two AGMs are coming up for the Football and Leagues Clubs, so get down to them and vote people :exclamation:
Be interested to see what this alternative ticket are all about, they have promised some further information on that front.

At face value they seem heavily linked to the Leagues Club, which in my opinion could be problematic. Why do they want to run for control of the Football Club ? where there will be an obvious conflict of interest with a fellow board member who also happens to be the landlord at the Leagues Club.

IMO I don't give a flying about the Leagues Club per se, given a choice between it and the Football club / MWSE. The leagues club is suffering from the same fate that a lot of clubs are, a tough market. They sold off the farm and leased it back and are still struggling to turn a profit. If they want to improve the Leagues Club then maybe they should concentrate on improving the management/board there. It would be nice if we had a profitable licensed club that was making a worthwhile contribution to our team, but we don't. Personally i don't feel that the Football Club "owes" the Leagues Club anything. Sure they should work together and support each other as best they can, but that tight link died when we went to private ownership model. The Football Clubs main focus should be doing the best for the fans and "keeping the flame" for the spirit of the team itself.

At the very least we should get a bit of information and campaigning from current and potential board members. Might clear up some issues and get a bit of debate going. This is the first time I can remember a contested election for a while now, so hopefully it will be a civil and informative process and not fodder for the News Limited hacks.
HappilyManly said:
Ramrod said:
Manly maintaining a Leagues club is history and tradition.
It's been around since 1956.
Fans identify with it.
It's the spiritual home of the club.
It's even in the club's victory song.
That's why we are what we are.
Without our identity, we are not much.

The issue is, it's not run as well as Dee Why RSL.
Perhaps, with better management and restructuring with the help of another successful club like Dee Why RSL, perhaps Manly Leagues can be back up to where it used to be.

The Leagues club has to stay for the fans sake, but will need an injection of funds, life and better ideas.

The Club is a registered entity, my point was that the physical building has been sold off and leased back at unsustainable cost.
Thus it will never financially support the Football arm like Canterbury etc do in our lifetime.

Look at the Annual Reports and you will understand that the Leagues Club operates at an increasing loss. Any injected funds would go towards clearing the 3 million debt plus the continued annual losses, so not a good Business Plan

As it is physically in the wrong location (apart from the 10 home games) for locals, and its footprint is about 30% since upstairs has become a gym etc, it can not be resurrected. Management changes could not help it.

DY RSL is a competitor and is a very successfull outfit since they added internal floor space. Manly sold theirs off :huh:

The two AGMs are coming up for the Football and Leagues Clubs, so get down to them and vote people :exclamation:

I understand DY is a competitor.
However, stranger things have happened.

Most people on the Northern Beaches are staunch Manly supporters (except the riff raffs who lives on the Northern Beaches and refusing to call Redfern nor Kogarah, etc. home. You'd think it'd be cheaper for them to live over there).
I don't doubt DY RSL are any different and may be keen Manly supporters and have a soft spot for the Sea Eagles.

Since we have sold off most everything,... what are the chances of DY being approached to take over management whilst maintaining to keep certain values alive, eg. -
- to buy back Inverness property, inch by inch.
- support for the Sea Eagles football club
- never to dissolve the Leagues Club identity nor its intended purpose of supporting the footy club.

DY could make money for themselves and us (as long as it's written in the agreement, and it'll have to be water tight), it'll be a permanent setup or it'll revert back to the members.
With better ideas and management, the sky's the limit.

DY could profit from using our branding. It's great for both parties.
Am I right in suggesting the membership letter i just received reads that six directors are up for election and there are six on the ballot list - including Max Krilich, Ray Brown, Cliffy and three others but not Honeywood?

is anyone acting to take proxy votes apart from the chairman?
AGM is 7pm Thursday 19th December at the Chairmans Lounge, Brookie.
Yes folks, the Leagues Club is still barring the Chairman of the Footy Club from its premises, yet want him and his Board in voting on giving funds to their empty coffers 😡 :huh:

Lets hope that not enough Leagues Club Board Members make it onto the Board of the Footy Club and vote to dilute their shareholdings in the ownership of the Manly Sea Eagles :s

If you didnt get the email, call them up as it has a link to the people on the ticket etc.

This morning an email came through from Cliffy :angel: explaining his agenda and with a link to giving him a proxy vote, so the Chairman is not the only one who can accept proxies.

2013 Notice of Annual General Meeting
Notice is given that the Tenth Annual General Meeting of the Manly-Warringah Rugby League Football Club Limited ("Company") will be held in the Chairman's Lounge at Brookvale Oval, Pittwater Road, Brookvale NSW 2100, at 7.00pm on Thursday 19 December 2013.

1. Apologies
2. Confirmation of minutes of last Annual General Meeting
3. To receive and adopt the Annual Report from the Board of Directors
4. To receive and adopt the Report to Members for the year ended 31 October 2013
5. To elect six (6) Directors to the Board of the Manly Warringah Rugby League Football Club
6. To transact such other business of which due notice has been given

Copies of the proxy form for eligible voting members can be download here

By Order of the Board of Directors

Manly Leagues Club - Board Members
Ian Thomson(Chairman)
Brian Smith
Max Krilich
Warwick Bulmer
Peter Peters
Graham Houston
Garry Thoroughgood

Manly Football Club - Board Memnbers
Bob Reilly (Chairman)
Christopher Jones
Rory Muscat
Cliff Lyons
Bob Stevenson
Darrell Williams

Current Shareholders of Manly-Warringah Sea Eagles Limited as at 30 June 2012

Penn Sport Pty Ltd 49.562%
Surfside Manly Football (Quantum) 37.191%
Manly-Warringah Rugby League Football Club Ltd 13.247%
Manly-Warringah Rugby League Club Ltd 0.0% (1 share)

Manly-Warringah Rugby League Football Club Ltd 1 preference share
Structure of the Board of the Manly-Warringah Sea Eagles Limited

2 Directors appointed by Manly-Warringah Rugby League Football Club Limited
2 Directors appointed by Surfside
2 Directors appointed by Penn Sport Pty Ltd
1 Director appointed by Manly-Warringah Rugby League Club Limited*
* Under its financing arrangements with the Penn Family, the Leagues Club has agreed to appoint whomever is nominated by the Penn Family.

The Chairman of the Manly-Warringah Sea Eagles is selected from the 7 appointed Directors.
So I have had Brown call me...Cliffy email me and I'm still none the wiser who I can vote for.....

Can someone clarity (In simple terms) WTF it all means
I'll just post Cliffy's or what the current Board of the Footy Club is running as - The Members Team Ticket.

When the Leagues Club Faction (Your Team Ticket)sends me an email, I'll post their points as well, then you can be an informed voter.

I thought you might want to know why I’ve re-joined the Board of the Manly-Warringah Rugby League Football Club and why I’m standing for re-election as part of the Members Team.

The Sea Eagles are a great footy club – and have been for a long time.

Just look at what Geoff Toovey and his team have achieved on the field in the last two years alone. Off the field the Sea Eagles have made a profit for the first time in years.

We’re going well and there’s no reason why 2014 can’t be just as good – or better.

For us Football Club members there are important things we need to protect that make our Club great.

We need to be sure our Board has the strength and independence to stand up for us. When the big decisions are being made at the Sea Eagles Board, you want to know your representatives will protect your interests and all the things we stand for as a Club.

We’re not millionaires, but our membership fees have allowed us to buy more shares in the Sea Eagles and increase our stake.

Your vote for the Football Club Board is really going to matter – because we don’t want to risk losing or giving all this away.

I think the current Board have fought hard to remain independent and protect the members’ interest in the face of heavy criticism.

That’s why I’ve re-joined the Board and I’m standing for re-election for the MEMBERS TEAM.

I’ve got too many scars and great memories from my days playing in the maroon and white not to fight for this Club and current Board.

Cliff Lyons
Manly-Warringah Rugby League Football Club
27 November 2013
Frogz said:
So I have had Brown call me...Cliffy email me and I'm still none the wiser who I can vote for.....

Can someone clarity (In simple terms) WTF it all means

You can vote for anyone Frogz. There are 6 board spots up for grabs and they are all voted on.

However I believe in this case that there are basically two factions who are running as a combined ticket and wish to contest all 6 seats in one lot. So much like voting Liberal v Labor. It might become clearer over the next couple of weeks, but I don't know that we will end up with a situation where the 6 seats are shared between the two factions.

There are the existing board members on one ticket, the "Members Team" of which Cliffy is part of.

Then there is the other ticket which is the Krilich/Brown Leagues Club ticket.
I got the AGM notice email.

But no email from Cliffy 🙁

But then again I think I need 1 more year to be able to vote? (Is it 2 years?)

I joined in Nov 2012.

Maybe @HappilyManly should run so we can all vote for her!!! HM knows what's what!
Thank you...That has clarified it for me. I was unsure which ticket was for whom.

3 consecutive years of Football Club Membership gets you voting rights.
You can only join annually to prevent the Football Club Membership being 'stacked'.

My only interest in Manly is to support a competitive Football Team, preferably at Brookie, although I go to all away games anyway 🙂

Having lived through the 1999 mismanagement and thus folding of my beloved Club, I get nervous when I see the deck chairs being rearranged by the incompetent Leagues Club, yet again :s

My belief is that independent Boards will compromise for the good of the Manly Sea Eagles Franchise, as no one has total control.
Zorba being on all three Boards, till the 'Krilich Ticket' magically manifested, is completely incomprehensible to me, as it was a clear conflict of interest.

So December 19 will show how active the Football Club Members are in protecting what is Manly to Supporters:angel:
3 years!?!?!?!?

I'll be like..... 16 then! Talk about old!

Well, thanks Manly for accepting my money but giving me no vote! It's like being a permanent resident in Canada. Pay taxes...but no voting!

It's moose-ist!
Canteen Worker said:
Am I right in suggesting the membership letter i just received reads that six directors are up for election and there are six on the ballot list - including Max Krilich, Ray Brown, Cliffy and three others but not Honeywood?

is anyone acting to take proxy votes apart from the chairman?

Hi CW,
Not sure if you’ve now had a chance to re-read the message you received regarding the AGM however just in case….
The list of nominees you would have received lists 12 names.

NOTE * denotes current Board Member

The note explains that the names with an asterisk against them are the current Football Club board.

This board works well together and enjoy a great working relationship with David Perry and his management team at the Sea Eagles and of course with Tooves and the Football Department.

Whilst the current set up continues to see positive results both on and off the field we are committed in supporting them and the members interests at Sea Eagles board level and have unanimously decided to stay together and stand for re-election.

We remain committed to continue to uphold and adhere to the goals agreed to by the membership 10 years ago when the new ownership structure was formed.

Those goals can be seen here

These goals are still as important today - if not more in some cases!

The remaining 6 people are a Leagues club based “ticket” – two of the group are current Leagues Club directors and three work for a “pokie” machine company who are a major supplier to the club.

They have indicated they are standing as a group for election ie they are looking for support to remove all of the current board.

Whilst there may have been media reports that Wayne Honeywood was standing with this group that was incorrect.

I understand Wayne was asked to join them but declined.

So, the election basically boils down to whether support the current board or vote to replace them I guess.

Regarding proxy votes…the form gives the option to give your proxy (vote) to the Chairman OR another named person – see here

The person you give your proxy to doesn't need to be a voting member BUT they must attend the AGM to vote.

As the Football Club is the only independent body representing your interests at the board level of the Sea Eagles your vote is important.

All eligible members are encouraged to attend the meeting to vote or give their vote to someone by proxy to vote on their behalf.

If any Football Club member would like to give me their proxy or have any questions regarding the election or process of voting please feel free to contact me via email at [email protected] or leave me your contact details on phone number 1300 1972 73 and I’ll call you?


Bob Stevenson
Deputy Chairman
Hey Vidmar - any chance of getting an update on here post todays meeting re Brookie Redvelopment?
The Wheel said:
Hey Vidmar - any chance of getting an update on here post todays meeting re Brookie Redvelopment?

There was a small comment in the Daily this week saying that Abbott's $10m was only a recommitment of the $10m that labor had already promised for Brookie before the election.

Abbott needs to be taken to task about his lack of funding for brookie as all the years he has been in government all he has given us a some new lights.
I thinks it's a minimum of 2 years Global ( could even be 3), designed to stop " branch stacking".

I am a little biaised ( and declaring that in advance) but for the life of me cannot see where a total change of board will achieve much, other than stopping Zorba leak stuff to the Telecrap ( as it's then his mates in control).

What has the current board done wrong these last few years ??

Apart from the obvious onfield success these are a few positives I can think about.

1) We survived " De$gate
2) Quite correctly the Board threw its support behind Toovey
3) We have kept our colours
4) We still play at least 10 games a year " at home"
5) The board have a good working relationship with Dave Perry
6) And even with limited funds still buy shares
7) There's now an excellent website with heaps of online history available
8) They have moved into the 21st century and you can now join or pay membership online.

So what's " broken" or what has been done wrong.... the answer is not much.

I am very much in favour of the word " independent" in Cliff Lyons email , heed that word carefully when you vote!!!
But Mark...None of the above come from The Football Club,....Its all From The Sea Eagles entity...isn't it??
Frogz said:
But Mark...None of the above come from The Football Club,....Its all From The Sea Eagles entity...isn't it??

No, all Footy Club achievements listed.

It was their vote that extended 2V and Perry, both against the Penn votes.

It is their fund raising that is clawing back the ownership from the SE Entity.

It is their votes that are ensuring the 10 games at Brookie.

The 2 Corporate Shareholders are each trying to get majority or 4/7 votes on the SE Board, it is the Footy Club that is keeping the Supporters in the game.

The strategy of paying out most, but not all of the Leagues Club debt by buying the building and car park was all for that 1 extra vote for the Penns.
So they already have 3/7 votes.

Now the strategy seems to be to split the Footy Clubs 2 votes, then they will have 4/7 or effective control.

The following may help explain the set up and how all the parties are inter-related. Can't vouch for accuracy of current board members though.

The Manly-Warringah Sea Eagles "Family" at the senior level is made up of three (3) separate legal entities, each with their own Constitution and Board of Directors.

Manly-Warringah Sea Eagles Limited

Privatised company that holds the NRL Licence and participates in the National Rugby League (NRL) competition.
Contracts players, coaches and administration staff, conducts Game Days at Brookvale Oval, provides Corporate Hospitality and Sponsorship opportunities, markets and sells merchandise and membership, and operates the websites and
Public Company Limited by Shares.
Four shareholders - Penn Sport, Surfside Manly Football (controlled by Quantum), Manly Warringah Rugby League Football Club, and Manly -Warringah League Club.

Manly-Warringah Rugby League Football Club Limited

Public Company Limited by Guarantee (ie no shareholders).
Membership based company to which the Life Members and Members belong.
Owns 12.36% of the ordinary shares in the Manly Warringah Sea Eagles Limited.
Holds one Preference Share in the Manly Warringah Sea Eagles Limited giving the members of the Football Club ownership of the Name and Colours. The preference share guarantees no less than 10 home games at Brookvale Oval.

Manly Warringah Rugby League Club Limited

Registered Club operating licensed premises at 563 Pittwater Road, Brookvale.
Provides entertainment and facilities to League Club members and guests.
Facilities include Brasserie 563, Lyon's Den Sports Bar, bars, function rooms & poker machines.
Long time Major Supporter of the Manly-Warringah Sea Eagles.
Owns 1 ordinary share of the Manly-Warringah Sea Eagles Limited

Current Shareholders of Manly Warringah Sea Eagles Limited as at 1 February 2012

Penn Sport Pty Ltd - 9,315,884 shares = 50.07%

Surfside Manly Football Club Pty Ltd (Quantum) - 6,990,710 shares = 37.57%

Manly-Warringah Rugby League Football Club Ltd - 2,300,000 shares = 12.36%

Manly-Warringah Rugby League Club Ltd - 1 share = 0.00%

Total - 18,606,595 shares = 100.00%

Directors of the Manly-Warringah Sea Eagles Limited as at 30 Nov 2013

Scott Penn (Penn Sport appointee and Chairman)
Bob Reilly (Football Club appointee and Deputy Chairman)
Darrell Williams (Football Club appointee)
Phillip Sidney (Surfside appointee)
John Walstab (Surfside appointee)
Kerry Chrysiliou (Penn Sport appointee)
Peter Peters (Manly Leagues Club appointee as nominated by Penn Family)


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