I'd love to believe your rhetoric Bozo. I truly would. And you may well be right and maybe his aim is to wipe this season and concentrate on 2021, because 2020 seems a lost cause (hope I'm proven wrong though).
But if someone acted like this on the street, an average person so to speak, I'd say he would have gone into his shell, scared to make a mistake, anxious about the reputation he has developed and trying to play it safe until, in Des' case, he gets his star players back, hoping they will save the day, or in average man terms, protecting what you've got and not taking risks that may enhance your reputation, but may also send it down the toilet.
I sense Des is getting himself into an impasse. We all think he's a champion because he led a champion set of players to premierships. He doesn't have that luxury now, not yet at least, and he knows it and his reputation and pay packet are at risk. And don't kid yourself that loyalty comes into this. Its about his career
Now there's nothing abnormal about that. Famous people go through that self doubt far more frequently than the average person because they have so much more to live up to. That's why so many self destruct. Perhaps I'm wrong, but I think Des has lost his 2004-11 confidence. He wont get it back playing conservative. He needs to take reasonable risks and get that confidence back and act proactively, as he did in 2004-11. Hopefully he does. Champions are just as human as ordinary people with the same emotions and frailties.