Yeah mate, the Cowboys are SO great

Good for you. They are SO much better in quality than us, so why SHOULDN'T we get their cast-offs?
What a great farking mindset.
What's become of our fanbase, honestly?
It's like people have completely given up hope for something better here, they've lowered their expectations and benchmarks to the gutter and are willing to accept anything. FMD. We need to rethink what's positive and negative on this site.
For example, wanting Des gone and wanting change isn't negative because you're complaining about Des. It's actually positive, because those people want CHANGE. But you people just don't get it. FMD.
According to you, I'm negative & should take a break because I believe our recruitment / retention need to be better, and more focused (filling the gaps / holes). That'll de me, one of your best
@Top End Eagle hahahahaha