Full NRL statement here - http://www.nrl.com/nrl-statement-regarding-benji-marshall/tabid/10874/newsid/61606/default.aspx
But the interesting paragraph -
\"In the case of matters where the NRL finds a player’s behaviour has breached the NRL or the club’s code of conduct prior to him being charged, particularly in relation to alcohol abuse, the NRL reserves the right to act in regard to those matters that are not subject to dispute in the court. In the Brett Stewart case, the NRL publicly stated that it was suspending the player over conduct earlier in the evening and that it made no judgment in relation to the charge which was later to result in a ‘not guilty’ verdict.  The jury made no finding in relation to events other than the sexual assault allegations.\"
So they are saying Benji only did the assault not any other poor behaviour and wasn't pissed, so let the assault charges go through court with no other penalty.
But with Brett, he was suspended for his behaviour prior to him going home, and not the charges he had laid against him.
At least they are trying to cover their arse here, as poorly as it is.