Tony Abbott to deliver Brookvale Oval upgrade
Tue 28th June, 04:13PM
Member for Warringah Tony Abbott has today announced that a re-elected Coalition government will provide an additional $2.5 million for the upgrade of Brookvale Oval on top of the government's existing $10 million commitment, bringing the total Commonwealth contribution to $12.5 million.
Mr Abbott said: “Brookvale Oval is the spiritual home of the Manly Sea Eagles and together with Premier Mike Baird and the NSW Government, I look forward to delivering this much needed infrastructure upgrade for the northern beaches.
Manly Warringah Sea Eagles CEO Joe Kelly said: “The Sea Eagles are grateful to Tony, our local MP, who has been fighting tirelessly for an upgraded Brookvale Oval. We welcome the extra funding to give us a better stadium on the Northern Beaches that will secure the Sea Eagles long term future at fortress Brookvale.
“As our number one ticket holder and advocate, we look forward to working with Tony, Premier Baird and the Northern Beaches Council to ensure this much needed upgrade is completed.
“It is our intention to complete the new stand in 2018 and we will do all we can to meet this goal. We would like to be in the position of going to tender by the end of this year. The overall timeline will be firmed up once a construction company has been engaged and the development process through Council confirmed.”
Mr Abbott promised $10 million for the upgrade of Brookvale Oval in 2013. This funding has remained ‘on the table’ from the Federal Government.
In April, Premier Baird committed the State Government to matching the federal commitment on a dollar-for-dollar basis.
Mr Abbott said: “Brookvale Oval deserves to retain its status as an iconic suburban sporting ground for the National Rugby League.
“We need to make sure that Brookvale Oval is a ground that Northern Beaches residents can be proud of when supporting their local team.”
The additional $2.5 million will be provided from unallocated funding within the Budget