I think it's probably a combination of factors, but one I think can't be under estimated is the loss of Orford. Now I know there are a range of opinions out there about the merits of Ox, ranging him being the devil incarnate to him being the messiah. I personally lay somewhere around the middle. He has his bad points but he delivered us a premiership. What can't be denied is that he and Choc developed a tremendous combination over a number of years. Choc was Ox's 'go to' man in attack. With him gone, Choc just looks a bit lost. I believe their combo was similar to the Cliffy/Beaver combination and Beaver also had a form slump after Cliffy retired. He eventually adapted his game (as all great players do) and we know the rest. I believe Choc will also find his feet and be as damaging as ever. That said, if his after hours activities are getting out of hand, he needs to be pulled into line, which I'm sure Dessie would do.