No JDB fan here , he’s a wife cheating prick BUT I just can’t get past the “ innocent until proven guilty “ rule of law in this country.
If the accused pleads guilty first you and is just waiting sentencing then yes must be stood down BUT if the accused is defending the charge then the presumption of innocence clause should be the go to.
I disagree totally with the stand down policy and have since Brett Stewart days where he was given a month suspension before this policy was introduced.
It's a tough one.
A one size fits all approach is unfair on some and fair on most, it's the way of the world mostly.
The Tigers chairman was on the radio this morning and said that whilst the NRL's policy may seem unfair it is not unlawful.
Most governing bodies, boards or employers would stand down an employee if it felt that certain allegations could tarnish/damage their brand or be bad for business regardless - and they'd probably do it without pay.
Whether they are named or not, word would get out and it's up to each organisation to determine their reputational damage.
I get the "innocent until proven guilty" rule of law BUT look at the flip side.
What if (and it's a big what if) the NRL let him play on, mingle with fans/sponsors etc - would Joe Public want his kids looking up to him, get an autograph etc ?
Can you imagine the opposition crowds? We saw it - and still see it with Snake.
What if similar allegations were levelled again?
Or worse?
What about the poor girl that sees him earning his $$$ and living like nothing has happened?
Not saying he's innocent or guilty but once it was challenged in court and deemed lawful then the NRL has no other option, they don't determine how long before something goes to court unfortunately.
Yep, one mistake has cost him so much already but it can certainly be a lot more.