I hate origin

Origin is controlled by NRL in the sense they only care for the $$$.. nor the players or the game.

over and over again they prove how corrupt they want to be and dont really care.
( just like FIFA , but who is going to stop them money making sport worldwide )

If QLD won game 2 , watmough would of only got 2 weeks and be right for game 3 , but with all the media hype regarding NSW winning a series ( gallen & hayne the bulldog halves etc ) it is a perfect result , so who cares about game 3.NRL got what they wanted.

How reynolds got nothing for that tackle and watmough gets 4 weeks is beyond me.

Last year Gallen & Merrin had their cheap shot punches slide was also a joke.

Just like Toovey mentioned regarding the NSW support for watmough
Send a battered warrior into war and when you dont need him anymore just forget him..

MANLY - all the way baby 2014
Alan said:
Technical Coach said:
Manufactured rivalry, enjoyed it as a kid but after SuperLeague have no interest.

To me the home of Origin is QLD and the home of the NRL is NSW this is why NSW does not have as much passion for the series as QLD.

The players buy into it as it is in their interest to do so---nothing wrong with that as it feeds the manufactured passion over and over to the point it eventually becomes a culture.

The series will so easily die if money is not poured in to manufacture the hatred as was almost the case during the SuperLeague years and the 5-7 years after.

The best thing that happened to the series is QLD having a dominant period which refueled the passion in NSW to care about the concept again.

TC, you obviously have absolutely no idea whatsoever of the history of SOO. What astounds me is your abilitity to pontificate as expert in topics in which you are devoid of any knowledge whatsoever.

To suggest the rivalry was manufactured, and the players "buy" into it is ridiculous. To suggest the hatred was somehow created by an advertising guru is to display an ignorance of the facts which is breath taking.

For 70 years Qld players, playing in the Syd comp had to play for NSW. And for 70 years NSW flogged QLD and weren't backward about boasting who had the strongest comp. Arthur Beetson was forced by the eligibility rule to play for NSW for 10 years and even Captained NSW to victory. When in 1980, given the opportunity to prove what they had always believed, that they were as good if not better than NSW they grabbed it with a passion and fervour that has taken NSW 3 decades to match.

In the late 70's I played a year in the Brisbane comp and I can assure you the ill feeling towards NSW by Qld players was well formed and vocalised way before your fanciful dreams of manufacture by mythical beings. the hatred was however jumped upon by clever people in the media.

Thats the thing Alan, State of Origin has always been generated through the massive sense of 'ill feeling' Queenslanders hold for NSW. This is real and comes with the territory of being 'provincial' -. NSW never had this. Innitially our interest was based not on our own identification as being New South Welshmen but rather from a sense of aggravation at queensland parochialism.

As a kid I hated queensland more than I supported NSW. The sight of the grass hopper Barry Gomersal flagrantly cheating for his home state year after year made it worse. Wally Lewis and characters like chris Close also got up people noses, as did all that 'queenslander', 'queenslander' guff.

NSW adoption of Queensland parochialism has been manufactured by endless commercial forays that have built a NSW 'blues' brand. Thus the lashings of hype, the rantings of Gould, the massive marketing campaigns (free blue wigs etc).

But a lot of people don't buy it. Fine if they do, I just don't. This year I really wanted queensland to win. I don't hate Queensland any more because NSW is now just as obnoxious and parochial. Except its not real, organic parochialism, like the queensland variety, but one hundred percent commercially manufactured by the NRL and channel nine spin dept. This is why they lay on the hype so thick. Its an advertising campaign, and advertising unfortunately works.
I agree with many of the above comments BUT you cannot tell me that SOO isn't the best 240 minutes of high quality football you get each year .

Grand Finals are great ( when Manly plays) otherwise who really gives a **** about them.

Wednesdays game due to the " no punch rule " was the lamest game we have had for a while but seriously most of games are tough, fast and intense....rarely to we see an NRL game reach the same standards.

I hate how players get injured and how the schedule gets interrupted but otherwise I love it !!
Alan said:
Technical Coach said:
Manufactured rivalry, enjoyed it as a kid but after SuperLeague have no interest.

To me the home of Origin is QLD and the home of the NRL is NSW this is why NSW does not have as much passion for the series as QLD.

The players buy into it as it is in their interest to do so---nothing wrong with that as it feeds the manufactured passion over and over to the point it eventually becomes a culture.

The series will so easily die if money is not poured in to manufacture the hatred as was almost the case during the SuperLeague years and the 5-7 years after.

The best thing that happened to the series is QLD having a dominant period which refueled the passion in NSW to care about the concept again.

TC, you obviously have absolutely no idea whatsoever of the history of SOO. What astounds me is your abilitity to pontificate as expert in topics in which you are devoid of any knowledge whatsoever.

To suggest the rivalry was manufactured, and the players "buy" into it is ridiculous. To suggest the hatred was somehow created by an advertising guru is to display an ignorance of the facts which is breath taking.

For 70 years Qld players, playing in the Syd comp had to play for NSW. And for 70 years NSW flogged QLD and weren't backward about boasting who had the strongest comp. Arthur Beetson was forced by the eligibility rule to play for NSW for 10 years and even Captained NSW to victory. When in 1980, given the opportunity to prove what they had always believed, that they were as good if not better than NSW they grabbed it with a passion and fervour that has taken NSW 3 decades to match.

In the late 70's I played a year in the Brisbane comp and I can assure you the ill feeling towards NSW by Qld players was well formed and vocalised way before your fanciful dreams of manufacture by mythical beings. the hatred was however jumped upon by clever people in the media.

Get off my back Alan i just stated my views did not say i was an expert.

I never stated the hatred was manufactured from QLD's end(at the beginning it was genuine) more talking about the NSW side of things especially in the present. The players these days could care less about the history of how origin started they may buy into it during Origin camp but it is not at the same levels as the past.

I would go as far to say now that even QLDs hatred is starting to show signs of it being manufactured and tired the more their players play in NSW.

I know the history of Origin Alan just stating my views in line with the original post and extending a little further why i feel the same way, get a grip mate.

Mark from Brisbane said:
I agree with many of the above comments BUT you cannot tell me that SOO isn't the best 240 minutes of high quality football you get each year .

Grand Finals are great ( when Manly plays) otherwise who really gives a ... about them.

Wednesdays game due to the " no punch rule " was the lamest game we have had for a while but seriously most of games are tough, fast and intense....rarely to we see an NRL game reach the same standards.

I hate how players get injured and how the schedule gets interrupted but otherwise I love it !!

In the past i would agree but i have seen better NRL games of higher quality than SOO that is for sure.

You have to remember club teams are better drilled and rehearsed than rep squads leading to more polished performances of a higher quality when two teams are evenly matched.

Manly vs Roosters games last year and against Melb in the past have been of higher quality than Origin.
The question is for those that 'love' the concept, would you accept that your players are more likely to get injured due to the tolerance of violence which is not in club game?
Roger_Ramjet said:
The question is for those that 'love' the concept, would you accept that your players are more likely to get injured due to the tolerance of violence which is not in club game?

I think you have mistaken this thread/forum for another.
No one got injured due to 'violence' 😎

SOO and all non-Club games help round out a Player.

Having different coaching tactics, drills and learning to adapt to other Players' styles, all help the Player.

The split rounds are irritating. I would rather the full rounds continue and allow Clubs to showcase their second tier talent :idea:

NRL needs to compensate Clubs by Salary Cap discounts or similar financial recompense, for each Player they utilise in rep games .
I love SOO. Sure i hate how it destroys the middle of the regular season and means Manly players can be injured but i still love it. I was at the game on Wednesday and the atmosphere when NSW won was crazy. I wish Grand finals had the same atmosphere.
I think the time has come where Origin is a one off game that stands alone for one week of the year, a big Mid Season rep game.

A three game series is too much with the speed and intensity of NRL not far behind these days. The jump in quality is not as big as the past where you could come back to club footy play at 50% and still be good enough to make an impact.

Obviously while money talks a three game series will always be the case but maybe having only one big game of Origin and leveraging off that you could make up some of the financial losses.

We are asking way too much from the players in the season as it is, time to ease the load a little and milk as much profit from one "Big Game".
HappilyManly said:
No one got injured due to 'violence' 😎

SOO and all non-Club games help round out a Player.

Having different coaching tactics, drills and learning to adapt to other Players' styles, all help the Player.

The split rounds are irritating. I would rather the full rounds continue and allow Clubs to showcase their second tier talent :idea:

NRL needs to compensate Clubs by Salary Cap discounts or similar financial recompense, for each Player they utilise in rep games .

Well perhaps violence is not the right word however the ferocity of the concept does make it more likely for injuries to happen. The dogs are missing their halves, didn't DCE get injured in SOO1? jennings is out fo 6, Cronk out for weeks,,,I too love the game but...
torana355 said:
I love SOO. Sure i hate how it destroys the middle of the regular season and means Manly players can be injured but i still love it. I was at the game on Wednesday and the atmosphere when NSW won was crazy. I wish Grand finals had the same atmosphere.

Hate to say it but it might take Souths getting a minor premiership and making the Grand Final to see anywhere near close to that. I've got an old mag with pics from the 69 GF - when they lost to Balmain. They were on the roofs, everywhere, those bunnies, different times now though. Looked good in the bright sunshine too.😎
Stevo said:
I hate Whingers. Don't watch it.

I don't watch, but not watching doesn't change all of the facts in the original thread post. Not watching doesn't stop the injuries. Not watching doesn't lessen the impact on the NRL Premiership. Not watching didn't stop a Qld fan in Western Sydney murdering a NSW fan because Qld were beaten.

It is a divisive concept and for that reason alone it should cease.
torana355 said:
I love SOO. Sure i hate how it destroys the middle of the regular season and means Manly players can be injured but i still love it. I was at the game on Wednesday and the atmosphere when NSW won was crazy. I wish Grand finals had the same atmosphere.
2008 GF was like that as the majority of the crowd was Manly. The noise when Beaver scored was incredible :angel:

Hodko's try had the same volume and jubilation by most of us at the ground 🙂

This is why the MCG SOO is lame. There is a mix of Qld, NSW and a lot of unaligned people :s
I went to the first one there and as you are also far away from the action, it was dull.
Alan said:
Technical Coach said:
Manufactured rivalry, enjoyed it as a kid but after SuperLeague have no interest.

To me the home of Origin is QLD and the home of the NRL is NSW this is why NSW does not have as much passion for the series as QLD.

The players buy into it as it is in their interest to do so---nothing wrong with that as it feeds the manufactured passion over and over to the point it eventually becomes a culture.

The series will so easily die if money is not poured in to manufacture the hatred as was almost the case during the SuperLeague years and the 5-7 years after.

The best thing that happened to the series is QLD having a dominant period which refueled the passion in NSW to care about the concept again.

TC, you obviously have absolutely no idea whatsoever of the history of SOO. What astounds me is your abilitity to pontificate as expert in topics in which you are devoid of any knowledge whatsoever.

To suggest the rivalry was manufactured, and the players "buy" into it is ridiculous. To suggest the hatred was somehow created by an advertising guru is to display an ignorance of the facts which is breath taking.

For 70 years Qld players, playing in the Syd comp had to play for NSW. And for 70 years NSW flogged QLD and weren't backward about boasting who had the strongest comp. Arthur Beetson was forced by the eligibility rule to play for NSW for 10 years and even Captained NSW to victory. When in 1980, given the opportunity to prove what they had always believed, that they were as good if not better than NSW they grabbed it with a passion and fervour that has taken NSW 3 decades to match.

In the late 70's I played a year in the Brisbane comp and I can assure you the ill feeling towards NSW by Qld players was well formed and vocalised way before your fanciful dreams of manufacture by mythical beings. the hatred was however jumped upon by clever people in the media.

Careful old mate...Once you're in ''that'' vortex, very hard to get out!

I agree with you in that you can't easily manufacture the rivalry between the two states. If their hearts, minds and bodies weren't invested you wouldn't get anywhere near the level of football and intensity on the field (and the hype off the field too).

Game 1 this year was easily the best game I've seen this season.

And the crowds and TV audiences show just how the public love it as much as the players (though some would argue this is still a falsehood too...)

I don't particularly like the collateral damage for Manly, but again, you could bet Choc and Cherry would both want desperately to play.

That speaks for itself, for mine.

Edit : Don't tell me you're actually a closet Queenslander too Alan old mate??
HappilyManly said:
torana355 said:
I love SOO. Sure i hate how it destroys the middle of the regular season and means Manly players can be injured but i still love it. I was at the game on Wednesday and the atmosphere when NSW won was crazy. I wish Grand finals had the same atmosphere.
2008 GF was like that as the majority of the crowd was Manly. The noise when Beaver scored was incredible :angel:

Hodko's try had the same volume and jubilation by most of us at the ground 🙂

This is why the MCG SOO is lame. There is a mix of Qld, NSW and a lot of unaligned people :s
I went to the first one there and as you are also far away from the action, it was dull.

I'm going to Melbourne and the MCG end of next month for the first time (with my brother n others). It is for a shock-horror AFL game.

Long story but I'm looking forward to it for several reasons; including gauging the atmosphere and different cultural qualities of AFL supporters and Victorians!

Should be slightly extra spicy as it's Sydney Swans v Hawthorn...bit of state rivalry.

Wouldn't come close to our Origin tho.

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