Josh Addo Carr stood down

It is no Chicken or Egg Scenario feathered friend
Chicken and Eggs are good for your health
and Recreation artificial happiness Drugs are not
I am into the Health and Fitness and I can tell you that There is no Health and Fitness Diet that includes recreationally drugs

Dopes Take Drugs
Good for you @BOZO and all power to you...
Having said that, it must be amazing to have such clarity of vision of what life is like for all humans... personally, I am not so self-assured that what works for me must, by extension, work for everyone...
My view, fwiw, is that idgaf what others do as long as it does not negatively impact on society or their loved ones...
This does not mean we are all excused from doing the wrong thing
This means we are all accountable for our own actions and I agree with you that if we do the crime we do the time .

Endorsing drug use is Encouraging drug use and this is Wrong
There is a BIG problem with recreational drug use and so I do not agree with you there
The Big problem is that These drugs have a BIG affect on short and long term physical and mental health issues
A persons Mental Health issues does not only impact the drug user .They also impact the rest of society
View attachment 28499
Just remember you watch and promote a game that tries to push gambling on to the individuals watching…..what about the kids who are exposed repeatably to this garbage….do you know how many families and lives have been destroyed by gambling….but hey the nrl have the we care approach and always let you know that gambling is bad while dangling the carrot in one hand and taking profits with the other….shame on you bozo for promoting such a game lol🙂
Good for you @BOZO and all power to you...
Having said that, it must be amazing to have such clarity of vision of what life is like for all humans... personally, I am not so self-assured that what works for me must, by extension, work for everyone...
My view, fwiw, is that idgaf what others do as long as it does not negatively impact on society or their loved ones...
Nah,sending people to the gulags who do not assimilate to your views has always been the benchmark of all great civilizations.
drugs in Australia is a messy issue
Firstly we dont commission enough detailed studies into the affects of illegal drugs
When we do, if the findings are different to hoped they are ignored
We dont take postive data from overseas as its not our standard , but will happily rely on negative data from overseas

We do however have standards for prescribed drugs , which in many many studies have been found to cause mental issues. Symptoms of trying to come off anti depressants can be worse than the original symptoms. Over prescription of prescribed drugs is indeed an epidemic. Chat with a drug company salesman, it will make you sick

I am for drug reform in OZ . The illegal synthetic drug industry is deadly and has mainly been born from prohibition and ignorance

reuters online recently bought enough fentanyl chemicals online for 3 grand, from china to make 3 mill worth or fent tabs, a small box, delivered, no problems . This **** is bad news

If Australia doesnt change its policy and attitude on prohibition its likely our streets and people are going to suffer needlessly for a few pure souls who think they have the right to define our community with there own morals

I am all for a healthy community but when we ban drugs for community reasons and not business reasons then surely there decisions may actually be respected.

Weed was outlawed inAust as hemp was a major competitor to the cotton industry. We obviously chose wrong as cotton was so water intensive. Mushrooms banned, may actually open up the secrets to mental health but our ventures in this field are so inhibited by funds. I have a friend so affected by mental health 3 practioners have prescribed a mushroom treatement, which they can arrange, but as it needs to be monitored closely but cant. The funding is there for set up, and treatment, but not monitoring staff, its illegal without monitoring staff so cant happen even though is supposedly available right now.

I hate the footy drug laws, care little about people snorting lines. They choose coke because it escapes the system quickly, but driving under the influence, now that **** i hate deluxe

The NRL drug laws are like coon cheese changing to cheer. To appease someone else and not for the good of the product or the community overall, and they get govt coin. It used to be about 10 mill

Make no mistake drugs are an industry, that many other industries lobby against as its bad for there business, surely that makes people wonder

And we are all influenced by ruperts news
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drugs in Australia is a messy issue
Firstly we dont commission enough detailed studies into the affects of illegal drugs
When we do, if the findings are different to hoped they are ignored
We dont take postive data from overseas as its not our standard , but will happily rely on negative data from overseas

We do however have standards for prescribed drugs , which in many many studies have been found to cause mental issues. Symptoms of trying to come off anti depressants can be worse than the original symptoms. Over prescription of prescribed drugs is indeed an epidemic. Chat with a drug company salesman, it will make you sick

I am for drug reform in OZ . The illegal synthetic drug industry is deadly and has mainly been born from prohibition and ignorance

reuters online recently bought enough fentanyl chemicals online for 3 grand, from china to make 3 mill worth or fent tabs, a small box, delivered, no problems . This **** is bad news

If Australia doesnt change its policy and attitude on prohibition its likely our streets and people are going to suffer needlessly for a few pure souls who think they have the right to define our community with there own morals

I am all for a healthy community but when we ban drugs for community reasons and not business reasons then surely there decisions may actually be respected.

Weed was outlawed inAust as hemp was a major competitor to the cotton industry. We obviously chose wrong as cotton was so water intensive. Mushrooms banned, may actually open up the secrets to mental health but our ventures in this field are so inhibited by funds. I have a friend so affected by mental health 3 practioners have prescribed a mushroom treatement, which they can arrange, but as it needs to be monitored closely but cant. The funding is there for set up, and treatment, but not monitoring staff, its illegal without monitoring staff so cant happen even though is supposedly available right now.

I hate the footy drug laws, care little about people snorting lines. They choose coke because it escapes the system quickly, but driving under the influence, now that **** i hate deluxe

The NRL drug laws are like coon cheese changing to cheer. To appease someone else and not for the good of the product or the community overall, and they get govt coin. It used to be about 10 mill

Make no mistake drugs are an industry, that many other industries lobby against as its bad for there business, surely that makes people wonder

And we are all influenced by ruperts news
A lot of truth in this @jbb/james
drugs in Australia is a messy issue
Firstly we dont commission enough detailed studies into the affects of illegal drugs
When we do, if the findings are different to hoped they are ignored
We dont take postive data from overseas as its not our standard , but will happily rely on negative data from overseas

We do however have standards for prescribed drugs , which in many many studies have been found to cause mental issues. Symptoms of trying to come off anti depressants can be worse than the original symptoms. Over prescription of prescribed drugs is indeed an epidemic. Chat with a drug company salesman, it will make you sick

I am for drug reform in OZ . The illegal synthetic drug industry is deadly and has mainly been born from prohibition and ignorance

reuters online recently bought enough fentanyl chemicals online for 3 grand, from china to make 3 mill worth or fent tabs, a small box, delivered, no problems . This **** is bad news

If Australia doesnt change its policy and attitude on prohibition its likely our streets and people are going to suffer needlessly for a few pure souls who think they have the right to define our community with there own morals

I am all for a healthy community but when we ban drugs for community reasons and not business reasons then surely there decisions may actually be respected.

Weed was outlawed inAust as hemp was a major competitor to the cotton industry. We obviously chose wrong as cotton was so water intensive. Mushrooms banned, may actually open up the secrets to mental health but our ventures in this field are so inhibited by funds. I have a friend so affected by mental health 3 practioners have prescribed a mushroom treatement, which they can arrange, but as it needs to be monitored closely but cant. The funding is there for set up, and treatment, but not monitoring staff, its illegal without monitoring staff so cant happen even though is supposedly available right now.

I hate the footy drug laws, care little about people snorting lines. They choose coke because it escapes the system quickly, but driving under the influence, now that **** i hate deluxe

The NRL drug laws are like coon cheese changing to cheer. To appease someone else and not for the good of the product or the community overall, and they get govt coin. It used to be about 10 mill

Make no mistake drugs are an industry, that many other industries lobby against as its bad for there business, surely that makes people wonder

And we are all influenced by ruperts news
but for the fun on silvertails
Source ?

Addo-cancelled by the grubbiest club in the NRL.
Clubs knows more about the character of each of their players than the NRL supporters ever will.
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Seems to be mixed outcomes in various U S states where the use or commercial sale of cannibis has been decriminalized for some years now .
State Treasurys are doing quite well out of it with the 15 % tax collected on commercial sales , apparently less criminal or underworld activity in that area but a bit of concern that the propensity or tendency to go on to harder drugs then has not eased that much or maybe has even increased a bit

Then apparently in the 1920 's or even slightly earlier or latter in the U S , the harder type drugs or narcotics was legal or in most precincts and in an age of the liquor prohibition .
Not too sure in other parts of O Z but get the impression that in my area of Nth and Central Qld, weed quite freely available and generally for personal use but more seriously , the harder type drugs maybe not that hard to access also .
Don 't have any general solutions but have always disliked dependence on any dubious substance and regardless of personal choice and definitely the availability of harder type drugs
An ongoing problem and looks like not going to go away any time soon .
Maybe and understandable some standards and examples should be set in the N R L but do hope that the likes of Addo Car and Mann can eventually resume their careers,

Trafficking is another matter and no sympathy there for offenders
Addo-cancelled by the grubbiest club in the NRL.
Clubs knows more about the character of each of their players than the NRL supporters ever will.
This had nothing to do with character more so about freeing up salary cap space. I might be wrong but I am fairly sure he was signed before Gus started on fairly large money.

With the player market being so fluid these days it was a great opportunity for him to move on someone to get another player who they need more
Seems to be mixed outcomes in various U S states where the use or commercial sale of cannibis has been decriminalized for some years now .
State Treasurys are doing quite well out of it with the 15 % tax collected on commercial sales , apparently less criminal or underworld activity in that area but a bit of concern that the propensity or tendency to go on to harder drugs then has not eased that much or maybe has even increased a bit

Then apparently in the 1920 's or even slightly earlier or latter in the U S , the harder type drugs or narcotics was legal or in most precincts and in an age of the liquor prohibition .
Not too sure in other parts of O Z
Pretty sure the only place it isnt an offence is canberra where its decrim
More IRONY , the AFP have powers over the A.C.T and view it very differently, not sure how they process or administer that
Top policing is about providing stats and needs for funding and a heap of political stuff. Good stats are hard to replace

We need drug laws
THE major issue with all drugs is HOW and WHO categorises them and for what purposes

Work better within existing markets that DO exist ,provide safe outcomes and create a soft drug market is my view , spend proceeds on rehab programmes but that would decrease alcohol market share and possible tax if its promised to goody 2 shoes programmes, rather than policing minor drug issues while turning a blind eye to alcohol, as if its magically different because its blessed by Jesus and government combined . Its a hallelujah in a glass

I like beer n stuff too

Not a rant at you Al , just got going after answering your initial Q
drugs in Australia is a messy issue
Firstly we dont commission enough detailed studies into the affects of illegal drugs
When we do, if the findings are different to hoped they are ignored
We dont take postive data from overseas as its not our standard , but will happily rely on negative data from overseas

We do however have standards for prescribed drugs , which in many many studies have been found to cause mental issues. Symptoms of trying to come off anti depressants can be worse than the original symptoms. Over prescription of prescribed drugs is indeed an epidemic. Chat with a drug company salesman, it will make you sick

I am for drug reform in OZ . The illegal synthetic drug industry is deadly and has mainly been born from prohibition and ignorance

reuters online recently bought enough fentanyl chemicals online for 3 grand, from china to make 3 mill worth or fent tabs, a small box, delivered, no problems . This **** is bad news

If Australia doesnt change its policy and attitude on prohibition its likely our streets and people are going to suffer needlessly for a few pure souls who think they have the right to define our community with there own morals

I am all for a healthy community but when we ban drugs for community reasons and not business reasons then surely there decisions may actually be respected.

Weed was outlawed inAust as hemp was a major competitor to the cotton industry. We obviously chose wrong as cotton was so water intensive. Mushrooms banned, may actually open up the secrets to mental health but our ventures in this field are so inhibited by funds. I have a friend so affected by mental health 3 practioners have prescribed a mushroom treatement, which they can arrange, but as it needs to be monitored closely but cant. The funding is there for set up, and treatment, but not monitoring staff, its illegal without monitoring staff so cant happen even though is supposedly available right now.

I hate the footy drug laws, care little about people snorting lines. They choose coke because it escapes the system quickly, but driving under the influence, now that **** i hate deluxe

The NRL drug laws are like coon cheese changing to cheer. To appease someone else and not for the good of the product or the community overall, and they get govt coin. It used to be about 10 mill

Make no mistake drugs are an industry, that many other industries lobby against as its bad for there business, surely that makes people wonder

And we are all influenced by ruperts news
Top post James, well done and thanks.
Pretty sure the only place it isnt an offence is canberra where its decrim
More IRONY , the AFP have powers over the A.C.T and view it very differently, not sure how they process or administer that
Top policing is about providing stats and needs for funding and a heap of political stuff. Good stats are hard to replace

We need drug laws
THE major issue with all drugs is HOW and WHO categorises them and for what purposes

Work better within existing markets that DO exist ,provide safe outcomes and create a soft drug market is my view , spend proceeds on rehab programmes but that would decrease alcohol market share and possible tax if its promised to goody 2 shoes programmes, rather than policing minor drug issues while turning a blind eye to alcohol, as if its magically different because its blessed by Jesus and government combined . Its a hallelujah in a glass

I like beer n stuff too

Not a rant at you Al , just got going after answering your initial Q
Interesting post .
Always good to get different perspectives
This had nothing to do with character more so about freeing up salary cap space. I might be wrong but I am fairly sure he was signed before Gus started on fairly large money.

With the player market being so fluid these days it was a great opportunity for him to move on someone to get another player who they need more
Perhaps salary cap, but his character has definitely proven questionable.
Offseason is well and truly in full swing, I just scrolled through post after post of stuff that had nothing to do with JAC.
Just remember you watch and promote a game that tries to push gambling on to the individuals watching…..what about the kids who are exposed repeatably to this garbage….do you know how many families and lives have been destroyed by gambling….but hey the nrl have the we care approach and always let you know that gambling is bad while dangling the carrot in one hand and taking profits with the other….shame on you bozo for promoting such a game lol🙂
I agree with you about gambling and the NRL Hypocrites
Gambling exposes Addictions that lead to many lives Afflictions
And the NRL Hypocrites turn a blind eye to this and just focus on their revenue
They have a hide to say at the end of their Gambling Addiction add
Gamble Responsible because there is a good chance to become addicted
and if you do dial the addiction number

Laurie Daly Enticing and Addicting People
Get a proper Job You Mugg !!!
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I agree with you about gambling and the NRL Hypocrites
Gambling exposes Addictions that lead to many lives Afflictions
And the NRL Hypocrites turn a blind eye to this and just focus on their revenue
They have a hide to say at the end of their Gambling Addiction add
Gamble Responsible because there is a good chance to become addicted
and if you do dial the addiction number

Laurie Daly Enticing and Addicting People
Get a proper Job You Mugg !!!
View attachment 28587
In south australia , they ban it from the live sport. When you are seeing joel cain or laurie daley we get a blank message and music saying we dont get to see the ugly side. Its bloody good

Still get that crap on shows but i despise the link , it can only end bad

Steals credibility from the sport as its always doubtful with so much money vested on every aspect of the game

If i wasnt a manly tragic i would give the game away completely
In south australia , they ban it from the live sport. When you are seeing joel cain or laurie daley we get a blank message and music saying we dont get to see the ugly side. Its bloody good

Still get that crap on shows but i despise the link , it can only end bad

Steals credibility from the sport as its always doubtful with so much money vested on every aspect of the game

If i wasnt a manly tragic i would give the game away completely
Good Morning feathered friend
Love your Great Manly Passion
We are all Manly Tragics on here
and The Greatest Tragic to our Legendary club is
We have not being capable to live up to its Great Benchmark Premiership Winning Standards
and Do our Legendary club Justice
All clubs Status are at the Mercy of the people that run them
and the Greatest asset in any club are the Great people it invests in
Invest in Mediocre people and you end up with a mediocre club

The moral of the story lies in this great quote
Good Morning feathered friend
Love your Great Manly Passion
We are all Manly Tragics on here
and The Greatest Tragic to our Legendary club is
We have not being capable to live up to its Great Benchmark Premiership Winning Standards
and Do our Legendary club Justice
All clubs Status are at the Mercy of the people that run them
and the Greatest asset in any club are the Great people it invests in
Invest in Mediocre people and you end up with a mediocre club

The moral of the story lies in this great quote
Accountability has been missing from manly for some time. You dont always drop someone to put in someone better but its hopeful. Sometimes you have to drop someone to send a message to the and the whole team

Despite our results being very poor at times over that period , only fringe players ever felt the brunt when some of our better players have delivered results that are not consistent with there standing, pay packets or ability

Our mental fragility has the bar set low on repeat because we will only do so much to win. Its why our new players from weaker clubs look so good to a point, because they dont carry manlys past

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