keep politics out of the game

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Don't get him started on this. He fervently believes that depression is a matter of taking responsibility for yourself and anti depressants are a joke.
This man would be very dangerous around anyone suffering from depression, women facing DV, and anyone struggling with their sexuality.
Get on beautifully with a family member who suffers depression and anxiety, she knows my views doesn't change my love for her.

I am close friends with a bisexual woman, i very much doubt she would agree with your analysis of me, she also knows my views towards gay or bisexual men and sometimes jokes about it in my presence.(yep i know you will find it hard to believe)

For 97% anti depressants are a joke, there are extremes that people have experienced in life where i don't have an issue with the use of anti depressants in the initial stages of recovery for a very, very short period of time.
TC - Whilst this issue has gone on a long time now and the back forward seems endless (and yet I still pop my head in to watch) and I'm reluctant to add my 2 cents (coz who has 2 cents anymore anyway??) but I do have to pull you up on this - "Depression and help lines are promoted like crazy in Western Countries and all it does is glamourize the condition and gives people something to be defined by instead of taking responsibility for their actions and happiness". I volunteer with Lifeline and I don't even know where to start with that. There is nothing glamourous about the people that seek help for all sorts of reasons. Some mentioned in this thread. Many leading to thoughts of self harm (and sadly, follow through on those thoughts). I was going to say your comment can only be based on ignorance but that would be rude and I don't like to do that. So I would just suggest a rethink on making such a sweeping statement without fully understanding (seemingly) the good that these "helplines" actually do. That's all.
Many enjoy promoting themselves as "Suffering Depression" in a "it defines me way".

Depression is not an illness in my view, never has been.
I've mentioned my compromise on how the inclusivity promotion should go ahead inclusive of the LGTBQ+ group where have any with opposing views provided an alternative option with a compromise element. All i see is tokenism "compromise this compromise that" but it is only directed one way.

All i see is "wear the jersey as it is like it or not" if not you are not accepting.

If the players don't want to participate they are free to not do so, if the Club feels what the players are doing is illegal take them to court or don't sign them up on renewal of contract.

It's a pretty simple process.
Homophobia is an issue in the game, just as attitudes to women have been for a long time. In recent years the game is trying hard to change the attitudes to women.
TC it is rather lazy arguing to say the law protects everyone so what's the problem. You may be aware of the horrendous DV stats in this country - even though domestic violence is against the law, it's still a huge issue.

Yes sport should only promote betting with mates and drinking alcohol.

Ok now I am all but speechless. If you think social change is ever driven by members of parliament passing laws - then one of us has things totally upside down!
Attitudes towards Women and "Homophobia" have been an issue within "society" for a long time, it's not the games job to change views and attitudes or tell it's supporters right from wrong.
Don’t forget to take a lonely selfie while there is still some light shining down the deep hole you keep digging yourself in, might be an improvement on the lonely beach selfie that looks like the first rays of light your wrinkle free skin has been exposed to in a few decades.Maybe some Vitamin D supplements will help with the mood swings. (you made it personal so take it like a man or a simp whichever one you associate with)

1) You couldn’t find anything remotely racist in my comments just like SER8 unless you massage the content looking for confirmation bias, please show me a clearly racist comment I have made.

2) Does a “clearly” anti-feminist person in your eyes pull up a particular poster here on several occasions for being one dimensional and over sexualizing women in an objectifying way.

3)Does a “clearly” misogynist person show support for solo female sporting athletes(which I’ve mentioned here) along with my personal views that i rate many female sporting hosts as better than men in a variety of sports.

4)You made yourself look like a royal tosser clutching at straws with the Reubens link, when I explained the context, the time line of responses and the underlying "taking the piss" of the thread along with the happy ending(no hands were used I promise) I almost shed a tear for you, but then laughter overcame me and the tears came flooding out in ample supply.

4)Context about the Assistant Coach pisstake. In the early days of this site, One Eyed Eagle and the Official Site forums my style of technical analysis contributions was quite different to the average poster and long winded also(aka defined as dribble in these parts back then also), with time caps and explaining of lines and structures.

Some posters took me as overly negative and a party pooper, that I would pick at flaws even when the team was performing well at or near the top of the table, that I would downplay the long term effectiveness of structures that were still working and saying they need to be addressed. From pretty much day dot I mentioned the flaws in DCE’s game for example when Manly were in the top 2(not some hindsight safe analysis when things are going bad years later) there is a long list of analysis made before the fact, I put myself out there for ridicule by seeing the level of performance completely different to others.

Some posters would call me a dribbler and that I had an axe to grind, that maybe I was a budding assistant coach or former head coach, some posters for fun or the feeling of having delusional predicting super powers even suggested names of who I might be well before I played up to the role. For a while I laughed it off, brushed it off then eventually just played along for shytes and giggles. I think I even invited a few posters for a book signing lol----clearly anyone with half a brain could see the fun in it. There was no initial promoting of myself as such or even directly “labelling myself as an Assistant Coach of a first grade NRL team”.

I most certainly don’t need to big up myself, if that is or was the case I would of named drop pathetically like many here years ago----- well probably because I’m a nobody right and would have to make up names.(now I’m even providing your replies to speed up the to and fro around here)

You come across as book smart and well read with no idea how to apply your knowledge in the real world, maybe that is why you are a Simp who crawls up the A$$ of a Budgie for validation.
You seem pretty obsessed with my profile picture, @Technical Coach ....... That's almost as disturbing as the pathological bull**** that dribbles out your mouth on this site. I am trying to identify whether your issues are predominantly pathological or psychological. Probably a bit of both, to be exact.

However, the disordered thinking that commonly manifests itself in your manic streams of consciousness, cleverly disguised as post-responses, would point more towards the psychological. Conversely, your penchant for self-delusion and self-justification in many of your more rambling posts would demonstrate a more pathological basis for your behaviour on Silvertails.

I will call bull**** on your attempted excuses in explaining why you passed yourself off as an NRL Assistant Coach, mate. It's pretty evident from your posts around this time that you thought you had everybody fooled.

Just accept that you are a bigoted, misogynistic, antifeminist, homophobic, racist, pathological liar, and we can all get back to laughing at your overstated technical knowledge of Rugby League. You're a fraud, mate. That is the last thing I will say on this matter.

PS I had another paragraph in defence of @Budgie However, I don't think she needs my help (or anyone else's in dealing with you).
Wow. Ok, no where to go with that really. 🙂
What I will say is that a lot of my Lifeline work involves people more senior than I and some of those people are in a very dark place after losing their partner of many decades. The thought of saying to them that they "enjoy promoting themselves as "Suffering Depression" in a "it defines me way". is staggering to me. But sheesh, I like to talk footy and say silly things - so that's me done on this topic.
You seem pretty obsessed with my profile picture, @Technical Coach ....... That's almost as disturbing as the pathological bull**** that dribbles out your mouth on this site. I am trying to identify whether your issues are predominantly pathological or psychological. Probably a bit of both, to be exact.

However, the disordered thinking that commonly manifests itself in your manic streams of consciousness, cleverly disguised as post-responses, would point more towards the psychological. Conversely, your penchant for self-delusion and self-justification in many of your more rambling posts would demonstrate a more pathological basis for your behaviour on Silvertails.

I will call bull**** on your attempted excuses in explaining why you passed yourself off as an NRL Assistant Coach, mate. It's pretty evident from your posts around this time that you thought you had everybody fooled.

Just accept that you are a bigoted, misogynistic, antifeminist, homophobic, racist, pathological liar, and we can all get back to laughing at your overstated technical knowledge of Rugby League. You're a fraud, mate. That is the last thing I will say on this matter.

PS I had another paragraph in defence of @Budgie However, I don't think she needs my help (or anyone else's in dealing with you).
You are the one who made the first personal shytes and giggles comments instead of just addressing the content of my replies, helpful hint don't instigate what you can't handle.

Once again show a racist comment i made----you can't. When accusing people link back to the comment it is only fair on you to give added weight to your opinions and the recipient to respond. It's very easy to fling things out but much harder to back them up, eventually your opinions become facts without the facts. SER8 had the same issue and couldn't address it either, same personality traits also.

Pathological liar now huh, nope and i have the history in the chats to prove my timeline of events against everything you sling out.

Why is it you choose not to mention the positives i've said about women?

"Everybody fooled" are you honestly believing your version of events at that time----did you even exist back then or are you getting your info from someone else with a confirmation bias agenda. I clearly stated the timeline of how it all eventuated and the history logs will prove this, i played along for a tongue and cheek laugh after so many people labelled me as such.

My nick alone encouraged that kind of dig also, do you seriously think i thought i was fooling "everybody" i wasn't even trying to fool just enjoyed the handful who convinced themselves i was a present or former assistant and was more than happy 95% here didn't bother going down that path and just addressed my topics.

You seriously are the biggest book smart educated fraud i have come across who lacks any ability whatsoever to apply that knowledge in the real world, it is bordering on pathetic and a sorry waste of time you have invested in yourself.

Just like my nick offers easy jokes at my expense your profile offers easy comebacks also, do you at least acknowledge your snide remarks put yourself on the radar as the instigator or are you going to continue deflecting or lost in your own pride.
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From a family friends son.

View attachment 22768
What right does he have to say "you will never know", he should speak only about himself not others.

Have plenty of other things i would like to say but how can one even express their own opinions when someone else is in such a mental state. It is like he is the one with the right to speak publicly which can negatively impact many with the way he is promoting his issues, yet the opposite view will just get deleted to "protect" his mental state and others like him.

It is a form of self perpetuating negativity that has the right to be promoted.
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What I will say is that a lot of my Lifeline work involves people more senior than I and some of those people are in a very dark place after losing their partner of many decades. The thought of saying to them that they "enjoy promoting themselves as "Suffering Depression" in a "it defines me way". is staggering to me. But sheesh, I like to talk footy and say silly things - so that's me done on this topic.
I never once stated that a person that is heavily depressed after losing a partner comes under the banner of "enjoy promoting themselves" for starters so don't make some loose connection with my views to that example.

Secondly saying depression doesn't exist does not mean people don't suffer deep depressed states and struggles after serious trauma based events in ones life. That is a perfectly reasonable and expected response to be depressed but it has zero to do with an "illness" and just because it is prolonged it now doesn't become defined as an "illness" either.
I never once stated that a person that is heavily depressed after losing a partner comes under the banner of "enjoy promoting themselves" for starters so don't make some loose connection with my views to that example.

Secondly saying depression doesn't exist does not mean people don't suffer deep depressed states and struggles after serious trauma based events in ones life. That is a perfectly reasonable and expected response to be depressed but it has zero to do with an "illness" and just because it is prolonged it now doesn't become defined as an "illness" either.
Hey TC - I agree, you didn't state that, in fact you gave no example and that was my point about you making a sweeping statement. "Depression and help lines are promoted like crazy in Western Countries and all it does is glamourize the condition and gives people something to be defined by instead of taking responsibility for their actions and happiness". is, in my mind anyway, a massive sweeping statement and by default, encompasses all people who might call a Helpline. Including those people to whom I referred. As far as whether clinical depression is an illness... your thoughts are pretty clear on that so I won't drag this out anymore. cheers
Hey TC - I agree, you didn't state that, in fact you gave no example and that was my point about you making a sweeping statement. "Depression and help lines are promoted like crazy in Western Countries and all it does is glamourize the condition and gives people something to be defined by instead of taking responsibility for their actions and happiness". is, in my mind anyway, a massive sweeping statement and by default, encompasses all people who might call a Helpline. Including those people to whom I referred. As far as whether clinical depression is an illness... your thoughts are pretty clear on that so I won't drag this out anymore. cheers
All good.

Too often i see "sufferers" promote depression like it is a badge of honour, that it defines and distinguishes them from the rest of society and that "no-one can relate if you are not or never been a suffer".

With so much media exposure and promotion on display going on two decades now yet the numbers keep increasing gives more weight to the "glamourizing" element. Some may argue the numbers increasing is a sign that people are just now more "open" and comfortable to express their struggles thanks to the promotions "normalizing" the "illness" but to me that is a cop out.

With so much of tax payer funds invested in such organizations and medicines each year i would like to see the numbers coming down, that wont happen because the industry is money driven more than a genuine care to make things better.

I'm sure there are many who work within the industry that have a genuine selfless caring nature and only want to do the best for sufferers but it really is two steps back one step forward which guarantees funds and future employment.

I want to see broad range positive results not the occasional success story praising the current approaches to depression on offer as proof we are on the right path.

Replies like "if it saves one life it is/was worth it" are not my thing.

If you are a non believer you get one shot at this precious thing called life so why not just let life naturally exhaust your time here and randomly take you away when your time is up, you only guarantee regrets and failure taking your own life or stuck in a negative loop.

If you are a believer you have zero chance of the special offerings if you take a cheat pass to the end or lead a depressed unappreciative life as a whole, this is how i see it.
Here’s an example of the sort of politics infused in sport that many fans don’t even recognise as ‘politics’: in November 2012, the Premier League instituted the wearing of the poppy on the weekend of Remembrance Sunday for all players.

For footballer James McClean, Remembrance Sunday is arguably his most difficult day of the year. He refused to wear the poppy. Since he first refused to wear it in 2012, McClean and his family have been subjected to abuse both in football stadiums across England and online.

The Republic of Ireland international, who was born in Northern Ireland, has been outspoken about what the poppy and Remembrance Sunday mean to his community and its relationship to the British military…

…In 2018, Serbian midfielder Nemanja Matic – who then played for Manchester United – decided against wearing the symbol because of the “reminder” of the bombs dropped by NATO on his hometown Vrelo in Serbia…

…The abuse directed at McClean has often turned into anti-Catholic and anti-Irish abuse. He recently posted a video taken from his match against former club Sunderland where thousands of fans chanted, “F**k the pope and the IRA…”
You are the one who made the first personal shytes and giggles comments instead of just addressing the content of my replies, helpful hint don't instigate what you can't handle.

Once again show a racist comment i made----you can't. When accusing people link back to the comment it is only fair on you to give added weight to your opinions and the recipient to respond. It's very easy to fling things out but much harder to back them up, eventually your opinions become facts without the facts. SER8 had the same issue and couldn't address it either, same personality traits also.

Pathological liar now huh, nope and i have the history in the chats to prove my timeline of events against everything you sling out.

Why is it you choose not to mention the positives i've said about women?

"Everybody fooled" are you honestly believing your version of events at that time----did you even exist back then or are you getting your info from someone else with a confirmation bias agenda. I clearly stated the timeline of how it all eventuated and the history logs will prove this, i played along for a tongue and cheek laugh after so many people labelled me as such.

My nick alone encouraged that kind of dig also, do you seriously think i thought i was fooling "everybody" i wasn't even trying to fool just enjoyed the handful who convinced themselves i was a present or former assistant and was more than happy 95% here didn't bother going down that path and just addressed my topics.

You seriously are the biggest book smart educated fraud i have come across who lacks any ability whatsoever to apply that knowledge in the real world, it is bordering on pathetic and a sorry waste of time you have invested in yourself.

Just like my nick offers easy jokes at my expense your profile offers easy comebacks also, do you at least acknowledge your snide remarks put yourself on the radar as the instigator or are you going to continue deflecting or lost in your own pride.

Again you miss the point entirely @Technical Coach As I have stated in previous posts you seem to exist in a very narrow world of self-delusion and self-justification, predicated upon a dangerously patriarchal and closeted worldview.

The worldview that you express on here is clearly learned, parroted and almost certainly plagiarised, from websites, blogs, and online forums promoting masculinity, misogyny, and opposition to feminism. I'm pretty confident that many of your "ideas" actually come straight out of Andrew Tates and Jordan Peterson's playbooks, and from some of your other heroes in the "manosphere".

This is particularly evident in your consistent denial (Rule One: Manosphere for Dummies) of what is obvious to me, and many other Silvertails. The underlying themes in your posts are pretty self-evident mate. These include (in no particular order) bigotry, misogyny, homophobia, discrimination and interpersonal racism. Your "screeching" denials of the obvious in rebuttals say a lot more about you than it does about me (or any other poster) that has previously called you on your expression of these themes.

The constancy of these themes in your posts makes the provision of examples superfluous.....
However, here we go again.........
You have been called for being a bigot in multiple threads, by multiple posters, not just by me.
You have declared yourself as a bigot in your posts as well (numerous times. Here is just one Poll added - Sea Eagles Everyone in League jersey
TC on homophobia (self-declared)
TC on homophobia and discrimination Poll added - Sea Eagles Everyone in League jersey
TC on misogyny (self-declared) *Note that the underlying theme (misogyny) of this thread as expressed in some of your comments is taken straight out of a Reddit forum on the same topic - Women in Sports. Clearly this is sexism at its best, but it also speaks clearly to discrimination
TC on discrimination Poll added - Sea Eagles Everyone in League jersey
TC called on implicit and impersonal racism (Womens Team) Discussion
This post by @Top End Eagle is a pretty good summary of your standing within the group here in relation to bigotry and other themes

The list goes on etc, etc, etc, etc .............

Self-realisation is obviously not your strong suit @Technical Coach, However, one day you might understand that living your life based on patriarchal bigotry is a thing of the past. Perhaps its time for you to get out of that old-fashioned closet and embrace the new world mate.

Hope this helps.
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@Eagles4Life I certainly don’t want to get involved in your exchanges with TC ( noting that they are quite entertaining! ) but I am interested in understanding some of your views better on what the patriarchy actually is and why it appears that you don’t seem to approve of Jordan Peterson views supporting men or supporting men in general. Also what is a anti feminist? I personally don’t agree with Germaine Greer. Would this mean that I am too an anti feminist? I also don’t agree with Judith Butler, author of gender troubles and I am also against extreme socialism as well. Does this make me too all those negative phobic words people like use these days against people that disagree with them? I also don’t agree with any sports whether it is mens or women’s being artificially propped up to meet an ideal social construction.. I have a lot of women in my life that I love in different ways and would like for them all to be afforded opportunity like any other groups on the basis of their merits….
In regards to patriarchy or it’s existence I agree with Jordan’s Petersons views. This is very effectively put forward in his almost famous interview with Kathy Newman. If you have not watched this and you are interested in this topic I suggest you watch it. Its available on youtube. Its always better to witness someone’s views first hand rather than rely of secondary commentary…
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Here’s an example of the sort of politics infused in sport that many fans don’t even recognise as ‘politics’: in November 2012, the Premier League instituted the wearing of the poppy on the weekend of Remembrance Sunday for all players.

For footballer James McClean, Remembrance Sunday is arguably his most difficult day of the year. He refused to wear the poppy. Since he first refused to wear it in 2012, McClean and his family have been subjected to abuse both in football stadiums across England and online.

The Republic of Ireland international, who was born in Northern Ireland, has been outspoken about what the poppy and Remembrance Sunday mean to his community and its relationship to the British military…

…In 2018, Serbian midfielder Nemanja Matic – who then played for Manchester United – decided against wearing the symbol because of the “reminder” of the bombs dropped by NATO on his hometown Vrelo in Serbia…

…The abuse directed at McClean has often turned into anti-Catholic and anti-Irish abuse. He recently posted a video taken from his match against former club Sunderland where thousands of fans chanted, “F**k the pope and the IRA…”

You are 100% correct ... NO GOOD ever comes from sport virtue signalling ... some people are just slow learners ...
@Eagles4Life I certainly don’t want to get involved in your exchanges with TC ( noting that they are quite entertaining! ) but I am interested in understanding some of your views better on what the patriarchy actually is and why it appears that you don’t seem to approve of Jordan Peterson views supporting men or supporting men in general. Also what is a anti feminist? I personally don’t agree with Germaine Greer. Would this mean that I am too an anti feminist? I also don’t agree with Judith Butler, author of gender troubles and I am also against extreme socialism as well. Does this make me too all those negative phobic words people like use these days against people that disagree with them? I also don’t agree with any sports whether it is mens or women’s being artificially propped up to meet and ideal social construction.. I have a lot of women in my life that I love in different ways and would like to them all to be afforded opportunity like any other groups on the basis of their merits….
In regards to patriarchy or it’s existence I agree with Jordan’s Petersons views. This is very effectively put forward in his almost famous interview with Kathy Newman. If you have not watched this and you are interested in this topic I suggest you watch it. Its available on youtube. Its always better to witness someone’s views first hand rather than rely of secondary commentary…
Thanks @Red Pill Some pretty awesome questions and comments in there to spend some time replying to adequately. In relation to Jordan Peterson, I have watched a lot of his interviews and even subscribed to his channels. In some things, he actually comes across as being highly intelligent and very impressive. I don't subscribe to his views on the evolution of the patriarchy in contemporary times. (More on that later). While I don't agree with him on many things, his interview with Kathy Newman was particularly interesting to watch.
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