eelcatcher said:
Hmmm I say B looks nicer. BUT globaleagle is our foremost expert on hats, we will go with his recommendation.
I must admit, I got the email with the vote on the hats before I saw this thread.
I too was going to put something like 'c'.
Compared to those 2, I believe the current 2014 one is better.
Good quality, in our team colours, and has the team name on it.
Currently Hat A (go canada, go seattle seahawks), Isn't in our colours but states what our name is (not sure why we could not have gotten the logo of the sea eagle rather than the word) :dodgy:
Whilst Hat B at least has our colours in the
front of the hat (whomever thinks maroon and blue goes together needs their eyes checked), but it's branded with a big MW on the front which means SFA to any MF trying to work out WTF is going on with the MWSE's hat!
So in good conscience, and as self appointed spokesperson for all manly hats I say, nay, I demand a better effort from the marketing departments.
It's all well and good to want to bring out some different colours in things. I remember Larissa saying such when shirts came out with splashes of grey and blue on them but for the team's hat, we should really stick with at least one traditional option.
The club brings out many hats (snapbacks/baseball caps I guess they're more accurately called) so at least one good quality cap in maroon and white,with the club name, club logo, and major sponsor (if need be) should NOT BE TOO MUCH TO ASK!
@MWSE Membership