To me... anyone who opposes gay marriage due to a spiritual belief is ridiculed and labelled a red neck or a bigot. They end up being abused for something they happen to believe in, because they aren’t “moving with the times” I’m pretty certain that Israel would believe what he said, is true for all people who don’t repent. Also he was baited into the question, same as that American tennis player at the Australian Open. Folau didn’t encourage nor incite violence. In the West, we live in a world where minority groups are seemingly afforded more rights than at any time in history, and if anyone says anything that is deemed as going against the grain they are torn to ribbons. Just look at that ex Kiwi politician calling for Folau to be banned from entering NZ. I mean, really????? What an absolute joke. While someone like Karmichael Hunt is given chance after chance after being caught with cocaine. Qantas never felt the need to come out and tell Rugby Australia that they opposed that one did they. If people don’t believe what he says, then shrug it off and move on. Even better... stop asking Christians questions that they already know what the answer will be and are always only going to be answered one way.