its hardly throwing open the jails, its just the weekend detention guys not having to come n for one weekend
Maybe so, but that doesn't make it right. I find it interesting that they're already assuming that they'll be arresting the numbers they think they will be... well gee, maybe if you actually let the people have a voice and DON'T declare all of those regions 'security zones' and DON'T give the police their extra powers then maybe, just maybe, you won't actually need all those cells?
It seems to me that they have decided to:
a) remove more rights from the citizens to appease certain groups; then
b) realised that by removing those rights they will need the extra space.
For god's sake, even if they allow bail then maybe they won't have the problem. But no, apparently not allowing bail to people that are arrested under these temporary allowances is a good idea. Maybe I'm making no sense or maybe I keep repeating myself, but to me it seems as though they are bringing it on themselves. Why oh why do they need extra powers and more 'security zones'?
God forbid the people are allowed to try and get their voices heard... what do they expect will happen? The police get their extra powers, use them excessively then the protesters will accept it because apparently police action is flexible, depending on who we are trying to appease?
It ****ing makes me sick that this kind of bull**** has happened to our country, and it disgusts me that I had such high hopes for this government when I first voted for them.
**** that and **** this bull**** coffee that I've had to deal with the last 24 hours. Yes, I honestly think that is affecting this post.