Any particular part of the Constitution you are referring to here?
Self evident SER8. Innocent under the law until proven guilty. There is a precedent case almost identical to this one, which I have already furnished on this forum. The judge rightly ignored all the arguments of effect on business etc and pointed out that the presumption of innocence is fundamental.
A no fault argument is an insane arrangement. If there is NO FAULT, why is he being denied from playing. It denies a person not yet found guilty of their fundamental rights. You see I just don't understand what all the argument is about. Its never been an issue before. If the person is guilty, he will be sentenced by the court and the NRL then have the right to take action.
This is all because of public pressure on the League because they haven't been taking these issues seriously when people are found guilty. Matthew Lodge is a perfect example. He was found guilty of a very nasty act, yet the League treated him with kid gloves. This is where the League has failed, and trying to persecute players who are yet to have their day in court eg Brett Stewart, just exacerbates the folly of their action. How often does this example need to be raised as an example.
What if De Bellin is denied the right to play until his court case which wont be until 2020, the way courts go, and the charge is dismissed. We see things in the game that are far far worse than someone being charged and receiving a slap on the wrist. The offence is disgraceful, but he hasnt been found guilty and that is the key. When Jamil Hoppa was found guilty, if you look back on my comments, I agreed with the tough stance that the League took. Trouble is its dreadfully inconsistent, and now they are persecuting people who haven't even been convicted, but mollycoddling those who have. Does that make sense?
9.15 The ICCPR protects the presumption of
innocence: Everyone charged with a criminal offence shall have the right to be presumed
innocent until proved guilty according to law. 9.16 International instruments cannot be used to 'override clear and valid provisions of
Australian national