Not sure what this deferral means and may be just to give De Bellin breathing space to build his case with his solicitor. I know there are many on this site who want to see those like De Bellin wiped from the game. I hope he proceeds, whether he is guilty or innocent, because the court needs to make judgement on this No Fault issue. Such comments preceded Stewart's case also. Thing is if he is guilty, he will still cop the penalty from both the court and the NRL. Same with Walker. Nothing lost. But to prejudge opens a can of worms for several reasons, not the least being the arbitrary right of people like Greenberg to make virtually unilateral decisions often inconsistently determined, that makes him an overlord and judge of even the smallest of perceived indiscretions. He's not a solicitor, his degree is in sports training. Beattie may have a law degree but firstly I assume that is in Queensland law that is slightly different and also though he has a law degree and was a solicitor, what specific law did he specialise in. There is corporate, constitutional, industrial, criminal, civil, bankruptcy, business, family etc just to name a few and solicitors specialise and often don't have a good working knowledge of other legal disciplines. Saying he is a solicitor is meaningless unless he identifies his specialty. If he is a criminal solicitor he should have some knowledge of this issue. But in other areas his knowledge would be only slightly better than the average person on the street.
This is not about protecting the guilty, it is about protecting the innocent, and if a person is deemed innocent, he must be judged by the community and the law in such manner. What we think is irrelevant, and its fortunate we don't have an ability to lynch a person before the facts fully come out. To seek to exile someone just because we think he is guilty or we don't like the colour of his underpants is emotive feeding frenzy. They will be punished if they are guilty, so lets let the court do its job. Introducing this No Fault exile needs to be stamped out.