Alan said:I find the use of the word cleared interesting when followed by an acknowledgement of the fact that there was not sufficient evidence to call him a liar.
To my simple mind that is not clearing him, he hasn't been found innocent, obviously doubt still exists.
I think this was only the opening salvo in what will be a sustained campaign of ridding themselves of the stench that is GreenTurd.
Yes, after reading the following quote from the SMH article:
"Villa’s report concluded ‘‘no reliable evidence’’ could be found that Greenberg was shown details of Tandy’s betting on NRL games during a meeting that he and Bulldogs football manager Alan Thompson had with jockey manager John Schell in August 2010."
I was going to say pretty much the same as what you have said Alan i.e. just because it was concluded that no reliable evidence could be found, it doesn't mean that it never happened.