Krillich wants back in

Apart from Honeywood, who is an accountant, I don't think any of those worthy gentlemen have much to offer. The days of successful clubs having football club boards laden with ex-players are long gone.
I not sure whether to eat the apple first or the orange first.......hmmmm.......more contemplation required.
Since I posted this I have had to ask, what board and what it actually means to the Sea Eagles Board...haven't been able to get a clear understanding yet.

Anyone care to clarify what/who they are running for and what it means????
Frogz said:
Since I posted this I have had to ask, what board and what it actually means to the Sea Eagles Board...haven't been able to get a clear understanding yet.

Anyone care to clarify what/who they are running for and what it means????

They are running for the Football Club Board. They are not running for the Leagues Club Board and the Sea Eagles Board is a Private Company where the Directors are appointed by the Shareholders.
I agree mark get rid of that Liverpool supporter. 😀
Just kidding @vidmar love ya brother even if you some how lost your face.

I wonder though how much of that article was max k's quotes and how much was Ritchie twisting things. I may be wrong about it but Ritchie is a grub of the highest order and I wouldn't trust him.

The board members of the football club I've met are all decent people in my opinion, I also have the same opinion of Max Krillich having met him a few times. I just get the feeling this proposed rival ticket could be having its strings pulled by one obvious person who wasn't reported as being on it. That article reeks of Zorba.
Terry Zarsoff said:
Apart from Honeywood, who is an accountant, I don't any of those worthy gentlemen have much to offer. The days of successful clubs having football club boards laden with ex-players are long gone.

I agree totally
This thread is about the MWDRLFC Board.
The one that The Scribe finally resigned from a few weeks back, also Phil Dean went - now replaced by Mrs Sibraa with elections due at the next AGM in December - Vidmar will have the exact date - hence the lobbying being aired.

( )

The lobbying is relevant as I believe its only every 3 or so years that the elections take place.

Why it's important to we Fans, is that the Manly Football Club is the one that is invited by the NRL to participate in getting screwed by the Referees each year. It owns the emblem and colours etc 😎

The second Board is that of the Manly Leagues Club - which has sold its voting rights in the Franchise, its property and its carpark to the Penns, and does not financially contribute to the MWDRLFC anymore.
So is in fact impotent in safeguarding the future of the Manly Warringah District Rugby Football League at Senior or Junior level.:dodgy:

It is also the facility that the current CEO of the Football Club is barred from entering - hence the post GF Celebrations and Annual Meetings being held away from the Leagues Buildings :huh:

The third and final Board that takes up a lot of the DT pages, is the Franchise of Manly Sea Eagles. It is made up of the Penn, the Quantum and the MWDRLFC. The voting rights etc are all detailed on the site somewhere. Makes for good bedtime reading 😛

The only people who should be voted for on the MWDRLFC Board are the ones who will keep the Manly identity. It has 1 or 2 out of the 7 votes on the Franchise Board, 'it keeps the bastards honest' so to speak.

More Manly (various) Board stories will be in the DT as Bulldog is mates with the Scribe and the Penns are lobbying to get their man into the MWDRLF Board to get the majority voting block on the Franchise Board :-/

See - and join up so that you can vote too, it's the only tangible input Fans have of keeping Manly at home on the Northern Beaches :idea:
I am personally over all the in-fighting that we are seeing constantly in the papers. However, I don't necessarily believe that getting rid of te current mob is the right thing to do.

Here's my take: the issue with Max Krilich's ticket is his alliance with Zorba, a relative of the Penn's. As long as the Penns are a part of this club, anyone that is attached to Zorba has to be scrutinised VERY carefully. Another thing here is that Max talks about control going back to the footballers. Reality check Max, the footballers are no longer the majority in the Football Club. The fans/loyal supporters probably hold over 50% of the vote. Therefore, don't say that you are going to give the board back to the footballers, because that will mean nothing to most of the fans who just care about their team. Yes, their ticket will probably stop the bickering on the Sea Eagles board. However they won't be impartial.

Then we get to the current board. This board hasn't gone up for election in the time that I have been a member of the Football Club. This is now coming on 5 years. The Football Club has a clause in its constitution that states that if there are 6 or less people challenging for a seat on the board, then all will get a seat and there won't be a vote. This means that it has been a long time since they have really been scrutinised and held to account for playing their part in the board in-fighting. (PLEASE NOTE: I am not saying that they are solely to blame for this. All parties are just as guilty as each other in the bickering. The difference is, the Football Club representatives have to answer to the fans, the Penns and Quantum don't.) Their main job is to be impartial and represent the public wing of the club. They have failed to do this by siding with Quantum, and this has caused a lot of the fighting. The plus side here is that the board has people like Julie Sibraa to help bring them back to reality

The Football Club has one job to do: represent the fans and the ex-players on the private owned board, and stay impartial to BOTH sides. Their job should be to not get involved in the bickering between the 2 private owners, and make decisions for the good of the Sea Eagles, and its fans.

I do not know who I will vote for yet, as both choices have me worried. Either we have same old, same old, or we pretty much get the same with the other ticket but the votes will go to the Penns.

Either way, something has to change. Whether it be the representatives on the Sea Eagles board, cutting ties with Quantum and being impartial, or bringing someone in with some respect and love for the club, footballer or not. What I think people have forgotten about is why people put their hands up to do jobs like this. It shouldn't for the rewards, it shouldn't be for the "after-party access", it shouldn't be for the footballers. It should be solely for the survival of this great club, and what is the best way to ensure we stay at Brookvale and in Maroon and White.

That is my rant, and I will be keeping a very close eye on both sides over the next couple of months. Hopefully, for the good of the Manly Sea Eagles, no matter what happens in the vote, we come out of this with a stronger board that will continue to stand by this club the way it is....the MANLY WARRINGAH SEA EAGLES.

I think it's important that everyone who is a football club member reads this thread to be as informed as possible when the time comes to vote on the board, which I strongly suggest as many of you who can, do.

Jono, keep finger on the pulse and report what you can here.
All fair points Jono.

Naturally I have to say I am close mates with Vidmar, know Jonesy well and have had a business relationship with Darrell Williams, so I am if anything a little biased.

I think what we do need to understand is there's more at play here than meets the eye, I think all of us that are FC members, and can vote , need to fully understand what voting either way will do. One way gets us more of the same, the other will certainly hand control to one faction. The ramifications of that need to be fully understood, and even I don't actually know.

I guess we wait for the campaigns to start !!
This is an incredibly important decision. If voting for Max and his ticket hands control to the Penns then they should state that is who they intend to support (or otherwise) and with solid reasons why.

Despite paying for membership for years, and having individuals like Vidmar who make themselves available at all times, there has been IMO a lack of transparency in the way the MWRLDFC decisions are undertaken and conveyed to members.

All aspiring board members need to clearly convey their positions before an election.
Jono said:
… The Football Club has one job to do: represent the fans and the ex-players on the private owned board, and stay impartial to BOTH sides. Their job should be to not get involved in the bickering between the 2 private owners, and make decisions for the good of the Sea Eagles, and its fans…
That might be your idea Jono, and it might be the current board's idea too, but…

From the constitution:

The objects and purpose of the Company are to:
(a) assist generally in the promotion, development, conduct and propagation of the
game of rugby league in the Manly Warringah district or elsewhere;
(b) oversee and assist the Junior League, including where necessary, to mediate
and/or arbitrate disputes involving members of the Junior League or organisations
affiliated with the Junior League or members thereof;
(c) propagate the game of rugby league by acquiring and holding shares in the Manly
Sea Eagles; and
(d) do all things necessary and convenient to achieve those objects.

The Football Club now has a website, check it out and consider joining if not already a member:

The only problem is, I couldn't find anything about the local junior clubs, or the number of juniors we have, whether that is growing or shrinking, how many schools in the area have teams, or how to contact the junior clubs, or how much it costs to register a player. Maybe that's there and I just couldn't find it?

Not surprising anyhow, the 'Goals' section on the site seems to refer only to goals relating directly to the Sea Eagles.


It would be helpful if all the candidates could use that site to canvass their policies and views, in particular the points of difference from the status quo.
This board hasn't gone up for election in the time that I have been a member of the Football Club. This is now coming on 5 years. The Football Club has a clause in its constitution that states that if there are 6 or less people challenging for a seat on the board, then all will get a seat and there won't be a vote. This means that it has been a long time since they have really been scrutinised and held to account

Agree. If Max runs his ticket then at least we will get to hear a "campaign" from all those concerned. That has to be a good thing that the seats are contested and not just handed out. However I'll take it with a grain of salt given that Max has made noises about nominating previously and then pulled out at the 11th hour (I think he settled for a spot on the Leagues Club board instead from memory). Who knows what goes on behind the scenes.

Hopefully there will be more than 6 nominees so everyone has to state their case and hopefully be called to account for any allegiances they may have.
Chip and Chase said:
I see cliffy has been given a guernsey on the board to replace Zorba.

I saw that as well.

We're like....seeing bros!

email from the Football Club - the one everyone should be a Member of to have a effective vote :idea:

The Board of the MWRLF Club “known as the District Club” met last night and appointed Cliff Lyons into the Board seat made vacant by Peter Peters.
"It’s great to have a person of Cliffy’s calibre on Board. He is one of the Clubs Greatest players; he is also a life member", Reilly said.

Cliff said “I am pleased to be back on the Board with these guys. This Board has done a good job.

They have supported Dave Perry’s Administration and that has paid off by the Sea Eagles marking a profit.

They have supported Toove’s as Coach and the Team did make the Grand Final.

The District Club Board has purchased over 300.000 shares for the members in the Sea Eagles.

I am here to help them keep up the good work."

Cliffy has intimate knowledge of the MWRLFC Juniors , as he has Coached a few of them to Championships #CliffyIsGod :angel:

Cliffy AND Beaver AND Tooves - we are back Baby - on and off the paddock! 😀

What a team of genuine Manly Legends, who left us with so many wonderful memories on the field, and now they will have a chance to inspire the next generation of Manly Sea Eagles Supporters from the sidelines :angel:
Theses 'Faceless Men' of Manly, according to Bulldog Ritchie😛
When is the AGM ?? Got a call from Max tonight (that went to voicemail) so it seems the lobbying has begun.
This is democracy - and it is a good thing. As far as I can see it is one group of ex-players putting up a case for election onto the Football Club board. I have not doubt that the current board is committed but I don't know any of them and there has been a lot of powerplay from the current lot. When Max Delmege was around, there was powerplay, when Penns bought in there was more. Some love one group, others love the opposite. There has been enough BS shared to fertilise a rose farm. the Football club president gets banned from the Leagues club, Zorba is accused of taking a fridge. Noone knows what to believe. I welcome an opposition ticket as it might force the current board to tell us what they do, what they stand for and how they are spending the money, rather than silence and the distorted stories that Penns are trying to take the club to Gosford.
One Rule they must enforce is that No Leagues Club/Football Club person can be on both boards.
Its a clear conflict of interest and stifles robust decision making😎

Each Corporation has a Representative or two on the Manly Sea Eagles Franchise Board anyway, so they can get their agendas aired there.

I am still at a loss as to why Manly needs to maintain a bankrupt Leagues Club,as ours contributes a big fat zero to the Football Operations and is not a mecca for the Locals at all:huh:

The 600k rent that they pay could be greatly reduced if the Harbord Diggers became a Leagues Club sub-branch.

Apart from the 10 Home Games, and really only the ones that Manly win, the crowds are not beating down the door :-/
Even the many beers bought on those few occasions, would barely cover the $60k in rent let alone the Staff costs for the night.
HappilyManly said:
One Rule they must enforce is that No Leagues Club/Football Club person can be on both boards.
Its a clear conflict of interest and stifles robust decision making😎

Each Corporation has a Representative or two on the Manly Sea Eagles Franchise Board anyway, so they can get their agendas aired there.

I am still at a loss as to why Manly needs to maintain a bankrupt Leagues Club,as ours contributes a big fat zero to the Football Operations and is not a mecca for the Locals at all:huh:

The 600k rent that they pay could be greatly reduced if the Harbord Diggers became a Leagues Club sub-branch.

Apart from the 10 Home Games, and really only the ones that Manly win, the crowds are not beating down the door :-/
Even the many beers bought on those few occasions, would barely cover the $60k in rent let alone the Staff costs for the night.

Manly maintaining a Leagues club is history and tradition.
It's been around since 1956.
Fans identify with it.
It's the spiritual home of the club.
It's even in the club's victory song.
That's why we are what we are.
Without our identity, we are not much.

The issue is, it's not run as well as Dee Why RSL.
Perhaps, with better management and restructuring with the help of another successful club like Dee Why RSL, perhaps Manly Leagues can be back up to where it used to be.

The Leagues club has to stay for the fans sake, but will need an injection of funds, life and better ideas.

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