Just wonder if the players would be in some form of breach of their contracts if there was such a drastic action in the form of a strike . Just not sure what more is expected and what issues would be of such importance to justify again any serious disruption to the regular season . Especially after the 25 % pay deal . Can understand the interest and attention to post career matters and general welfare but when has or is expected for this to be primarily the responsibility of the head body to direct resources , time and money to Especially when the players or a good percentage can probably make their own arrangements or preparation for . Maybe for the N R L to suggest that some provision for after career matters can be financed and organized from some or a good portion of the 25 % increase . Still seems very quite on how much some of the elite or better paid players are going to receive or benefit from the 25 % increase , this should be attracting more attention then on some ambient claims or apparently in some cases demands by some representatives of the playing group .