The NRL released a statement saying the penalty is in line with new provisions of the incoming World Anti-Doping Code 2021, which has slashed penalties for cocaine use provided the athlete can establish it was used out of competition and was unrelated to sport performance.
“Having established that the ingestion of the cocaine was out-of-competition and not for performance enhancing purposes, Naden is sanctioned in accordance with new provisions of the incoming World Anti-Doping Code 2021 which permit a one-month period of ineligibility for qualifying athletes who also undertake an approved rehabilitation program,” the NRL said.
I'm confused. I thought he took the coke prior to the grand final, which is why Clear dropped him from the starting side. Now it appears the NRL has swallowed the fib that he only took cocaine once the GF was over. Year, sure! His habit only started out of competition.
So, why did Cleary drop him? It was certainly not because of form.