Just found out that I have go in on Tuesday for a triple heart bypass.
No symtpoms whatsoever, no chest pains no shortness of breath, I knew I had a couple of partially blocked arteries from a previous CAT scan, cardiologist said it was not a real concern as I passed the numerous stress tests that I underwent over the past three years, still walked 10k steps a day, but something was nagging me in the back of my head as my father dropped dead in front of me at age 48, and my brother having a couple of stents put in when he was in his fifties.
I asked the cardiologist for an angiogram, as I wanted to alleviate my fears of being a ticking time bomb, it's a procedure where they put a scope up one of your arteries and have a look around, just a few minutes into the scan, cardiologist said, "nup that's it, you need a bypass".
So there you go, I remember Steve Folks and Graham Murray, and even a Manly friend of mine, Uwe Behrens, all dropping dead unexpectedly.
So guys, keep on getting tested, none of us a bulletproof.