[Resurrected] Best Ever Manly juniors ??

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Reserve Grader
I was only young when he was finishing his career but Randall was brutal. My first memory of Manly was the 82 grand final so Randall, Alan Thompson, Krilich and Phil Blake ( was he 82 or 83, can't remember) will always be some of my fave Locals.

But it's really hard to go past Beeeeaaaverrr. He's my number 1 just ahead of Tooves.

What a pity Turbo has unfortunately been teflon so far, otherwise he'd easily pop up in this convo down the line...


Grizzly old fart
There was nothing honorable at the time for raiding the heart and soul of clubs
It was Al Capone stuff and it was against the spirit of the game
But Arko was determined to make Manly Great and to win premierships and only cared about the Manly spirit and this is Why I Love him most :h:

Many losers inherit honey and they go bankrupt for life
but only the Winners bounce back and build another fortune
Only Winner bounce back become Great Leaders and Trump did not need his Daddy to hold his hand and become President of the most powerful Nation in the world

Terry Randall was the epitome of Resilience and the Steel of Manlys premiership winning packs
For a Battle scarred 4 time Premiership winning warrior he is still a very good looking bloke . I had the great honor of meeting him a couple times at Manly Functions and he is a mans man and a good guy .
What was he like at school ?

I agree Bozo. I didn't say Arthurson wasn't ruthless but raiding another club for players is normal practise in business. People are offered opportunities for example, in different countries, and take up the offer, maybe to the detriment of the native land. But that is to the benefit of both parties, the buyer and the bought. In business, competition for material and people is normal practice.

Arthurson was making good business decisions, just as those running the Storm and Roosters clubs are doing today. His loyalty is to the club and the players. Trump doesn't think that way. Someone with a sociopathic disorder has no loyalty but to themselves. They lack empathy. People are merely pawns in their desire to satisfy their own needs. They ingratiate, deceive, put on a good show in order to gain support for their own aims. They drop them like fallen pawns in a chess game when their value is gone. Its all about personal power and control. Its all about them. Arthurson wasn't like that. Ruthless yes, but he did it not just for him but for the club through his actions. Trump does it to enhance Trump and uses rhetoric to manipulate. His actions though are not for his country but for himself and his belief in his own rightness. He's the ultimate example of a bad used car salesman.

I say these things of him and have felt it since I first saw him on the Apprentice. He has so many of the characteristics I recognise in certain people I knew in power positions in my career, Unlike Arthurson he is someone you dont want leading your business or country. His examples in business show how inept and self seeking he is.

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