SeaEagleRock8 said:
Wow a 'standing promise' - and from the same team that brought us "Honest John". Exciting.
This is an article from the SMH for all the true labour fans . God love you .lol
THE Gillard Government is now not simply the most incompetent in Australian history. It is also morally corrupt.
It isn't that the men and women who serve in it are themselves bad people.
In fact, within their government are honourable individuals - Resources Minister Martin Ferguson, for instance who I deeply respect.
And even this Government has its virtues: Prime Minister Julia Gillard is right on Afghanistan, Indigenous Affairs Minister Jenny Macklin sincere on Aboriginal welfare, Ageing Minister Mark Butler clever on aged care reform.
But in their frantic desperation to cling to power, Gillard and her ministers have collectively done bad things.
In their paranoia, they are malevolent. In their bruised pride, they are deadly. In their panic, they lie and they cheat, they deceive and they hide.
Even at their finest moments now, you smell the decay.
In February, Transport Minister Anthony Albanese moved Labor to tears when he pleaded for his brawling party to decide between Gillard and Kevin Rudd and then unite, nearly crying as he declared he wanted to focus on the real business: "I like fighting Tories. That's what I do."
Really? Is fighting "Tories" - fighting Liberals - what he's all about?
Not helping the helpless? Unleashing the talented? Handing tools to the work-hungry? Building this country?
How shrivelled a dream. And see what Labor feels licensed to do, when its only mission is fight to survive.
FIRST, Labor fights by lying and cheating. Gillard promised days before the last election that "there will be no carbon tax under a government I lead".
She deceived us.
Gillard promised independent MP Andrew Wilkie to bring in new poker machine reforms if he made her Prime Minister.
She deceived him.
(Labor) has been corrupted by its greed for power, and must go
SECOND, Labor fights by refusing to admit to even its deadliest mistakes.
Even Immigration Minister Chris Bowen acknowledges that 4 per cent of boat people drown trying to reach Australia - which means more than 600 have been lured to their deaths since Labor recklessly weakened our border laws in 2008.
Yet still it refuses to return to the policies which once worked. It would rather people died than confess it was wrong.
THIRD, it fights by conniving with the shady and seemingly immoral.
Gillard still expresses confidence in backbencher Craig Thomson, accused of having used the money of his then union members to pay for prostitutes, and refuses to ask him to explain himself.
She then signed up Liberal turncoat Peter Slipper as Speaker, despite knowing he faced serious questions about his lavish expenses and personal indiscipline.
More:Blog with Andrew Bolt
Even now, after fresh claims about Slipper's alleged rorting and sexual harassment of a staffer, Gillard won't rule out having him back in the Speaker's chair next month - and his vote in her pocket.
FOURTH, Labor fights by wickedly stirring up hatred.
I am not talking about mere abuse or even the politically motivated vilification of "greedy" miners such as philanthropist Andrew Forrest.
A deep red line was crossed this year when a Gillard staffer - almost certainly not acting alone - whipped up a mini race riot among Aboriginal protesters to embarrass Opposition Leader Tony Abbott on Australia Day.
FIFTH, Labor fights by insulting your intelligence with spin almost indistinguishable from a lie.
No, we are not headed for a "clean energy future". No, the "rest of the world" is not acting on global warming.
Nor has Gillard run out of money because the Howard-era "rivers of gold ... just don't exist", since she's raking in $100 billion a year extra now. No, she's run out of money because Labor's spent it all.
And, SIXTH, Labor fights by intimidating and silencing its critics.
Last week, another example, after Telstra boss David Thodey rightly noted the Coalition's broadband plan was cheaper and faster to roll out than Labor's $36 billion national network.
The payback was gangster-like, with Communications Minister Stephen Conroy falsely claiming: "(Telstra) have been making record profits, they have been holding Australia back, they have been charging Australians more than they should for an inferior service for years."
Worse, the Government in malevolent spite last year unleashed a media inquiry on the press -- and especially on News Ltd newspapers such as this one - to tackle what the Greens denounced as their "bias". A bias against the Left.
The result? Recommendations for tougher state-backed control of not just newspapers but almost every blog that covers politics and news.
Labor will threaten even your free speech, just to stay in office.
Most politicians get into the business to do good. But to cling to power, many are tempted to resort to evil, and this government has succumbed.
It has been corrupted by its greed for power, and must go.