This has nothing to do with the Chambers incident but just want to highlight some issues I had with Security on Saturday night, they've been shambolic for a while.
We entered via the gates at the Northern end at around 4.15
I jokingly said to my daughter as we were walking down the hill that tonight would be easy to bring our own grog in as my backpack was stuffed with raincoats and ponchos and that there cursory feel
wouldn't uncover anything.
Well bugger me if when we got to the entrance and I was the next one to present my bag the guy just left his station for a moment to attend to something else and I walked straight in jokingly saying "damn I could've brought a six pack in.." loudly enough for the people behind me to hear and laugh, scanned my card and walked in.
Not one other staff member/security said or did anything - no checks and balances.
Went to the can bar and we got two each, my son said he wanted something to eat so not thinking we just walked towards the kiosk under the scoreboard on the family hill, no Security to stop us.
Got to the front of the line, ordered my sons food, put my beers on the counter to get my wallet out, no one said a word to me about having beers in there - I even commented to the supervisor that she was doing a good job as she was checking if the pies were hot enough yet.
It was only when were walking down to the concourse that I realised that I was in there with beers.
As we walked out the gate to go to the hill I jokingly said to the security guy that someone at the top of the hill wasn't doing their job as we had got in with beers and we kept walking.
We had gone about 15m when he chased us and said "hey, you can't go in there with beers",