Like a lot of things wrong with Rugba league the genisys of this problem coincides with the growth of player agent power which has flourished under guess who,,,, surprise surprise Z grade CEO Greenturd.To the point that one of those agents so infested and corrupted numurous clubs all under the dopey gaze of that brown noser that he ended up being banished from clubs and is still the subject of a serious enquiry
They feed these young players with what they r worth and what they can get on the other side of the fence, that along with the mercenary and entitled attitude of the players and the ruthless practises of the clubs e. g Roosters and Flanagan makes for a difficult situation to control
Maybe the solution is to make the club a place where players want to play at
Not want to leave, sadly for the tigers that's where they sit.
But on the other hand one rotten apple,,,,,,,