Who is it written by (and is it unauthorised or authorised?)
It was an unathorised biography and was written by Paul barry who was working at the ABC at the time. Quite a interesting read although I no longer have the book as someone borrowed it and never returned it.
Packer is said to have threatened to sue barry for everything he had as a result of the book and I believe that packer did in fact sue some people who contributed to it.
One of the reasons that he kept his donations private is that if people knew that he had donated $10m to the RPA hospital then many people would have been critical of him and said why didn't he dontate $20m. In other words what he donated would have never been enough unless he donated every cent that he owned.
I have personal knowledge of two of his generous donations. The fact that for many many years Packer has allowed the NSW hospital system free use of his personal plane and pilots at anytime to transfer organs to prople waiting for organ donation was told to me by a police officer whose section is involved in arranging escorts for organ transplants.
The second involved the town of Gundy in the Hunter valley which is the closest town to where Packers ellerston property is. Quite a few years ago the town started fund raising so that they could build a public swimming pool in the town.
A lot of the staff that worked at Packers property come from gundy and when he heard of the fund raising he simply asked how much was required for the pool and wrote a cheque on the spot for several hundred thousand dollars to enable to pool to be built. I know this because my wifes parents used to own the adjoining property to Ellerstone for many years and knew a lot of the workers there.
I also know several people, who previously worked at channel 9 and they say that he was a fearsome person when annoyed but he was also a caring person and the Xmas hampers that he gives to all staff for years are lengendry.
No doubt he was arrogant and far from the perfect person but he was certainly not as bad as some people make him out to be. Sure he has probably always done most things in order to increase his wealth but I have known other extremely wealthy people who are exactly the same.
One person I know in particular owns a large non bank lender and is said to be worth in excess of $1b. Yet he still works 6 days a week today even though he could have retired years ago. he is also one of the tightest persons that i know and wouldn't buy you a sandwich if he was buying his at the same time. he said to me that he is good at one thing and that is making money.
Wealthy people have a different mindset to us average folk. They can never own enough money and devlote their whole lives to making more and more even though that could not possibly spend what they already own in 10 lifetimes. I think if most of us come into $10m we would probably spend 6 months of the year travelling and the other 6 months watching our own personal football team - the sea eagles.