Buhrer, Lawrence, Symonds, Taufua and Trbojevics commit to Club

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Well may we jest about the names we use (mine is at least correct), someone creating a user name that "appears" to be an important member of staff is not in the best spirit of Silvertails.....many journo's come here for valid information you know!!
TerryRandall said:
SeaEagleRock8 said:
Well spotted Mark.
But hang on a minute. How do we know you are really from Brisbane? I heard Moree.
Bob Dylan is another whom I suspect is fake.

Looks like the gig is up. Im not really Terry Randall either.

Well I can confirm to everyone that I am really Marcus and I am really Mad - Mad about people using fake names!
Ryan said:
Garts said:
The way some carry on you I am concerned you may commit self harm if some of these players end up leaving. What will I do if some leave? Go on living my life and tuning into watch Manly play each weekend. Nothing we can do about the situation, no amount of bitching, moaning and whinging on a forum will change that.

Then why bother having a website to discuss anything to begin with? Shut the place down then. Yeah, there is nothing we can do about it, but as fans we come here to discuss it and voice our pleasure or displeasure.

What screws this place is the inability to debate a topic (remember those days pre shutdown of mwse.com ) when we could without people making it personal.

It's fair to be upset about core players not wanting to pull on our jersey any longer. Any die hard fan would feel that, its only human nature.

And no, I dont think people would be gutted to see tje trouble makers like Foran leave. If he leaves (and really wants to) i think people will be relieved, because we could then move on, so the quicker this all plays out the better


It's the equivalent of saying dont take an interest and discuss/debate anything, for you have no impact on it by doing so.

Doesn't mean people can't discuss it. We're all different we all have our own opinions and what would life be like if you could only talk positively of things you directly affect.

This site was originally designed for supporters who wanted to speak their mind through robust debate without fear of belittling by the self labeled true supporters with rose colored nothings ever wrong glasses. By fans who wanted to call a **** sandwich when they see one and still be able to enjoy the brilliant things about the club. Not one or the other. It wasn't always negative and the guys were all top people and avid supporters. Now look at it. Little cliques getting around liking each other's posts and gang tackling all those seen non supportive, demanding it's a ****in safe haven from good honest talk, opinions and discussion on happenings in our club. It's become OOE.

Just let people have their opinions. We don't all agree and that's human nature at its finest. Debate back and when the game starts go arm in arm with support.

But for goodness sake since the mwse forum went down I've wanted to say this. Dont tell people to simply shut up because their views on things don't conform to your everything's peachy standards.

I can and others can say what the duck they like without anybody's approval. That's what made this site and you're all here so it must not have been that bad.
Who said i am not real, my avatar proves who I am.

And now I know what happened to the original @Commander he was a big phoney

I its time for @bones to drop the plural, he should now be @Bone
fLIP said:
Ryan said:
Garts said:
The way some carry on you I am concerned you may commit self harm if some of these players end up leaving. What will I do if some leave? Go on living my life and tuning into watch Manly play each weekend. Nothing we can do about the situation, no amount of bitching, moaning and whinging on a forum will change that.

Then why bother having a website to discuss anything to begin with? Shut the place down then. Yeah, there is nothing we can do about it, but as fans we come here to discuss it and voice our pleasure or displeasure.

What screws this place is the inability to debate a topic (remember those days pre shutdown of mwse.com ) when we could without people making it personal.

It's fair to be upset about core players not wanting to pull on our jersey any longer. Any die hard fan would feel that, its only human nature.

And no, I dont think people would be gutted to see tje trouble makers like Foran leave. If he leaves (and really wants to) i think people will be relieved, because we could then move on, so the quicker this all plays out the better


It's the equivalent of saying dont take an interest and discuss/debate anything, for you have no impact on it by doing so.

Doesn't mean people can't discuss it. We're all different we all have our own opinions and what would life be like if you could only talk positively of things you directly affect.

This site was originally designed for supporters who wanted to speak their mind through robust debate without fear of belittling by the self labeled true supporters with rose colored nothings ever wrong glasses. By fans who wanted to call a ... sandwich when they see one and still be able to enjoy the brilliant things about the club. Not one or the other. It wasn't always negative and the guys were all top people and avid supporters. Now look at it. Little cliques getting around liking each other's posts and gang tackling all those seen non supportive, demanding it's a ****in safe haven from good honest talk, opinions and discussion on happenings in our club. It's become OOE.

Just let people have their opinions. We don't all agree and that's human nature at its finest. Debate back and when the game starts go arm in arm with support.

But for goodness sake since the mwse forum went down I've wanted to say this. Dont tell people to simply shut up because their views on things don't conform to your everything's peachy standards.

I can and others can say what the duck they like without anybody's approval. That's what made this site and you're all here so it must not have been that bad.

Well that's telling us @fLIP

I don't have any issue with differing opinions, but what gets up my nose is the people who read the DT, think they are experts and come on here and say "Snake to the Raiders" etc etc.

I believe its fairer to say "I read in the DT that Snakes off to the Raiders, thoughts everyone"

You may think he is, I may think he's not, there's no need to belittle someone for having an opinion, its just that "an opinion".

That's about my only beef on here
fLIP said:
Ryan said:
Garts said:
The way some carry on you I am concerned you may commit self harm if some of these players end up leaving. What will I do if some leave? Go on living my life and tuning into watch Manly play each weekend. Nothing we can do about the situation, no amount of bitching, moaning and whinging on a forum will change that.

Then why bother having a website to discuss anything to begin with? Shut the place down then. Yeah, there is nothing we can do about it, but as fans we come here to discuss it and voice our pleasure or displeasure.

What screws this place is the inability to debate a topic (remember those days pre shutdown of mwse.com ) when we could without people making it personal.

It's fair to be upset about core players not wanting to pull on our jersey any longer. Any die hard fan would feel that, its only human nature.

And no, I dont think people would be gutted to see tje trouble makers like Foran leave. If he leaves (and really wants to) i think people will be relieved, because we could then move on, so the quicker this all plays out the better


It's the equivalent of saying dont take an interest and discuss/debate anything, for you have no impact on it by doing so.

Doesn't mean people can't discuss it. We're all different we all have our own opinions and what would life be like if you could only talk positively of things you directly affect.

This site was originally designed for supporters who wanted to speak their mind through robust debate without fear of belittling by the self labeled true supporters with rose colored nothings ever wrong glasses. By fans who wanted to call a ... sandwich when they see one and still be able to enjoy the brilliant things about the club. Not one or the other. It wasn't always negative and the guys were all top people and avid supporters. Now look at it. Little cliques getting around liking each other's posts and gang tackling all those seen non supportive, demanding it's a ****in safe haven from good honest talk, opinions and discussion on happenings in our club. It's become OOE.

Just let people have their opinions. We don't all agree and that's human nature at its finest. Debate back and when the game starts go arm in arm with support.

But for goodness sake since the mwse forum went down I've wanted to say this. Dont tell people to simply shut up because their views on things don't conform to your everything's peachy standards.

I can and others can say what the duck they like without anybody's approval. That's what made this site and you're all here so it must not have been that bad.

Nice one. I have no issue at all with debate or difference of opinions. I just put mine forward and was not rude etc about it and did not put down others for their view. But I will agree in hindsight that last sentence of mine didn't help in coming across that way. I guess I take the view that many are complaining about innuendo and uncertainty generated through articles in the paper that may or may not be true. We do not know the facts at this stage, or at least I think I do not know enough to form opinions on who is right or wrong in all of this so I'm not going to worry too much and what will be will be.
TerryRandall said:
SeaEagleRock8 said:
Mark from Brisbane said:
recruitment manager said:
hello everyone. my name is Dave Warwick the recruitment manager for the Sea Eagles.

If anyone thinks this is the REAL Dave Warwick, I think you have rocks in your head.

I am well aware of how the Sea Eagles do these things on social media and any comments from any staff have to be vetted by the management team.

This has to be a fake account, and as such I have reported it.

By the way "Dave" didn't tell us anything we didn't know from other sites like Zero Tackle, so good try whomever but didn't fool me for one minute!!
Well spotted Mark.
But hang on a minute. How do we know you are really from Brisbane? I heard Moree.
Bob Dylan is another whom I suspect is fake.

Looks like the gig is up. Im not really Terry Randall either.

well i am really Brookie...
You know its amazing how quickly we can be influenced by a comment made, especially suggesting that we have been duped. But have we? I see no evidence whatsoever for suggesting that the person Dave Warwick, on this site wasnt Dave Warwick.

Crazy thing is that I thought it was Warwick because he seemed to have inside information that no one on this forum has supplied. I asked several times about whether Gutherson was signed for next year. No one could say definitively. Some seemed to recall something said but not definite answers. This fellow said he was signed until the end of 2015. I have since researched further and found that that is in fact the truth. He gave a quite coherent explanation for Taylor's decision to leave. Not because of cash as most others have been saying but because 'he didnt want to play with Manly' as Harry was suggesting.

He then went through a list of players signed including kids who have yet to play SG Ball including the third Hopoate, John Jnr and gave when he is signed to. Remarkable inside knowledge if all he says is correct because no one on these forums has even mentioned many of these kids let alone when they are signed until. Now I dont know if all that information is factual and I dont know where to get that info. But no one has disputed that information.

I'm left with the belief that this person was Dave Warwick or someone who is pretty close to the workings in the club, because of the information supplied. The alternative view that it wasnt Warwick or someone close to the club has been made with no evidence supplied to justify that position.

If someone can correct me on these points, I'm open and willing to listen. I have no mortgage on the truth and certainly no access to what is happening within the club. But I would suggest that dismissing it out of hand is an naive as accepting it without evidence. At present as I see it from my limited knowledge of the club, the person who came onto this forum was ether Warwick or someone with inside info. Dont be scared to be misled if that is what has happened. Happens to us all and I'm quite comfortable with it. But I operate on where the best argument lies and it seems to lie with Warwick or someone close to the club, having supplied us the information
All available on the Internet , I could write that and fool you .

Bearfax I know how the Eagles work, from an insider, I worked for them closely . The stuff you couldn't do was an arm long, Dave Warwick would NOT be allowed to do this!!

You have been conned!!
Ryan said:
Garts said:
The way some carry on you I am concerned you may commit self harm if some of these players end up leaving. What will I do if some leave? Go on living my life and tuning into watch Manly play each weekend. Nothing we can do about the situation, no amount of bitching, moaning and whinging on a forum will change that.

Then why bother having a website to discuss anything to begin with? Shut the place down then. Yeah, there is nothing we can do about it, but as fans we come here to discuss it and voice our pleasure or displeasure.

What screws this place is the inability to debate a topic (remember those days pre shutdown of mwse.com ) when we could without people making it personal.

It's fair to be upset about core players not wanting to pull on our jersey any longer. Any die hard fan would feel that, its only human nature.

And no, I dont think people would be gutted to see tje trouble makers like Foran leave. If he leaves (and really wants to) i think people will be relieved, because we could then move on, so the quicker this all plays out the better

The problem is U don't allow others the right to their opinion.

At some point just agree to disagree. Not go on-and-on over the same argument (or "debate").

What you're actually complaining about is what you're doing.

How many times do U have to repeat yourself, before accepting some, or many, disagree with your view or perspective?

Of course some debate, even bit@hing is natural and to be expected.

U (apart from relentless pessimism and negativity) are the one right here "flogging a dead-horse" because I, or others, disagree with U.

I'm trying far harder to not say the same thing (or particular view and perspective) I have.

In fact (as I have said) I err on the side of positivity and "one-sided" Manly flag-waving because SO many of U bag, criticize and hate-on the team you're supposed to support. Some of Us have to do it!

Again, I go away from here wondering why so many of U bother with Manly if it makes U so damn miserable and frustrated. *If I were half as disgruntled as U @Ryan I'd simply go and pick a different hobby or enjoyable pursuit.

U, and many others, lay it on thick in a lot of Threads.

If U actually love or even care as much about Manly as it "appears" why is it so hard to be supportive; even occasionally? *Because the casual observer must surely feel there's anti-Manly factions here actually road-blocking "debate" due to being stuck on the same roundabout ad-nauseum.
RiverEagle said:
Ryan said:
Garts said:
The way some carry on you I am concerned you may commit self harm if some of these players end up leaving. What will I do if some leave? Go on living my life and tuning into watch Manly play each weekend. Nothing we can do about the situation, no amount of bitching, moaning and whinging on a forum will change that.

Then why bother having a website to discuss anything to begin with? Shut the place down then. Yeah, there is nothing we can do about it, but as fans we come here to discuss it and voice our pleasure or displeasure.

What screws this place is the inability to debate a topic (remember those days pre shutdown of mwse.com ) when we could without people making it personal.

It's fair to be upset about core players not wanting to pull on our jersey any longer. Any die hard fan would feel that, its only human nature.

And no, I dont think people would be gutted to see tje trouble makers like Foran leave. If he leaves (and really wants to) i think people will be relieved, because we could then move on, so the quicker this all plays out the better

The problem is U don't allow others the right to their opinion.

At some point just agree to disagree. Not go on-and-on over the same argument (or "debate").

What you're actually complaining about is what you're doing.

How many times do U have to repeat yourself, before accepting some, or many, disagree with your view or perspective?

Of course some debate, even biting is natural and to be expected.

U (apart from relentless pessimism and negativity) are the one right here "flogging a dead-horse" because I, or others, disagree with U.

I'm trying far harder to not say the same thing (or particular view and perspective) I have.

In face (as I have said) I err on the side of positivity and "one-sided" Manly flag-waving because SO many of U bag, criticize and hate-on the team you're supposed to support. Some of Us have to do it!

Again I go away from here wondering why so many of U bother with Manly if it makes U so damn miserable and frustrated. *If I were half as disgruntled as U @Ryan I'd simply go and pick a different hobby or enjoyable pursuit.

U, and many others, lay it on thick in a lot of Threads.

If U actually love or even care as much about Manly as it "appears" why is it so hard to be supportive; even occasionally? *Because the casual observer must surely feel there's anti-Manly factions here actually road-locking "debate" due to being stuck on the same roundabout ad nauseum.

Wow, exhibit "A"

Garts, my reply was to everyone mate, not you.
MadMarcus said:
Brookie said:
well i am really Brookie...

Do you get upset when people keep saying you need a facelift? Or when TG spouts his "big stadiums" policy?

i won't lie it does hurt a little...

sure i am old and need a facelift, but i have character!
Brookie said:
MadMarcus said:
Brookie said:
well i am really Brookie...

Do you get upset when people keep saying you need a facelift? Or when TG spouts his "big stadiums" policy?

i won't lie it does hurt a little...

sure i am old and need a facelift, but i have character!

And a filthy, smelly shiiter that needs a thorough cleaning and scenting.
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