Journey Man
Minutes playes: 42
Tackles: 21
Missed tackles: 7
Effective tackle completion rate: 67%
Team KPI for effective tackle completion rate: 90%
Hit-ups: 10
Metres gained: 89
Offloads: 1
If a Webcke, Ryles, Bailey type player posted those figures we'd say they had an absolutely ****house game.
Yet that is King's stats from last weekend, and we're all applauding him and saying "he's back"? :doh: :doh: :doh:
Tackles: 21
Missed tackles: 7
Effective tackle completion rate: 67%
Team KPI for effective tackle completion rate: 90%
Hit-ups: 10
Metres gained: 89
Offloads: 1
If a Webcke, Ryles, Bailey type player posted those figures we'd say they had an absolutely ****house game.
Yet that is King's stats from last weekend, and we're all applauding him and saying "he's back"? :doh: :doh: :doh: