A lot of men i know have a fixer style personality . It drives there women nuts at times.most of my mates are good listeners but they listen to help, not just to let other people get **** off there chests.
Anyone else encountered this in life
2 things
If you post such and such could have done better after a win you are a complaining whiney bastard. And a negative nelly that should be grateful
Thats one thing
If you here to talk footy and not necessarily to be a fan , there is more footy talk after a loss from all the suspects tbh,
And here is a freebie
Just general stuff, not answering you here eags 1
At the end of the day dans rules apply, and we have not heard from dan so whats the problem. There is one law,
While ryans idea doesnt float everyones boat he did it to consider other peoples feelings. Im just not sure if his have been considered by others. He hasnt demanded Dark mode, he suggested it as more of a compromise.
@Ryan has some moments as we all do but you did good mate. Your contribution is great, i dont always agree with your words or views but its footy related, passionate , well written and you are in a very tiny minority that can admit they are wrong and show humility
I would never even read this site if it was ti become some vanilla fan fest.